The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast

Swamp Siesta - Episode 117

The Madness Table Season 1 Episode 117

Having narrowly survived the wrath of the River King, the party collects themselves and meets with their new goblin allies. The situation seems dire but one thing is certain; The River King's reign must be stopped!

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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin

Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real

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are you ready to step into a world of fantasy and magic and the slow horror of turning Insanity with the madness table because that's what you're watching right now and if you think it's pretty neat maybe you should subscribe to us on a podcast format um we're available on the all the major pod catchers um and if you think it's again double needo you can slide on down spread the word to your friends um except for Jerry you know what you did yeah Jerry everyone else you know drop us a like a review tell a friend um if you're really inspired please drop by our coffee page drop us a coin um you can hit us on all the major social media platforms especially uh will and I are burning it up on the ticks and the talks having a great old Millennial on Tik Tok time um and if you're ever wondering why oh why did they do that um hop on to our Discord we're always taking questions for our bonus actions where we answer all questions that are asked and we are legally required to do so um you can also send us questions for that by hitting us up at the madness table but my friends buckle up because it's going to be a bumpy ride and driving this bus is Mr will[Laughter] Johnston so good so good thank you no that was good that's exactly what I needed to jog my memory of where we were at um which I believe it was uh Andrew's sorcerer had just um destroyed Eon uh samilla had just gone back to bigden Stone to declare her undying love for Jimmy and then Brendan your Bard had just seduced mistra and you told her that you wanted to be called daddy magic now yeah and no cut to Black during this sex scene we're playing out the whole[ __ ] thing absolutely because we are the madness table and that's what we do give what they want it is not what we do I want to be totally clear I am so sorry Wendy Wendy I'm so sorry Mrs Conlin sorry don't be sorry Wendy Wendy I put you in this campaign okay you stick with us from now on you're in this forever um no so in actuality uh you guys got to meet the terrifying figure that was the river King last episode um it's horrifying common combined Vis of leech and crocodile um being of absolutely massive size and killing a number of these goblins dressed in these Reed and ghilly suit uh like attire to that came to protect you you and kind of uh pull you away from potentially being consumed and in the midst of this both um Artemis Vlad and Sila had all gone down but you are now revived and in the arms of these goblins who told you to wait until the river King was gone and now that such has been done their kind of like last words to you were stay out of the water but we have a couple cool things to talk about which was you guys all leveled up so let's talk about the juicy goody bits here who wants to go first I'll go I got more Marshall Maneuvers hell yeah and that's it that's that's enough but you went you went fighter level you didn't go another level Barbarian f I'll tell you why second level Barbarian doesn't really give me much I don't already have I already have a pretty high AC and I'd have to like stop wearing armor and like like I could have got the Reckless but yeah I was going to say you're going to give up that advantage on attacks you have a high AC you just set it so you give me Advantage I'm probably not I already usually hit yeah has Sila ever had any difficulty hitting the thing like I like Advantage is great for like more chance on crits but I don't know I just I was like if I go fighter I'll get a feat next next level up sure sure hey you do you I'm fine with only one person dishing out like 45 points of consecutive damage every hit with star CER so you know oh look it's all right you you do a standard like 20 points every hit and I can't hit you back unless it's psychologically so I would I can also go for hours and starer doesn't have stamina I get everything I magical stamina done done very quickly okay this this is getting real tense and I'm not comfortable anymore good you wanted red I don't like it when the fighter and the Paladin fight does this mean I get two Christmases yeah who's taking Cel first Silla yeah uh you want to tell us what this new battle maneuver is or you want to leave that for a surprise I'm GNA leave it I'm GNA leave it okay all right fine whatever let's roll for your hit dice oh yeah d10 right yes okay all right I got a seven I got a 10 let's go oo start starting off well so far let's hope hope it holds out for two others not who wants to go next uh I can go I can go I'm I'm pretty quick as well um but mine is pretty spicy at it um I have reached the level where I finally get the AA of protection as a paladin um so anytime these Charle heads are within 10 feet of me they get a plus five to all saving throws that's great crazy back out you have to turn that on nope it's just it is just my literally it is my vibe he doesn't he doesn't have to turn anything on it's just his RZ his RZ is that good RZ turns it on for him yeah if you guys saw the uh the Youtube intro where I was talking about Millennials on Tik Tok this is the kind of content you could be getting yeah that all right we got uh oh did you pick up any new spells did you go up a spell slot or anything I do not I don't believe I went up a spell SL let me see if I added any just anything new and exciting I I was able to I was I I think I have another spell prepared but I don't have any because palad I switched swap lot on The Daily um as I I I contemplate my works but I believe I one more prepare than I usually I had before which is definitely a dune a little more versatile all right all right what's uh it's also a d10 for you yep[Music] okay I rolled an eight I rolled a two all right d eight Eight's Eight's great eight great Eight's great 11 eight all right our squishy wizard boy okay so I uh I get another fourth level spell slot so I am up to a total of two now I'm going to end the campaign so fast now uh I took a couple additional spells uhhuh uh and I did not take a feat I bumped my dexterity score by two for the nice little AC bonus wow I hate it so much such a choice so now you can hit me so easy a little bit harder okay all right you want to you want to drop those hot spells on us that you clearly chose ahead of time uh I don't you [ __ ] come at me on recording I know where you live you piece of [ __ ] you do you do you all do I took uh I took Misty step and uh I took dispel Magic the W get two get out of jail card get out of jail free cards nice yeah you guys you guys have relentlessly roasted me about how terrible I am at protecting myself uh and it's entirely valid yeah so I'm working to remedy it just flashing back to what was it the four rounds of death rolls that you yeah that I could have gotten out of uh on bonus action yeah I had a little bit more foresight but here we are here we are I did get one more thing um I don't like I don't like how you saved it till now yeah your turn over it's not that great it's not that I feel like you're undermining me now it's I got to give the listener something good after that she f with um it's called know your enemy if you spend at least one minute observing or interacting with another creature outside of combat you can learn certain information about its capabilities compared to your own which like it's pretty cool it's like yeah you can learn their like their um ability scores their Armor class their hit points and their class level my thought instantly with that is this is going to be an ability that you either totally forget about or you are going to just be spamming the [ __ ] out of like I a minute tell me about them now I study the Goblin King yeah right tell me yeah I mean hey that's what it's there for so all right well you guys are split up on hey hey HP[ __ ] oh yeah my bad that was my fault God damn it Sam my fault let me have my the wizard doesn't need HP I level up for one thing godamn it and it's the three hit points you roll the three I rolled a four I roll four so we got to roll again we got to roll again roll yeah one has to come out higher here I rolled a one I rolled a six [ __ ] yes thank goodness damn you D6 you're supposed to do that when I hurt them don't thank me I don't even know you I'm going to get milk someone's projecting oh my God my dad died he didn't leave I know I remind you often God we have not started the game nope okay remind me to to tell you guys something after we finish this recording oh great is it that dad's dead is traumatic I don't really know uh welcome to trauma bonding with the madness table get more of this on our Discord we have therapy sessions Thursdays and Fridays oh my god oh Jesus I brought this on myself too I saying when I I've never felt so close to you said dad never stop rule of rule of three we can start it's[Laughter] fine I'm so red and I'm tearing up oh my God enjoy everybody on YouTube and in in the audio this is good this is what you're here for this episode's going behind a pay wall for sure we we cut none of this our listeners need to know who we truly are absolutely not H all right so sael Sila and vasana all sit under this large bowed swamp tree swamp tree it's a like a dead Willow Tree um swamp tree a smart why are we so Punchy I don't know what's happening you're you're under this dead Willow enshrouded in these Reeds and Cattails and Tall Grass and there are these two goblinoids in these ghilly suits surrounding you and to the north we have Artemis and Vlad Vlad has just been cut free of this net emis you have just been revived um and there's two of these goblins sitting over you as well um we there was two others that had kind of jogged forward to um to distract the river King while they pulled Sila unconscious Sila back um with you all that were consumed by leeches and as the river King has left and you guys waited about 15 minutes or so um by advice Of the Goblins you can see those leeches have slowly come off those two bodies on that Shor line and it's basically just skeletons with shreds of meat and um almost like dried skin um as they were first um oh gosh what's that that beautiful word for when you like it's not a beautiful word but you know what I mean the the specific in sanguinated sanguinated yeah yeah yeah sanguinated yeah um so youve all been told essentially by these goblins don't go into the water what do you guys do or say in this moment with these goblins around you uh over on North Slope um just what what was that thing that was the river King a true monstrosity born of some kind of Twisted Magic that have borne from the lake just beyond the swamp so it is not even from here per se it is a beast from elsewhere it's but but where um and while he he does listen to the Goblins um kind of like response um he's going to put a hand into the the not into the water but like just into like the muck of the earth there and I'm going to use a Divine scent um just to get an idea if um the perhaps the river king or any part of his Entourage hits any of my um you know Celestial fiend Undead Vibes gotcha um that's a radius of 60 feet or is that farther uh it is 60 feet okay uh you don't feel anything in 60 ft that pinpoints to some kind of uh the river king or or any other creature but I will say that there's like I almost want to say you pick up like traces lingering traces and if you focus on it a little bit more you can tell that there's some of these like warped fiend touched leeches that are starting to move to the Northeast um just on the edges of your of your Divine sense but that's it has has this creature always haunted this area uh the the other Goblin beside you uh speaks of Engish not always they there have always been Crocs infesting the swamps but nothing like this this has begun perhaps what and he holds up his fingers one two maybe maybe 3 weeks ago there was there was Spartans of a large crocodile roaming in the waters and when we tried to hunt it we found ourselves being consumed by the parasite within it as well and so we have just now been trying to survive a a village has been consumed by the lizard folk that now call him the river King ah this is not good I I fear the taint that we are hunting has already spread to these parts vad this is bad news V are you are you conscious you uh Vlad is like barely conscious but he goes yes I'm I am awake andw um and you can see he kind of shrinks back into his humanoid form where are the where are the others oh uh I believe they are still across the lake um sael propelled me here um did not go as planned I'll tell you that much yeah you really dropped the ball on that one I will come over there Skinny It's you guys start yelling at each other like that video of what's your name what's your name um Vlad looks you uh Artemis and goes no I don't think anything went the way it was supposed to Sil it was going to attack me or did she uh no so um thankfully I was able to stop her from attacking you so you can yes you can thank me for that um I however did not stop her from attacking me um uh one of the Goblins like holds up their finger to be like well actually and then it just looks at you emis and like never mind um blad's like thank you I appreciate I'm why why did she turn on us I I I believe I've seen it like before when when Madness touches a person sometimes something inside them breaks just just for a time I was hoping to subdue her but I um did not count on her rather remarkable um strength I will not be caught so unawares again it do has this happened before or often with her um I wouldn't say she is more susceptible than many but the evil we hunt Vlad when you look it in its eye it can change you it can warp and consume you it can make you question everything thing you have ever known or believed oh okay thank thank you for that I guess the only thing you can do is be aware be ready and stay close Vlad just nods at you like okay yes absolutely uh and now I will turn to the Goblins um so yeah I'm I I I'm definitely not going in the water but um how do we get over there to the rest of the the group well uh we do have to do a little bit in the water but well we'll have to get the extras left behind by the others and perhaps fetch you all Samoa um but they one of them Retreats into the bushes and comes back and it looks like he's holding like two long poles of a sort and then he like hoists them up and you can see that they're large stilts and they are covered in some kind of like reads but there's like little notches and you see the other Goblin climb up and kind of like strap themselves in and then uh the one that's still in the ground goes and fetches another one brings it back and sets it at your feet Artemis and then goes back and and gets uh their own and together they kind of like they the two goblins get up and they look at you like are you comfortable walk in in stilts it's a little bit easier when we're in the water as it supports you well this is my first time but I have no doubt I will handle it okay um so they're going to give you a boost up um these are 10 foot tall stilts so um when you get into like the deeper parts of the the river here you will like with the length of the strides that you could take you would kind of be doing like have any of you guys ever done um what they call Moon walking underwater where you like take a large stone that can sink you you go down to the bottom and then you kind of like Moon uh picture that but like with the stilts like you'll kind of try to jump a little bit with the stilts over the deepest section so you don't go under um but otherwise you will be able to stay at the very um lowest up to your necks in these tall Waters but the the Goblins kind of instruct you aremis like we try to keep to the edges and find shallower areas to cross the smaller we can make ourselves seem in these FedEd Waters the less likely the Crocs or the river King will notice us and come hunting ah very well then thank you and AR will try to forward his way across um to the other little iset okay um the the Goblins kind of show you if you want to make it a little bit easier for yourself they cross to the South uh West here kind of showing you this shallower path MH and I'll just kind of draw it here for everybody to see like they go like this so they go to the southeast and then or Southwest and then they start crossing over to the East and while that's happening island hopping essentially um Sila safel and vasana you have these two other goblins um with you what are you guys doing yeah I think Sila um she's been kind of like Dazed laying uh on this island because she was basically um I I was uh healed by vasana with I think mhm uh and then I was I think I gave you a potion oh that's right no I mean the no to get out of the insanity oh yeah yes yes yeah you were restored oh no we knocked you unconscious yeah she hit you with a mind Spike to knock you out that's what it was yeah thank you yeah uh so she um and then she woke on the ground thanks to seel and it was like it's been like what six seconds or something yeah not not very long at all we we watched yeah yeah yeah I think she's um she's laying on the ground and she's like Dazed and trying to figure out what's going on and feeling like crap and then um I I was fighting Deon Deon is here and then she's going to like try and like get up no no he's not he's not sael he's in the water you were fighting us I would not and the Hydra and we've we've we've been down this road before Sila you know what so vivid seel I know you were not yourself deeon is not here something is though uh I think she's going to like she's like looking at you and like believing what you're saying and looking around where are the others timus and hopefully Vlad are across the water I I think we can step out now and he's going to sort of lead the way out of the bushes back onto the the main area I was fighting the Hydra you were fighting the Hydra you were fighting emus you were fighting the Earth ele Artemus you were kind of hitting whatever was close by it was so vivid I have to make sure emis is all right if I hit him uh I'm gonna Sil is going to go to the edge of the lake and see if she can or the edge of the island and see what she can see uh I would say as you guys kind of come out of the bushes and stuff like that you can actually see Artemis and these other goblins starting to forward their way across the shallows now and uh sael you see Vlad very slowly flying over to to land on the island I would say he's okay and he's joined the circus I do not understand what they are doing it's actually quite smart will go to the side to to welcome them the two goblins that were with you sael Vasan and Sila um like you're you're kind of curious what happens and they're like it is how we Traverse the waters without the river King finding us um but Artemis it's pretty easy to get down from these stilts uh if you wish to be smaller with everybody again yeah once once I reach the other side I will kind of like do a quick shimmy down um the hles and and uh place them like kind of back into the reads where like where the Goblins had as the Goblins had store them before um I think yeah I think Sila is standing like 10 feet away looking ashamed at Star caller but not approaching is star caller still very damaged oh yeah yeah not not his best well metell see you oh you actually may be the least scar Among Us well done not without my bruises but it helps to not be the one in the front of the battering how are you feeling well thanks to our new friends here quite quite well quite well my compliments Drusilla you do not just talk a big game I was not in my right mind starer I I had thought you were Deon I I'm it is not it is not one of my proudest moments to to hurt one on my side it's is fine sometimes pain is necessary or at least cannot be avoided I would allow you to hit me in return if you would like I do not wish to if opportunity it might be kind of funny I do not think it would be humorous on my end but I would allow it no we have bigger fish to fry here it seems the taint that we seek has already reached these parts that creature is not of this world may I ask I I have an A searing pain in my mind how did you bring me back that was our friend vasana indeed uh she kind of sheepishly steps forward and she she says to you s she's like I was going to apolog I olizee for that um you were on sort of a rampage and I did the only thing I felt was necessary and I am happy to heal you again I do apologize it's not something I would have done you did what you had to and it was clearly a success I do not like that I lost control in such a manner and I worry that it would happen again should we move further it was so real well perhaps uh we can look into certain measures we can take to um prevent that or or or help you sooner in not such a way that we have to knock you unconscious perhaps would be ideal it it was the plan to um put starer in front of you and have him deal with it the way that he has in the past I I underestimated how quickly you would receive him and for that emis I apologize it was a worthy Gambit friend they not on it are we I I guess are we moving forward is the we cannot leave the river King in this community I do not if it is harming others in such a manner it does not sit well with me this is Extreme danger no and the make of that creature is far too coincidental to the things that we have been facing thus far I had that thought as well I can I cannot say definitively that it is cut from exactly the same cloth but it does carry the scent of the fiend with it there's something unnatural about that reptile I worry what this means we thought we had more time but if if these things happen to be connected that means our struggle is already making its way to the surface indeed I I agree with with both of you and um we cannot just leave it here we must at least learn more and if we can Cleanse This rot I will however say that we cannot meet this creature on its home turf s fights well in the water the rest of us do not it is too great a disadvantage not without the game heavily stacked on our side we should collect ourselves collect information these goblins they seem to have intimate knowledge of the creature indeed they they told me earlier that um Disciples of this River King uh lizard folk um have come when it arrived um rather recently only you less than a moon cycle ago and they have raised The Villages and push them to the margins but um perhaps they are are well armed to strike right think we would be well suited to seek their counsel is it possible that we could reclaim one of their Villages all right hey them there you guys um where's the nearest Village that you know was taken from you uh well that would be towards the heart of the blood Mower and that would be and he holds up it's that same one that had a hard time counting before two and uh Goblin one of the Goblins uh that was with Sila safel and vasana before comes forward and goes voget just stop it it's it's about 5 miles to the north from here it's a little it's a little bit hard of a track now that we can't just take the walers uh but it's possible we we did in fact however come looking for one of the children in our small camp Oh emus ah yes we have encountered the youth um but a moment uh and armus will will grab his stilts um and you through the shallow Waters um I Island hop back to um where the the wi Goblin is yeah you find that tree that you had hidden them in and you managed to pull back all sorts of barriers and the illusions that you had in their way and you find them there still sleeping excellent um yeah I'll kind of like make kind of a sling out of my Satchel um prop him in it and then um make my way back um with him toe uh can you make me an Athletics check or acrobatics as you make your way back oh I would love to uh I'm going to go ahead and go with Acro no I'm going to go with Athletics oh okay I'm stronger than I used to be not that strong though sorry little guy that's yeah it's a five okay uh it really just takes you longer you weren't you're still not fully accustomed to taking uh or using these stilts and with the uh slightly added weight of this child on your back you find yourself kind of sticking into the mug mud a little bit so it takes you a little bit longer but you do make it back um to which all the Goblins kind of like quickly gather around and check on them and one of them turns to you and goes um I am I am get and this is points to the child this is pig mud they are the son of rot mud and quillin they are impromptu leaders at the morning moment sorry sometimes I mix up my words I'm sure they will have more that they could tell you at a small camp a little ways to the east if you would care to join us otherwise we can try to answer your questions as best we can and leave you no I a camp might be good indeed before we Mount any sort of further ACC connaissance or attack a arrest would be most welcome very well um and some of the others that were still down on the ground try uh eventually bring bring you all stilts so that you can walk for those of you that uh require it or want it Sila are you going to take them up on the stilts or are you going to kind of refuse that and swim they hand her the stils and she's like I will not be doing that but your your presence in the water could alert the river King again you will not be able to convince me that my presence on wooden sticks would be less conspicuous than my ability to stealthily swim Which is my home territory they look at your your gills and your fins and your menacing demeanor and they're like very well um but they they get you all situated and I would love uh safel now to make an Athletics or acrobatics check um as you begin getting used to this uh these stilts I'm going to roll one for can I help him how I think Sila is like when you when you teach a kid to ride a bike and you like help them onto the you hold them and like move them while they're trying to walk and then if he starts to fall I'll catch him I'm going to let go yeah so you're you're swimming in the water and you're just holding on to one's stick just being tugged forward and back as he walks forward to help so I'm going to roll with disadvantage yeah right I I'll say you know what Sila roll me Athletics let's see if this adds uh the bonus to it okay I got a 12 okay that's enough okay so you have Advantage Soo oh thank God oh that's so much better I rolled an eight and then a 19 so that's 23 acrobatics great you all are able to pick up pretty quickly on these these goblins who are leading the way um as you move to the East and you guys pick up relatively quickly I it probably strikes you all even as you're moving through this dense vegetative area and this fog that still kind of surrounds everything how much easier it is to navigate than the underd dark in a in a in a manner of speaking where Sila is fully at home to move about and the two you can see far further ahead even in the fog than you could in the tunnels most of the time or you know not really having any idea what could pop out at you next but you travel for about 45 minutes to an hour till you all kind of come upon a slightly larger um almost Crescent shaped island and you see nothing at first until until um a number of like reads just all of a sudden seem to be picked up and moved and you see that they were stitched to panels of like makeshift walls and as they are moved show this very small camp of about eight goblins um including not including the five that are with you all and as you are brought in um Pig mud quickly scrambles down off of one of the uh other goblins that you were walking with and runs forward and you see these two goblins run from the center of the camp everybody that's here isn't wearing ghillie suits or at least not full ones um and you can see that they're crying and they're hugging as everybody kind of gets down from the sil uh the stilts and are shown into this Camp you see that there's one fire that's burning very very low um and it's probably getting close to midm morning about this time uh because you guys got up before at the cadon um and these two individuals uh you can see one Bears feminine traits one more male but they're also all wearing like masks of mud as well and you can see those that came with you take off their large like masks and they are also covered in mud as well just constantly com camouflaging ing themselves but the masculine presenting one kind of walks up to you and goes I am rud this is my partner quillson thank you for retrieving our child who are you it's our pleasure we uh came across young Pig mud um when we were accidentally deposited um in this swamp um I am timus star caller Sworn Sword of King Bal lord of the kingdom of Ember I am the lon of the deep the Sion of Dawn's Edge the hammer of demons and the end of the long night vasana leans over to Sila and is like he does he do that a lot it keeps getting longer and my sworn allies Drew Silla of the deep lake and the maguer himself lord safel of the fallen stars I did not know you were Lord safel the title is Warden but Lord works just as well I think they are synonyms yes oh you're so cute star caller go ahead and roll me an intimidation ch check oh yeah and now I can roll well 23 um you make this this Grand show of your titles and then your compatriots and uh rot mud quills in and everybody else that's here is just kind of an awe and they all kind of take a step back and um get G steps forward and goes they were fought in the hot hro before and they managed to kill before the river King CA came and uh there's kind of like this low gasp and murmuring amongst everybody kind of watching you um and rot mud comes for and goes but you manag to survive how yes it was a n thing and your warriors here aided us greatly um we have faced the ilk of the river King before not themselves exactly but they have kin that dwell beneath the surface that we have done battle with some more successfully than others we seek to Aid you in whatever way we can to rid you of this Beast this burden oh well that would be greatly appreciated we were in fact discussing many of our options before my son decided to run off and you can see he's got like his hands on Pig mud's shoulders and pig mud looks all of a sudden very um ashamed uh at their actions but then quickly looks up to the group of you and goes we don't want to R run but my family thinks it's perhaps for the best I was hoping to seek help and um rot mud kind of hushes him like those are not options we are considering we don't know where they are or if they would dare communicate with the likes of us I'm sorry for my my child's outbursts well please s rud if you know of other help that we may contact it would be well to make it known uh in rot mud looks at uh quillson and they they have this shared thought and quilen looks back at the group of you and goes there are um well one is a rumor another we know of there is a giant like figure that hunts these swamps much like ourselves we thought perhaps their size could help us to Endeavor to put down the river king or to help us in taking back our home in any of those that might have survived the other well the two others really one is a dark figure that we only see when the storms run strong through these Waters in these aisles but they always carry an air of death about them and the last one which we are not sure if it is an option anymore that would have been the lord of the swamp Delville the black dragon but we have not seen them for a while or felt their presence black dragon you didn't know if he was an option anymore even if you knew his you know if you weren't saying that purely because you haven't seen them were they an option in the first place did you have a relationship they were the last resort we have shrouded our Villages as best we can from his peons the lizard folks but they seem to worship the river King now which is why we question his presence anymore he has demanded tributes in the past to which we had tried but his demands grew worse so we have tried to hide ourselves as best as possible h did he demand tributes or was it the lizard folk he did through the lizard folk we do know that he exists or or lived here as he would sometimes soar over the trees the great rushes of his wings could be heard for Miles Away H but we have not seen them in perhaps a couple of weeks sounds like a chance of a power struggle indeed that that may well serve us and no matter how powerful this dark Hunter is a black dragon is rarely an underdog in a scuffle and a spurn black dragon is even more useful if not volatile yes if this Dragon was a uh a Bane on their Community asking for sacrifices and we should bring it back I worry we would be trading one evil for another you're not wrong but we've had this conversation and not saying a definitive answer but at what point are people not capable of fighting monsters anymore I feel like AR Miss just like leans out from behind sael and makes eye contact with Sila and I'm not suggesting that we need to out the location of the goblin villagers we could simply come form a relationship of our own and try to keep the populace as hidden as they are now yes um I mean we've already uh seen of perhaps it was a dream um but I feel like some goblins got totally annihilated just by like the breath of leeches before I that might have been an unconscious fever dream but I would like to keep the Goblins out of this fight if we can this thing whatever it is is beyond normal interventions now if we do utilize the power of a dragon we should come on our own behalf but it is a powerful tool that is if if we could even locate the Beast yes I believe that our only choice will be the one which we find First indeed so sir R sir R Sterling Sion of this great Enclave of goblin kin are you where are these three protectors um well Delk view was to the Northeast East towards the heart of the swamp where the greatest Rivers converged upon a small aisle with a large cave and ruins built upon it the hunter we believe is to the west and whatever the shrouded figure may be is to the South the hunter we know lives closest to the outskirts of the swamps near the old Plains they enjoy the thrill of the hunt and eat all they catch the shrouded one we have kept away from for just as much as the Dragon for the Air does not sit right about them to us all right well which one of these messed up Terrors do you want to recruit I don't know Hunter seems kind of lame uh I I do not wish to the sunlight bothers me here in the swamp it is not as direct but should we go to the plains where the hunter is I'm afraid I will not be as helpful indeed and what's the use of fell I'm not excited to deal with terrifying creatures I think we need to begin exploring more powerful options I don't say that stance just to lean in the most chaotic Direction but we have tried our hand at fighting a lot of these things ourselves and we have either incurred heavy losses or lost entirely I'm willing to try an upt ante d fair then it is my thought as well Dil the black will make a fine Ally and perhaps an even finer prize we'll end there I was really hoping that was a really good endline yeah it was

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