The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast
Roll for sanity, and take your seat at The Madness Table; a DND 5e actual play podcast. Join four friends in this story first, rules second campaign of chaos, as they explore the darkest and deadliest elements the Forgotten Realms have to offer.
Reviews for this module, Out of the Abyss written by Wizards of the Coast, state "experienced DM required" and "survive or die". It also boasts interesting mechanics and optional rule sets not seen in most DnD 5e games such as the Sanity Ability Score.
Dungeon Master: William Johnston
Players: Andrew Walker, Brendan Proal, Sam Conklin
Episodes release weekly on Wednesdays! For show inquiries, please email themadnesstable@gmail.com. You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @TheMadnessTable.
The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast
Bonus Action! Blingdenstone #1 Episodes 81-95 Q&A
Join us as we talk Q&A for episodes 81-95, the first half of our Blingdenstone arc! If you would like to submit questions for us to answer during future Bonus Action segments, email us at TheMadnessTable[at]gmail.com or shoot us a DM over on Discord, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!
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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.
Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Hestor: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin
Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real
Find us on social! https://linktr.ee/TheMadnessTable
or on our our website: https://themadnesstable.buzzsprout.com
hey gang so here at the madness table we are Beyond excited to be sponsored by homie and the dude as they promote their Kickstarter project the wandering Tavern now you're probably wondering what is that well the wandering Tavern is a system agnostic floating ttrpg setting with optional DND 5e stats included it's packed full of plot hooks Mysteries threats and everything you need for a campaign however if you already have an established world or setting you can perfectly fit this in for your players to visit take a load off and delve into a whole new sort of Adventure you get to explore this immense soaring City full of Battle maps that details every nook and cranny you get to delve deep into the devious underbelly of the tavern while getting to know its wide range of unique NPC patrons and staff and while there are many dark Mysteries and entangled truths that are yours to unlock and while you're traversing this vast Metropolis use remarkable magic items to protect yourselves from the Twisted Spirits stalking the Halls however if you have to escape you can glide through Uncharted skies on never-before seen zephs constructed from a plethora of brand new parts in stations now Kickstarter backers of the wandering Tavern will also receive a free subscription to their ship Builder web page application now this Builder allows you to create dream airships of your choosing where you can mix and match over 200 Parts 200 parts and stations with even more on the way for Endless combinations and once you're done it then provides a full custom Airship DND 5e compatible stat block can't get any better than that truly Gang This is a wonderful audition and we've had the pleasure of perusing some of their sample materials and some of our favorites include uh featured real recipes from the one ing Tavern made by a real outstanding chef and you get to make those for your friends and family to feel just even a little more immersed in the settings of the TBL now that ship Builder is no joke it's incredibly hardcore with so many choices and really fine details uh the battle maps uh are extensive it's not a joke and they cover every layer of the tavern and those layers even come with great backstories as to how they were constructed what happens there who stays there and you don't always get all that wonderful flavor text um but that will surely help you as a DM running this story for your players they even have interesting illicit substances ghost Wards amongst many other magic items and of course they've nailed the studio gibli Vibes we've certainly become big supporters of their project we hope that yall check it out and consider supporting them too and make sure to follow our custom Madness table Link in the description to back this cake Kickstarter now so thank you everyone and I won't Delay from this week's episode of the madness table hello and welcome to another bonus action of your favorite podcast the madness table where the Mad casters and DM tell all on their way through a backlog of episodes until we reach the present and then we'll start figuring out how this D and D game is actually played but couldn't be us that later uh the main topic today will be we're calling Bon Stone part one episodes 81 to 95 but we are going to begin with question a few questions that we missed from the last bonus action from neverlight Grove these come from a Discord user sakaja and if you would like to come on down with questions of your own hop on to the Discord or send us an email at the madness table at gmail it's one of the many ways contact does we're also all over social media Instagram Tik Tok Facebook to name just a few um and if you are so moved come on down to our coffee page drop us a little bit of coin help us take this podcast to the next level but until such time let's get into a few questions here in the never light glob you might remember that we encountered uh yet another Demon Lord uh uh for the party here how'd you feel about that meeting another one uh and how do you feel about this one um can you remind is this zucko zmy yes how how do we feel what is our what's our like Power Rankings here team what what is the the you know the scariest demon Lord to each of us well so so this one was the first that we saw uh that had a giant Tower taking up an entire area of the underdark um and I believe we learned a little bit of lore of the little like giant fungal growth of the underdark that zugo was trying to uh marry so the scale definitely felt larger on this one like demogorgan is creepy the two heads definitely nothing to scoff at this is like world world ending level stuff or the first first that it really stuck with me that way yeah for for me like a lot of the new Lord like that we've had you know just like periperal contact with um they're kind of Joker esque in a way they're you know I'm just a dog chasing cars I wouldn't know to do if I got one right like for all intensive purposes you know like deon's just doing deeon stuff um the the prince of demon boy is just doing prin of demon boy stuff like we can't really comprehend Zuck Moy was like an eot terrorist like I will poison this Earth I will salt the Earth and nothing will spring from it but me uh which like oh that is a direct threat to like everything and I'm sure the other ones will end up being world ending but it's like oh this is world ending like tomorrow yeah we were see not equ to deal with it totally agree yeah did you have I mean I think Sam you might be a little bit biased as far as your favorite or least favorite um uh Demon Lord but do do you have a definitive Power Rankings I mean favorite is very different than power ranking uh I I mean I'm going to say like deeon and um demo Gorgon are definitely the top of the power pyramid in my opinion just because they're like they're so massive that you really need something else equally as massive um perhaps they go against each other one day that would be cool the true Kaiju Battle yeah let them let them fight but in terms of my favorite is zatty Grazy the smooth operat careful listeners will remember daddy Grazy from the dark Laura Arc continuing now ongoing will will a second character of Sams be sucked in by Addy daddy that would be amazing we'll have to find him again just collecting a Harum of Sam's characters Sam's over here like I don't want romance then why are all four of your characters with them they yeah but will I can fix[Music] him n sure it turns out she could not she yeah it was at this moment we all knew she[ __ ] y uh and you if there's one thing that comes in concert with uh our Demon Lord buddies it's sanity checks and boy do they suck oh my god um this this one go I I uh so I could do notes here that um St call I believe failed three successive s you sure did and ask you how does your M how did Madness group your PL totally and completely um I I I really love the madness um like feature in D and D because it really does like add a psychological element um but damn these effects are debilitating depending on which ones you roll too like it can really pin you down uh or at the very least very much alter your play style um so like I there's a lot of more you know I I I hard to say intelligent things that emis might have done there uh but he has a lot more room to operate when he has the use of all of his Limbs and faculties yeah yeah um it's one of the the great loves and horrors of of you know the madness rules I'm also just thinking of of how much more complicated getting in and scaling that Tower uh became when sael failed his Madness check and ended up attacking all of you outside right it it messes with stuff man uh and you know thinking of things that mess up with stuff uh next question is did any of you as players know the messed up lifestyle of mids before going into this section no I thought they were chill I thought they were all chill like my boy stool yeah I was wrong knew yeah yeah it's pretty bad we thought they were all like Photo synthesizing and [ __ ] yeah and they were out here absorbing people yeah I mean it's kind of like photosynthesizing just think of it as recycling they're just recycling that's all yeah no possessing using fungal spores that's all the thing that messed with me was like going into the garden of welcome and finding the bodies of the Dr that had been like we were finding some of the Dr that had been pursuing us I think you had said they like they looked very familiar um so yeah seeing like really good role play um in my mind so like I passed it but I was like this is both in like the the wedding processional y I was like nothing in the book has touched on this kind of [ __ ] up yet so I was so excited for you guys to like hear and picture that moment it it truly was for me at least a a top 10 most like oh no moment uh Ever Ever playing Dungeons and Dragons and um especially as one who has played with Will for as long as I have there's a lot of oh no moments in these games yeah uh and I I think this is a a wonderful conclusion to our never light look back here um what songs we playing in your characters Minds um including Ivan will also think of fe uh as our players are walking away from like the Blazing never like Grove after uh committing regicide Back in Black nice just just marching away slow motion Cape like flying behind as the Flames just poured from behind us yeah Back in Black hell yeah Sam how about you oh my God uh yeah I think it's just anything back in Black AC uh you know like thunder struck anything with that kind of heavy hardcore metal rock yeah and how about you for Ivan this is no joke the first thing that popped in my head when I thought of Ivan In This Moment uh the classic children's song of London bridges falling down but like what the [ __ ] but in a creepy cold way like yeah they put it in a minor keying oh my God just like yeah that's that's I dead or gone I I am a I am a deep appreciator uh as having like a minor music background of just how terrifyingly uh morbid nursery rhymes in minor Keys sound and that is I mean in general they're [ __ ] up yeah well yes and you can get into Mother Goose too but we won't yeah but yeah just that is a perfect character and a perfect background for that yeah um for uh for My Boy uh emis it's it's two songs actually I for my character I make playlists um till I help me get like the right mindset and there's two songs that like really like fit this for me and one is um the version of um The Immigrant Song from the girl the Dragon Tattoo um and Daniel Craig like a high like female vocals uh and the other one is everyway walk in this land by Paul cin just a song about sinners getting what's theirs nice um which I I I think is just a fitting for a place that held so much hope and then suddenly uh really had to uh burn uh as as one of my friends who I've played with for quite some time say sometimes it's time for the Paladin to do Paladin things uh and Le in the D andd context that doesn't involve a lot of burning things to the ground that's actually like a as we're sort of transitioning out of the never like Grove thing it's actually a very sad moment of like this was at one point a very happy thriving probably very beneficial to the ecosystem society and just the the idea of that having to be wiped clean like this is taken over we can't do anything about this this this beneficial this sort of symbiotic part of the environment needs to be torched like we can't do anything but burn it down it is just so sad to think about that's very true but that's that's the campaign there's um for those of you that have watched pey blinders you've probably heard this song but this one occasionally plays in my head just like from a lot of things you guys have done and there's another one that I can't remember at the moment but uh the song red right hand by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds um that one comes to a mind a lot of times when you guys have like walked away from moments like that uh so look that up for everybody that doesn't know that one and and we do tend to find those moments don't we you do you do excellent all right so that concludes our look back at the never now let's look back but forward you'll figure it out uh to our beginning of our bled Stone Arc um in this uh first episode we enter the city we make some First Impressions we meet perhaps the defining NPC of our entire 100 episode plus Arc Jimmy uh we get our intro into blingstone politics um we finally make our way into the Rock blight fight some medusas and L or Earth Elementals um and then we start off on um what will become the kind of the final battle we'll get into that in the next episode here um but first off entering the city Jimmy Brendan will why why why uh improv man oh it was literally just will and I[ __ ] with each other of like Hester trying to get into the gate and this sassy sassy NPC being a pain in the dick and you know Hester has you know tried to be around the city tried to help out the city so like he's not at that point he wasn't in like he was still still very much uh sort of questionable in the eyes of of the city of blinging Stone so like he doesn't know all the guards well he doesn't have the ins he still like has to push a little bit to to be let in so he the the relationship with Jimmy was just like oh here's this guy at the gate that I have to you know [ __ ] with and give [ __ ] to to get in and he's a pain in my ass and uh will took it and [ __ ] ran with it Sur yeah it was very much the um yes and era uh with not much of the no but considerations um because it wasn't Jimmy that you talked to at first it was I forget the name of the other guard uh I'd have to go back and listen form was just like generic normal guy I feel like it was Ralph or something like that and then Jimmy just came out of it and I was like you know what here it is I'm gonna make an annoying NPC that wants to stick around all the time uh and I fell in love with Jimmy so yeah it's a wonderful place to be um so well this is I think our like we've touched on populated areas before um but this is the first place that I feel was kind of like there's like a lot of political Dimensions that we really delved into that we engaged with um there's a lot going on in blingstone like how much of these d Dynamics uh how much of them were like the module how much of them were you how much of them were improv um and kind of working these factions together um so like the um seni and dorbo the burrow wardens the um like rubyan Ru The Enclave like the ston heart enclave and all those those are actual sections from the book of actions um the like the bizaar like there was different writings for every single area and there was a section of like the pudding King and what is he doing in Bon Stone the we rats um there was a little bit of information on the feedback I will say the foaming mug you know tappy and Jimmy's Place of home like two sentences of like this is the local in the rest of that was improv and like became far more of a hub um as we went through it um what about that whole thing of like Foy helping the the towns people like absorbing people for the was that you or was that written in that was me that was me um damn that was so the this is interesting and we can talk more about it in part two but the pudding king um is incredibly in like the I'm on a couple of different boards for out of the Abyss he is incredibly underwhelming for the level that uh parties are expected to be at and for the number of characters that are usually in a party like they're like there's generally five to six players plus potentially all these different NPCs with them and he is like he honestly if you guys had gone in and I had kept him the same way it would have been uh a one hit end of com like fight putting King totally d super underwhelming and so what I wanted to do potentially was insert other nefarious ways in which the pudding King was a afflicting bigden stone that if you guys picked up on could begin to see his influence sooner like that was one of those things is like I didn't want it to just be a drop in here's the bbeg of the section I wanted there to be a potential build where you could and mystery where you guys could catch on to but uh you guys didn't which was fascinating as well in its own right like it was a great surprise later on we are good at missing things I I uh I have great news the um it was Jimmy Carl Earnest and Jeremiah thank you Sam thank you you wrote down all of the guards names I thought they were important nice hey one of them you were very correct yeah uh but yeah there was I would say the burrow wardens not that flushed out I gave them the whole um extra bits about like uh the armor and the Rings and more of the story and depth to them the the the the quest line of being like ah can you help us you know quiet the Restless Restless Souls within bigon stone that was all book um but the depth in which it could go the forge that was home brew um so I I expanded on some things I feel like the the two factions that you guys didn't get a huge amount of time with to like really get in depths with or the ston heart Enclave um other than Nomi and the wear rat clan um but yeah very nice and well like like hopping to the to the Bur wens here um personally I did not have um ghost building an army of child soldiers on my like bingo card um so you points for originality and also like we we explored that but not I feel like to its like full fruition yeah is there were there any spicy things that would have happened if we had quieted all of the Buren Spirits um so the child soldiers being uh marshaled by uh bur Warden Jagger that's from the book actually them like trying to like resurrect the burrow wardens that's the book the extent to which it was going was different um the the cool thing about that NPC child that wanted to join with you guys and this is like a fun bit of how I extended the burrow wardens is they were Rune Knights they had learned their part of giant runic Magic from stone giants had lingered around blig and stone practicing their art and for anybody that knows like DN D lore stone giants are like the most um runic magic Adept and artist artistically focused and so in the previous generations the bur wens had gone through that so it was possible that you guys could have found um a like full set of burrow Warden Armor you could have gotten a special shield and potentially like a pick that were used by previous um owners you guys still have the the ring I think of one of them unless you gave it up Hester has it I think Hester has it yeah um but that was where that could have kind of culminated um but yeah the if you had fully quieted everything and um I we might have a question that refers back to it if not remind me where the last ghost was that you guys had to hundreds of them in one place especially with the level of subterfuge and and the slow build of like infesting the town folk it sort of puts an almost plague spin on it and it's a it's it was super effective like I think I think that did a really good job of making them a viable threat even with the level of you know fight that we had in us the the resources at our disposal yeah I think too uh ooes in a trading Market in particular because there's so many commoners yep uh and so it became less about killing the uses and more about keeping the like the NPCs alive and that also that adds a lot of layers to the combat making it more interesting even if you could kill them quickly so I really like that I I I have a soft spot for uses I I feel like they don't really get enough play um so I was personally really excited to see them like out in center stage and um as we'll get into um a little bit later like uh jux is one of my favorite um of the demon Lords I think he's very interesting uh even if he appears very dull um don't else he I I like it inscrutable evil um so that's something that him and deeon very much have uh in common for real yeah um um but getting on with our journey here we made our way from the market through a few more social encounters eventually ended up in the rocklight where we as apparently has become our want set off a series of several encounters um will did you really think that we were going to do all of them at the same time or was that like news to you um there was definitely parts of me that were like uh there's potential to attract uh more combatants into the field I I definitely definitely did not expect you guys to try and Trigger the stone like I could I feel like correct me if I'm wrong was the logic like oh if we insert the stone everything will stop and we'll be good that that was the thought the thought was that the the the whole infestation was coming from or I think what um oh God what was his name um the Priester your other character no no the priest that we had spoken to that gave us the uh the gem oh yes oh please Sam let's see these excellent not taking skills yeah let's let's get Sam oh gck yeah big yeah so I I at least the information that Hester translated from garnick was like you know put put this Stone in the rock all the problems go away and that was that was Hester's very rudimentary understanding so he was like okay things are very bad here we don't have the tools to fix this I'm going to go slam this Stone in the Rock and hope that all the problems go away and it in fact did not work that way shockingly it yeah I mean gck had limited information so to know that that stone had been essentially cursed by uh Ogar Mar the elemental Prince of evil for like the plane of Earth or yeah I said that basically um had no idea that that had basically been cursed so I was like oh no they're charging towards it and that what happened with that stone that's straight out of the book I didn't mess with anything from that and I was like oh God don't do it don't do it oh no hey you know we like to take care of all our problems at the same time yep um speaking of problems Sam super super clutch uh saving star Coller from turning to Stone with a well-timed um dimension door I don't have a question just thank you that was that was that was clutch uh yeah it was a lot of fun got to leave spell behind like that Hester Hester I got you had already left sell behind oh yeah that's right and I'm not going to lie um BR I'm kind of surprised that Hester survived essentially so that [ __ ] um so my guy how do you like having bonus actions pretty cool huh oh they were so good they were so good for the you know I love them uh yeah no there's a lot of very useful things and uh and I struggled with the ranger a little bit just because they don't have the tool belt that Wizards have um but being able to do multiple things in a round and uh potentially save your own ass that way was nice for for a brief period of time very brief nice and like medusas I I first I this is my first time ever fighting Medusa um like like from from the party and then I'd love to hear from will like what was your like you know what was your perspective on this I feel like we always struggle mightily and produce some high quality content uh when enemies are really um hitting us with either these Madness saves or just condition effects I think there's a lot that um gets spicy in the situations yeah we're not we're not built towards surviving effects we're very good at dealing damage and then getting the [ __ ] out maybe not all of us but some um but yeah no every time that an effect or an environmental uh sort of uh addition to the combat gets gets thrown in there uh which will has been doing increasingly interestingly uh it definitely UPS the antie and I personally love it because it makes us think a little bit harder we struggle a little bit more we do get more chaotic and the content gets better that way um but yeah always interesting to play with yeah what are your thoughts Sam yeah I I would have to say like we really do just kind of get in there and hit everything hard and hope for the best and if that doesn't work then it starts getting a lot lot harder but but it's fun like that's that's what I like for sure I guess we don't consider the creature we fought on the Mysterious Island to have been a Medusa even though it had similar it didn't have like multiple it was the Basilisk in the Hag on the doing that to so similar but not and if you're wondering Andrew why didn't starlar look away I really thought that I'd roll better is um I really thought that the role would come in my favor and it just um it did not super didn't super didn't oh well um will you you seem to like these uh Stony faed foes um how's the experience been for you it was uh it was great I I This was um a very significant turning point for me in our campaign for realizing I could not just throw sacks of hit points at you guys anymore and like there's quite a bit of that in the beginning of out of the Abyss um and so that was like it was like okay uh every combat is going to be around because you guys have maxed out your ability to do huge damage and unless the creature has an incredible AC or can have super high saves I'm just not going to make it so my hope is to roll high in the initiative and hopefully the monster has some kind of other effect that I can at least delay one of you to make me survive another round to make the combat a little more interesting and this was the first time I got to do that um what was really interesting because it's to me it's fascinating like and you know when we get to the point that I will be a player I know there's always those blinders cuz you're you have no [ __ ] idea what's going on versus like I have the book in front of me here but you guys remember that moment where you walked into the room and you saw the statue and he was like looking through the Crystal and stuff like that do you guys remember that yeah that was the book's hint to you all to essentially break off crystals should you encounter the Medusa because mechanically and it says it right here in the book um nyra Nedra who was the Medusa if you were to use a crystal like that gnome had done you would have had advantage on all the saves against her gaze and you wouldn't have had disadvantage to attack her so that was like they kind of trying to be subtle in your face hint and I was like oo gol just so clear that's so interesting though cuz to me that reads as oh this didn't work yeah exactly like you see the guy he like he tried it and didn't pan out that way and and that's what I mean like on the DM side of the table it's like oh yeah that's obvious that'll totally work as a player you're it's your eyes are so focused like you have blinders for like a horse on you can only see what's in front of you almost sometimes quite literally but that was fun I I totally expected that to be the fight that you got into first or you guys were going to go down into the cave with all the Dr statues and set that off first um but it was it was a wonderful chaotic story and how it unfolded and I I wouldn't change it it's uh it's what we're best at but speaking of what you are best at will the Rat King the rodent Godfather Don Corone of the underd dark himself will what the heck my guy yeah we when when did you decide that he was The Godfather I no joke decided that right before we started recording for that episode um and I see I see there was a there's a question in here it was like how long did I practice having cotton balls in my mouth yep um didn't practice that and it wasn't cotton balls I was like I was like oh [ __ ] I got to come up for a voice for chip grin what am I going to do and I was like I'm going The Godfather on this and I no joke reached over to the giant pile of d20s that I had and that's what I threw in my mouth that's oh my God and I like what stuffed him down into the side it I I'll be honest with you guys it hurt it hurt a lot so there was moments where I had sanitary where I had to change characters that I like popped them out and I like I was just like put them on a napkin beside me and I was like I need something else and I was like just try it without it and I couldn't do it one of the times I tried so I grabbed a smaller set of di oh my God in there stabbing your [ __ ] gums I went to D6 and then I went to the D4 and I was like please stop talking to him please stop talking to him but I was like he's too carismatic this is what he does so that's that's how that happened but like is incredible that's one of those things I was like God damn it he came he came out I don't there's certain characters I don't practice because I'm like I don't want to put in like I have no idea when you guys are going to go there if you're going to go there so I was like I'm not going to put a [ __ ] ton of pre-work effort into it because I was like if it happens it happens and that was one of those moments where the role play started and I was like [ __ ] this is good and I wish we had more time to play with that now oh yeah love it um with the you know we got sent out on our quest with uh from you know the the Rat King himself um out to find this medic um who we'll talk a bit about in our next bonus action our our friend friend um does It Strike any of you that we always seem to not buy the stuff that we need when we buy stuff to leave town and what does that say about our shopping practices as adults I gotta be honest Andrew I got a great inventory I feel like I am prepped I have everything I need I don't know spreadsheet she's actually doing pretty good yeah I mean I get dynamite and every to we go to health potions Galore I stock up on my my Weaponry I'm good I as someone go ahead uh what you got M as someone who is a spell preparer I'm very familiar with the concept that you can just never prepare properly for what is going to happen in the D and D session you may think that you got the right stuff and 80% of the time you're wrong unless you're Sam that's why you get more stuff I've got Nets I've got cow trops I've got grappling hook sets I got climbing kit I've got a deck of Illusions that's that stuff is heavy okay just a SS army knife we have of holding Sam Sam was very I have to give you my stuff yeah exactly she mess I said you're very methodical when you I was like okay you guys get to do some shopping Sam sent me like 30 things and was like approval and I like went through and I roll and then both like Andrew and Brendan are like but Sam hear me out if we fill the bag of holding with all of this arguably useful stuff where am I going to fit the next dragon egg good question I'll get rid of all the [ __ ] for Dragon dump it out now yeah excellent um now as we roll into a couple more just general questions here um first of which um again from our our our good friend Saka um do we know Sila or star cars Madness and we have actually talked about this behind the screen we're not going to tell you um there there may come a time um when you have your chance to um to guess and we will confirm or deny but at the current time um we're just going to let that roll out uh as roleplay for the moment um and I want to get to this question next here um do you Brendan when you're creating Hester sure do you have any specific inspiration um for a r a rat man so I didn't have a like specific person or reference that I was building off of it was a concept so Hester and I think we talked a little bit about this at the end of the last bonus action maybe um but Hester was meant to be a transition character of sort of the like bringing you into the next step after losing your companion or or your friend and the sort of the concept that he was meant to be was someone who would someone who had never felt like he belonged someone who had never had a community so he would latch on to people who had just lost theirs and carry them into whatever was next he's a parasite sort of uh you know it's more symbiosis uh but but yeah kind of but yeah that was sort of what I shot at will cuz I was still very much in my my grieving process of uh losing sael and I was like I don't know I don't know how we want to take this in the next few sessions I know spella is going to be gone for a little bit but I want to sort of explore the dynamic of like that the outsider finding people who are lost like lost people finding each other and finding a path through that was sort of the the main concept I guess you weren't just creating like a southern idiot why do I try to answer uh and now now what I think we'll end this um this this episode with what I think is probably the definitive question of our podcast so far um the most important question and I want each of us to answer this stool or Jimmy I and I think it's no clarifications it's go with your heart yeah pick no no explanation make an answer and then we're cutting it yeah yep Sam Jimmy Andrew stool Brandon Brandon you're gonna make me you're going to make me choose between the two people I hate no clarifications your heart no yeah[Laughter][Music]