The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast

After a While Crocodile - Episode 113

The Madness Table Season 1 Episode 113

Teleportation mishaps have been made. The party has been thrust into the middle of a misty moor of mystery. How badly did they miss their mark, and who is this River King they've heard subjugates the swamps?

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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin

Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real

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uh held in our arms like a little Goblin child is episode3 uh which I think we should all think about how we like to be held like a little Goblin child on our Discord that should be the next prompt when you hear this please write in about your fondest Goblin snuggling you know memories thoughts you know just go ahead and let it Loose we hear we're supportive community and if that's your bad go ahead and rate and review us um and tell someone about this maybe not about this but about the podcast and may have to lead with Goin child snuggles out I I I might have to edit this out that is fine that's part of the game and you know what else is part of the game uh our coffee page which is a great place to support us if you don't like Goblin cuddles so you really it's it's it's one or the other or or both anyway um I didn't think that went through maybe you did so let's go over to William this is so bad wow this I Andrew you're really missing your calling in public speaking true it's true they should be having you heading any kind of pitch speeches over at the aquarium or anything now just like you know what put Andrew on it he's got this he'll win him over seconds most businesses want to succeed though yeah well you know what hey not us at the madness listen hey everybody real talk real talk if you visit our coffee page and you donate you will ensure that there will be more Goblin cuddles so think about that think about that for $1 a day you can feed a small Goblin child probably not through this party but you will be doing it in my imagination uh um all right so last time you guys had decided on a very important um matter which was how were you going to make the long or short journey to galgrim um and you all decided that you were going to head to griam using your new found time piece of travel that was given from the N to Sila which uh Cel was able to identify through a memory of searching through the archives that this was once part of a greater ory for traversing um the astral plane and because of the nature of being part of something bigger it no longer is 100% perfect and could lead to some uh mistakes in travel to which we have occurred uh or which one has occurred and now you find yourselves up to your knees um Vlad up to their chest in this horrid swamp Bog Water you are surrounded in these Mists you can hear the insects and buzzing around you Sila you probably feel the best you have in the last 24 hours because the sun is not down on you the water probably feels very invigorating um and from the Mist has come this very emaciated and bloody Goblin child who has a uh crocodilealligator bite across their their back in their front a little bit and you noticed that there was the smaller bites as well that uh you identified as something akin to leech marks and they told you that a that a creature or thing or individual known as the river King had attacked and They begged and pleaded you for help and are now laying unconscious in artemis's arms as you stand in this swamp as I said before it's it's very difficult to see here but I will reveal a little bit more uh of the space around you there are will I don't know if you've switched the rest of us sorry I'm still on the oh sorry about that for Realms map thank you for reminding me here we go thank you sir if you will look to the bottom left or Southwest of the map you guys will find where you're at the closest identifiable markers to you all are a couple of trees uh emerg in from this water there are Vines and webs um hanging down from the boughs there are some dead trees here and there little pockets of land um you can see in certain areas that it seems like the water dips into deeper sections but where you currently are is about up to your knees so mechanically if you're traversing in this water um which is a little bit lighter I'll reveal a little bit more of the map so you can see a difference if you look to the left here you see where the water seems to get a little bit darker yep that is no longer Standing Room anywhere on the map where it's water and it's dark you are looking at anywhere between 8 to 20 ft deep at various points so you will be swimming there if you are in these uh more green and colorful shallow shallow Waters it is difficult Terrain in terms of traversing and then you see that there is some a little bit of land to the South into the Northeast those are regular terrain no difficulty moving there however you're your visibility is limited and what direction had we heard that like monstrous growl from at the end of last session the the bellowing kind of sound uh make percept checks oh yeah perception I would like to guide myself I'm really good those guys don't worry I will I rote a natural one oh boy 16 uh 16 nice 10 10 uh Artemis you what's what was your grand total there uh you know my grand my my grand C is a nine so you know that's that's something that's kind of crazy um well thankfully your your new companion vasana rolled a natural 15 for a 20 total and you can all hear this deep like bone rumbling uh Bellow off to the Northeast which is where vasana kind of identifies it identifies it coming from she's like I do believe whatever that very large creature is is is somewhere to the nor Northeast from here um not sure if this is the the river King the the child spoke of or or something else I mean was that the same direction that the child came from you don't know where the child came from cuz it just kind of appeared from The Mists um but I would say in a somewhat Northerly Direction when you first first noticed him okay first thing real I'm going to um take my my Goblin charge here and I'm going to move back towards this southern land mass if I can yeah absolutely um and I'm going to I want to get him out of Harm's Way um so I'm kind of think is there anywhere in this tree here that I can maybe like like find like a safe Nook for him to kind of nestle in so that he's not put in any danger um uh make a I will say either a nature or perception check to see if you can find a good spot to kind ofus is going to choose the non-intelligent based skill and guide himself again that's way better that's a 23 okay you see towards the base of this tree that there is actually a hollow um where there is all sorts of lyan and Moss and uh or is it is it the Spanish moss that like hangs down I think yeah um you see some of that there's like a curtain of It kind of in front of this hollow that you manage to spot and you think that you could you could uh stash stash them there essentially yeah and I I I'm just going to like kind of be talking to him even if he's not really responding he's like all right little friend I'm going to place you here we have to figure out what this is um and you do not seem in good space to fight here um and he's just going to create him in um going to oh actually this is while while arus is kind of tucking him in there I'm going to wrap him in my cloak of Elven kind to give him a little bit of extra um camouflage there sure um and then I I'll rejoin my fellows what's your passive perception a oh no oh oh 14 14 um you hear him murmuring something as you finish like kind of swaddling him up and and putting him in this hollow uh you hear him say don't don't go in the water don't stay in the water don't go in the water and he's just kind of mumbling this over and over to himself I'm going to tuck him in there um friends let say anything just little Goblin in the tree Hollow we should not leave him there permanently just you know out of the way also he says to stay out of the water so I'm inclined to agree I think this is whatever this River King thing is I we must tread very carefully in its its domain the best of things are often found in the water so I find myself disagreeing on this uh however I'm happy to scout ahead soel it would seem that the time piece of travel did not bring us to the city nope that did not work um but I will say when I used it there was something lodged inside that does not seem to be there anymore so perhaps it was Dusty that would not surprise me but um so you think it will work better the next time we try it I do not see anything else but I mean it was a big risk cuz we do not know where we are I mean we we thought it was going to take us 30 days to get to gaunle Grim what's what's a few more tries agreed um I if everyone is all right and I'd like to look at everyone everyone looks like everyone got teleported in one piece right yeah spes no nothing like that everybody's a okay uh Vlad has since climbed out of the water just like shaking it off he's like oh it's gross D okay so that answers that I was going to ask if dragons have a doglike or a cat-like relationship to water um him being an obsidian dragon more attuned to fire like he can swim he's not enjoying it um like many wild cats they absolutely can um but he's he's like changing into his Dragonoid form and kind of like furling out his wings they snap flicking the water off and he's like I think I'll stick to the air if that's all right by everyone oh that reminds me I have a thing for this that I purchased a while back and haven't gotten to use yet and Sila Roots around in her bag and pulls out what looks like a stick um a wonderful a wonderful stick s looks like a good holding stick it cost me a lot of money um everyone just one second uh and oh my God I'm going to use the wand of underwater breathing okay oh nice so look I thought this was like a portable raft or something I actually asked for that and was denied [ __ ] DMS man but you weird you got a a [ __ ] wand of underwater breathing you know so up to 10 willing creatures have the ability to breathe underwater until it ends which is 24 hours from now sick thank you so who do you uh give this to I'm assuming the the usuals the usuals Vlad and I will also do the goblin child because my concern is we're probably going to have to travel with them and inevitably they will get dropped and end up in the water okay do you give any to vasana or are you just kind of leaving her oh yeah yeah sure she as you kind of tap her with the wand she's like I do appreciate that I'm not capable of breathing in the water but I can swim oh good that was going to be my next question who cannot swim it's not exactly my strong suit I like being on land spell just Pirates of the Caribbean just walking under the water skeleton like yeah Vlad can you swim I am fully capable of it but I I don't care for it I'll keep to the air as I said unless I have to swim your sentiments would Echo star collar However the fact that you can is what I asked and thus we are good to move forward Jesus yes ma'am um Goody's[Laughter] learning to together then if it would be all right I'm happy to Scout and return back to you momentarily um how about this I I wish to make an examination I but I'm going to try to go to that uh Northeastern eyet there and if we're going to go much past that I may come back for our our little green friend are you feeling protective you see like Star like like his like his eyes like go up like he's like trying to like think about how he feels um uh yes I'm equally confused anyway he just starts walking through the the water okay I will not be examining this feeling yeah uh all right so you move to the Northeast close to that little bit of land that you can start to make out through this mist and you see let me get a good read here okay you've got about 30 feet worth of visibility around around you guys as you as you move through here but you see as you're traversing to the Northeast that there is this very large gnarled dead tree sitting on this uh semi large kind of uh aisle in this in this swamp and then water continuing to reach out to the Northeast EXC uh I'm going to get up onto this iset here and then um once I'm up there I'm going to cast Divine sense um okay reaching out for any uh celestial fiends are Undead within 60 ft of my current location you don't feel uh any of those celestials fiends and Undead you said yeah yeah you don't pick up on any of those all right everything is fine folks I will confirm uh Sil is feeling Reckless and like she wants to there's just like she sees all this water and she really just wants to go for a swim sure um I would like to dive into this dark water to the southeast circle around the tree the goblin child is in and come up around the West okay and kind of check out what's going on in the water sure you I imagine you're so proficient at swimming that even in these shallower Waters where it's only 3T deep that like a hammerhead I think they're the ones that can come up really shallow you can just skate around like easily none of this is difficult terrain to you I'm just going to say that right now Sila is totally at home in this in this environment so you you skate to this um to the southeast moving then to the west and kind of coming around this aisle making a good scope and you see that as you look to the east the waters get deeper kind of going down into into the deep MC and then as you move to the West you see that it starts to do the same thing as well so you're kind of on almost like a sand like the the land kind of comes up in this this nice uh diagonal shape moving to the Northeast um are there any like creatures in the water Plenty of Fish um you see lots of noes that probably make you think of uh Zartan back home uh or dartan sorry is that what is that the name dartan um and you see lots of insectoids like the I forget the um semi like cupid form of a dragonfly uh lots of mosquito larvi frogs tadpoles nothing larger than the smaller life um but you see a lot more of these current ones in like the shallows where you're waiting through Cattails and lily pads and all sorts of vegetation as well okay when I'm in the water and I I see this creature that looks familiar to Daran um I would like to use my Emissary of the sea ability like feature okay and attempt to communicate a simple idea with this Beast hell yeah I love this okay yeah it's a tiny salamander but I'm all for this yes okay I I she she like I imagine she's in the shallow water CU I don't think salamanders probably go that deep and so she's like barely skimming the floor and she's like face up and there's little salamander like looking down at it yeah uh and she's communicating the idea of a huge crocodile the idea of fear and Terror okay all right yeah you're you're conveying this thought with your your beastial communication and its little dark eyes just comically grow large and it swims away with that image in its mind as fast as possible from you you made it very afraid of you with that image she's she's stumped by that uh I don't I don't understand what happened yeah what are you doing why are you screaming at that N I only showed at the end times yeah just can you imagine though you're a tiny Sal and yeah from the [ __ ] weeds Deon appears in front of you just I made it roll a sanity check you did and it and it um she will head just explodes just you hate to see it yeah she'll pop up uh around the other side after getting a quick look and and she like walks out of the water I think she's got this big smile on her face and she's kind of like stretching it is quite lovely here you you come up in your on the map here you're currently beside bana who has kind of like gotten to a Crouch and she has a crossbow out and you I imagine it's surprisingly graceful the way you come out of the water like there's no explosion it's just like seamless you come out and she's kind of like whoa um she's like uh did you did you manage to to spot anything there are many different forms of life here lots of fish amphibian um various insects of the uh quite a broad variety diverse biome here however none of them wish to speak to me which I try not to take personally as I am from the underd dark and we are no longer there I don't think you should take it too personally either uh most creatures of a of a smallest statue do not always possess the intellect to understand our Communications it's happened to me as well a few times H perhaps that is what happened I will try again once we move forward however I can confirm that there are no dangers nearby and perhaps following starer and going toward where we believe the river King is would help us return the child I I don't see um a very large problem with that uh SEL no that sounds um fine as long as we are careful I don't know how large that creature sounded not familiar with swamp creatures I could not tell you how far away it was but it was something of larger statue of for sure can I you you use my rope to well hold on um perhaps there is a way that we can carry the child without burdening our hands is there a way that we could perhaps attach them to the back of sael I I I I'll just carry him I really don't mind yeah I don't don't think putting a creature on my back is the best idea yeah so spends a lot of time like getting knocked down I forget that you have bad ankles yes yeah it's unfortunately the new physique did not change the uh structure of my limbs that is a shame indeed uh I'm going to just real quick before we grab the child I'm going to scal the rest of this little island here and see how large a spot it is real quick sure uh it's decent decent sized it's definitely bigger than the one to the South where you've you've currently uh um hid the child um while you're there can you make me another perception check uh I sure can and I will guide myself okay oo um 24 very nice you hear what sounds like perhaps a type of communication or discussion happening slightly to the Northeast more easterly now um I don't have a spell for this um I'm going to like wave to my companions and like point in the G Direction I'm hearing this from and like tap my ear and then point and like tap my ear and then point to indicate there's something going on communication happening Resurrection star haer is trying to tell us something I think he has an ear infection it does it does seem that way he seems rather uncomfortable for I have heard of this perhaps uh I might have a remedy that could help with that I suppose I'm being an [ __ ] I'm far too intelligent to think that no he Heards oh oh very well sorry I sorry I was on your Communications I was attempting a joke it was humorous SEL thank you Sila star car is over here like rolling his eyes like we we should go catch up are we grabbing the thing the thing the thing we must have it a child uh no perhaps we should leave the child in the moderately safe location until we have established what star cller is is honing on to here I I might have something to to help with this and vanana very quickly runs over to the tree and like between the cloak of Elven kind and already kind of the natural um foliage she uses some Druid craft to kind of create uh a series of flower blossoms that semi Mark the area but kind of complete the enclosure around them so that they're well hidden um extremely well hidden and then she kind of comes back to the group she's got a crossbow in hand she's like I believe we're safe to move forward without them being discovered now uh seel sort of strides up next to Sila um look I'm not um I'm not necessarily leaning towards you know the cruel side of this but why do we give a [ __ ] about the goblin kid I believe that starer has encountered some sort of protective feeling which is unknown to him in previous well dealings I would not want to squash such a feeling when he may be you think this is a chance for development perhaps we do love some character development I will warn you I don't have a good track record with goblins the last ones I ran into underground I think I fed to giant spiders accidentally oh that do not tell them that I won't but just just so that's out there yes it does not affect my view of you in any way but perhaps keep it to yourself do you V's like right there she's like do you generally have a um attacked version to the preservation of Life see not not intentionally but not intentionally but but if you paid attention to me for any length of time uh you know what I I think this isn't something we need to worry about I think we should just carry on well while they're having that conversation making my way um I want to check can I do a quick leech check yeah absolutely make an investigation check like a tick check but a leech check yeah I'm going to guide myself again on abusing this mechanic start restricting this [ __ ] soon I'm just getting started it's probably a good idea to stop me don't worry did help this time um that's a seven uh you do find one on your ankle actually just a small regularized black leech I use I use Dawn's Edge to slay it is starer trying to be quiet because guidance does have a verbal component so you're just out there screaming Shazam Shazam oh my God that's not what I was thinking but now it is Shazam I can see father now Shazam where are the leeches I don't think anywhere in the Spell components does it say that verbal components need to be at 90 DB but uh but it's star CER come on let's be honest or he's just out there yelling like guidance no by the power of a thousand broken blades I will see father he's like Wreck-It Ralph I'm going to guide it my God he just yells blatantly every spell that he's casting just like alrich blast Divine smile oh anyway all right you find it you find a leech you pick it off no big deal that was a close one we uh we eventually uh ignore the conversation about cel's murderous Tendencies and catch up the star collar all right so you all make it to this aisle and uh I need all of you to have to make me stealth checks for the amount of time it took you to get to this aisle and Artemis um I'm going to have you do yours with disadvantage because you're in this Misty enclosure so you use Dawn's Edge to cut this leech off yeah that's fair dog it's fair um will are you are you taking blad back over or do you still want me rolling for him uh please keep doing blad yeah okay I'll do I'll do primarily his role play but mechanically and like if you guys want him to do anything or move him please go ahead and do that for me sure 11 okay which is surprising this is this is Vantage 13 okay um seel sael got a 14 uh Vlad [ __ ] disappeared into the sky with a 25 nice good natural vanana rolled a 10 for 15 you Artemis have been paying attention to to what sounds like this odd almost like communication of actually you know this language you speak draconic right yeah what okay you identify it as draconic being spoken a little bit to the north East and it's in these like gross kind of slithery slimy voices and you hear one of them say where has the child gone we can have no survivors of the more and you hear this other one come up I'm not entirely certain but I think it said it to the Sou I can go forward and the kind of like more higher pitched ones like no retreat back to the mall I will retrieve the child and come quickly I have my Guides of the king with me and then you begin to hear what sounds like receding wet footsteps but then another set that seems to be coming a little bit closer towards your direction what do you do Hawk one comes um how would you think of uh you could hide and then I'll I'll I'll draw them out and then we will slay them probably fine by me I will skirt around the roots of the tree here try to like get in this Nook yeah uh I'll Stand in such a way I want to ready a uh to throw a hatchet okay in case you you spot something mhm how how tall is this tree is this just like a trunk or is there actually a tree attached to this no it's a full it's a fulls size tree um you think it's about 100 feet tall at its highest limb um and it branches out uh a good 45 by 45t at its longest limbs to the side here so it's pretty good size okay I'd like to have Vlad like up in the branches like hidden sure there go ahead I had a better idea do I think that if I were to get into the water I could sneak up on them from below water I would say with your swim speed and your natural proc proclivity to it it you would have ad advantage on stealth checks to move silently okay then I'm going to do that okay I like sink into the water oh God still a freaking Navy SEAL over here Predator yeah seriously though okay you slip into the water what in what direction are you moving you moving to the East and then North yeah I'm going to go around this little aisle okay and and get like kind of and a maybe like 10 15 ft from star collar to back him up okay go ahead and make me a stealth check at Advantage oh 10 at Advantage yeah I rolled a two and an eight holy smokes uh oh gosh okay maybe this is just because no no no no this is this is cool this is the image that actually goes through my head I don't know about you guys but being in like the area that I am in one of the local ponds I used to go swimming in it was so shallow for like the first 50 feet out into it so like if you wanted to get under the water as a kid like you had to be basically on your belly very much how I picture Sila is in this low water and you would like instead of Kicking and like breast stroking it like that yeah you put your hands in the sand and like crawled Way Forward that's how I picture Sil is she's just like pushing herself off like Spider-Man and is just like launching so there's like these puffs of dirt and silt that come up in the water and as you start moving around this um this initial corner you feel this vibration in the water in this and okay here we go it's a motorboat yeah you get run over by a motorboat you hear Freebird and it's just some idian going by it's Andy he's Andy uh does a o does a 24 hit you oh yeah a large crocodilian M launches out grabs onto your side in a bite uh let's go ahead and roll damage here oh no where my no go it is uh nope that's the wrong die that's a D20 I need a d10 we're not doing that much damage different dice different dice uh you take eight points of piercing damage and you are now grappled as you feel this large M clamp around your waist um until the grapple ends the target is restrained and I cannot bite another creature but all of a sudden you guys see this thrashing beginning to appear in the southern Waters as this crocodile now has a hold of Sila and we're going to roll for initiative yes I don't think she understood the core concept of the plan but well no she she tried I trust her completely so still I'm rolling like doooo Sam no and I'm saving my inspiration like I don't want to sure sure I mean it it always work really well for us though a wonderful resource true all right Sila what you get five five seel 22 22 what's your uh dexterity modifier uh it is plus three okay vanana is going to go first she has a plus five star caller a 23 23 and Vlad Brendon what do FL roll I forg God I just asked that question uh he gotten eight okay sorry sorry 10 natural eight plus two all right now will is this a standard size crocodile or is this a river king size crocodile this is a standard size crocodile lame I don't you don't know what the river King is or could be so you already answered so we we know what a standard crocodile is though all right uh this what we talking we're talking about like 10 15 how many school buses you think this thing could throw well uh I can comfortably say Sila will be going last in this initiative star caller you're up you all of a sudden hear this thrashing starting to come from the southern Waters and you can see kind of like bobbing up and out of the waters is Sila caught in this crocodile's more well that's less than ideal yeah um I am going to run along the little eyelet here and get a better um like position actually I'll step one in um and I'm a little worried about hitting Sila so uh what I'm going to do is T's going to reach back and just flick one of the stars from the robo Stars up it like goes straight upwards and then seven falling stars just like land boom on top of this Gator okay it is a fifth level magic Missile back out sweet Christ uh 19 points of force damage to the Gat exactly enough to kill it so these these magic misses it's a crocodile it's it's a half CR I mean uh all of a sudden you feel the the tension in the jaw relax Sila however you have been slightly uh pinched and bloodied here but this crocodile then releases and then begins to sink into the waters however all of you begin to hear slightly lesser versions of that same bellowing that you heard before beginning to emit from around this aisle just like take up defensive positions get out get out of the water Silla get out of the water uh this is where I am best fine it didn't really work out that way uh star color roses eyes CLS um Dawn's Edge against his heel ignites her blade and stands ready okay I want to do a thing will you want to do a thing but Sam oh well I thought we were like sort of an initiative yeah yeah yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead you you are an initiative you're last you roll five okay I'm ready I'm ready ready uh next up is vasana who kind of comes to the edge of the the aisle here and is just kind of ready in action and fire a bolt should anything come out out of the water here uh sael you're up sure so I'm going to do we sort of hear sounds from all directions or we just you heard it kind of coming from the water all around you okay uh sel's going to step out to this Northwest part of the island um just sort of looking out that Direction with his staff reveal a little bit more of the area you see what look like the beginnings of branches kind of emerging from higher up in the fog however you don't see anything else okay and he's going to if I can up to 10 minutes okay he's going to uh knock the head of his staff and sort of separate out these pieces and cast mouth's minute meteors okay all right so you have these orbs now surrounding you uh taking up kind of a defensive position to the north there uh all of a sudden a emerging from just outside of the waters comes another crocodile uh just grabbing for vasana immediately but she was ready so she's going to take a disadvantaged attack however with the crossbow uh wow I rolled two 16s so that's still going to be hit uh and she is going to do she oh minimum damage she does eight points of damage to this crocodil it comes out so this large bolt goes right into the upper pallet of this crocodile um and then it is going to attempt to fight her uh and misses just misses its large uh M clamps down missing her as she Dodges just out of the way kind of rolling to the side uh and that is that crocodile's turn uh I just I believe let me double check here I don't think they have a multi attack no uh all right so that is sh actually that crocodile is then going to turn around and very quickly disappear back into the water uh all right it is now you hear this like this slight hissing as you can just see coming through the Mist on the edge to the Northeast this Croc Cillian looking humanoid wearing these like tattered kind of robes that has this long staff with a series of skulls at the top and you can hear it kind of nasty voice so we have no comers to the mo I am in need of sacrifices for the King die uh and let's take a look here at what I can do I am ooh yes okay one second I believe someone though is going to be making a save oh okay uh double checking my range here sorry guys yes star caller Dawn's Edge begins to feel extremely hot in your hand dare you as I cast heat metal so any creature in physical contact with the object takes two d8 fire damage uh you take seven points of fire damage uh if a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes damage from it the creature must succeed on a constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can so go ahead and make a constitution saving throw for I would love to seven you drop Dawn's Edge onto the ground beside you uh okay wow I didn't think that was going to work that's kind of fun yay we go look we go so that is I believe that yeah so that is the end of that creature's turn they begin cackling just um all right next up is yeah that'll be good all of a sudden in this large eruption of water spray and foam a crocodile appears and goes to bite you sael zoinks zoink sco oh 22 yeah I'll do it I'll do it uh nice you take 10 points of piercing damage and you are now grappled and considered uh I believe restrained let me double check here until the grapple ends the target is restrained and I cannot bite another Target however you are restrained boy oh no uh and then not that it matters too much to you because you can now Breathe In The Water it drags you out into the water cool so you are now submerged and you can see like as your vision is getting adjusted to the murky Waters that it is dragging you deeper and deeper um roll in nature check for me sure uh 16 you know that crocodiles love to do this thing called a death roll where when they get a hold of their victim they'll drag them down to the depths and just viciously roll them until they uh eventually either drown or are discombobulated or are too damaged to continue on Andrew correct me if I'm wrong on any of that um you that this that this crocodile is going to do that to you uh please make a constitution saving throw to maintain your spell as you have been damaged right that's right I'm going to try to remember all the [ __ ] tonight okay so this is a so I took 10 damage so 10 is still the DC yep he'll probably make it uh yeah 22 okay great beef wizard beef wizard all right next up is Vlad oh I also would have had advantage on that anyway but I'm not not going to rub it in uh Vlad is going to uh so he saw the he saw sael get Dragged In How deep did sael get dragged like is the crocodile still visible under the surface of the water or is he deep uh vlad's going to need to do a perception check okay so he's going to soar down from the boughs sort of like coasting over sort of trying to get a look here okay so how many feet did he move to do that that is so he has 60 ft of flying but I will so he was so you've done you've moved 25 ft okay so perception check uh 21 he can see a dark shadow about he thinks 10 ft down into the waters 10 ft down into the waters okay and we didn't establish the height uh the bow that he was in I'm going to say he was 25 ft up okay so you can with your 35 ft left just reach the crocodile if you want to so what Vlad is going to do because and with that yeah would that check is he moderately confident like that is the crocodile and notel like it's a big Shadow it's a big Shadow he cannot fully discern which is you which is him it's it's murky Waters Like These are nice looking kind of greenish Waters but everything is more of like this brown dark kind of kind of liquid you know what he's he's newer to combat he's not a strategist necessarily he's just going to get down he's going to fly down 10 ft so he's still 15 above the water and he's going to shoot a plasma breath at that dark splotch whing out the big guns just just to save one man how interesting well he's not he's certainly not going in the water it's a step he has to try um so the the crocodile has to make a uh dexterity saving throw please okay let me get my decks save up hey would you look at that not 20 for 20 okay well he's still going to take half I'm going to say reduce it by one die as this breath is going through the the water just a little bit it's radiant but that's fine okay so that is 13 20 24 so it would be 12 12 points of damage hey to a crocodile that ain't no joke that's a lot yeah uh all right good good good all right uh yeah that crocodile is pretty well damaged the water is now boiling and hissing from where it uh crashes back together from the plasma now receded is that the end of his turn yeah he's going to he's basically just going to keep tailing that shadow um he wants to keep eyes on it in case anything else happens uh all right next up uh also bursting forth from the waters 5 10 15 moving 20 ft just to keep myself honest is a crocodile coming forth charging at you emis H that is a 17 to hit that does not hit Okay so this crocodile snaps down on you uh you nimbly jump out of the way however its form is like very close to Dawn's Edge as well as you uh um all right that is that one's turn Sila you're back down in the water I'm sure there is blood and silt everywhere but you see coming out of the darkness another set of teeth as another crocodile comes in to bite you uh sorry I'm just checking that's a nine so that is definitely a miss it uh you managed to like push yourself back in the water as its jaws miss you however it's right up in your grill and it is now your turn Sila yeah so when Sila got grappled by the first one I think it was this kind of like had anyone been watching her under the water it was this man kind of kind of mancal moment of like she respects aquatic Beast so much that she was like excited to be in combat with one because it was like it was like the idea of being in the Coliseum like Warrior to Warrior like yeah show what you got game recognizes game yeah and then when it suddenly dies I think she she like even takes a moment to like rest her hand on it in a like you fought well um before like shoving away uh another crocodile in her face uh she will attack with her Trident okay uh 19 that is a hit okay eight piercing eight piercing yeah you uh puncture through its bottom uh jaw its lower jaw and making a large wound in it but it is not down um I should have Hunter I'm going to Hunter's Mark this one now okay using so it's a bonus action uh let's see which is is a D6 uh 13 more points of piercing describe your kill yeah I think it's uh it's a quick stab under and then flipping it and then doing a quick jab into its belly once it's uh rolled around and she shoves it away from her so you probably because it's only 3 ft of water here you probably have like rolled over with it with the tridon in its belly as you like come up so it's just blood and water from you uh all right this this crocodile's down you've got some movement left in your turn what do you want to do here I'm going to um flank the third crocodile that's with star collar okay and do you have do you have is it free to move your Hunter Mark or do you need to use another bonus action to uh I have used another bonus action okay so you skip off this crocodile's back do you just dive back into the water are you staying standing as you're running through she's she's as much in water as she can be so she probably like stood to go over the water and then kind of like slunk back in it's got to be like watching uh is it moo sharks or like great whites as they're like seal hunting like jumping out of the water but just faster just in and out in and out Sila is just rip roaring through this uh amazing all right star caller you're up Dawn's Edge is on the ground burning hot crocodile right in front of you what do you do uh I'm going to look past the crocodile see Sila give her a slow nod look past her towards the what kind of creature is it with like the like the magic out on the other Island there it looks like a crocodile but far more humanoid like it has these long humanlike hands and legs but it's got these weird Patchwork robes and it's carrying a staff with skulls at the top get over here uh and I'm going to hit him with two elri blasts o I didn't know scorpion was in the game scorp is the chat yeah uh first one is a math math math math math math we talked about this math math math uh sorry that's a 17 to hit that's absolutely a hit uh that's six points of damage uh and I would like grasp of a dollar he moves 15 ft towards me ooh damn I forgot it was that much okay so you hit it and all of a sudden this Force sweeps around it pulls it forward as you you move it 15 ft closer uh and then going hit him again okay uh and I is he concentrating on heat metal uh I is that concentration spell I do not know yes so let's see here so 10 uh does pass so heat metal is still on all right we're coming again this time I remember what my maths are that's an 18 to hit that's absolutely a hit and that is 12 points of for damage woo okay gotcha gotcha gotcha all right it's it's looking rough uh do you pull them once again or are they close enough unfortunately I can only do it once per turn Okay um so Sila in the waters behind you you hear the splashing as you see this robed crocodilian man come like ripping towards you and I imagine with like the way you look in combat kind of murderous Leviathan like it's just slightly taken and it's like oh [ __ ] got too close um sharks always go for the movement in the water jum in the water boys uh next up is vasana who is going to drop their crossbow and immediately run over to the crocodile in between Artemis Sila and herself and is going to take two swings one with her uh her Jawbone club that is a natural 19 so that is a hit and get all my defs is going to do ooh nice Max damage with that it does 12 points of damage with the first hit so it comes down right on top of the skull you hear this sicken and crack and then she's going to whip around with the bone Scimitar uh natural six 16 another hit and is going to do uh seven more points of damage so she crushes down and then follows it up with the simitar uh what did I say that was seven seven points of damage yes uh killing the crocodile in between you all nice next up is sael you are grappled and restrained by this crocodile you down 10 ft in the waters silt in water Blowing by your face making it difficult to see what do you want to do yeah I'm going to try to um you going to try to get out of this no I'm going to launch two of my meteors at it I love how magic just works fine underwater yeah so it needs to make uh two dexterity saving throws poor fav yeah that's going to be difficult uh oh first one is a natural 18 okay so that does 4 18 is that a pass that saves oh okay I just didn't it sounded like you had more to say uh and then a 17 uh that exactly saves so half damage oh damn it I forgot was one of those no all my precious CRS okay so the first one and you could probably say the the damage is diminished anyway cuz this is fire um so the first attack is nine um okay well it would be nine so it would be four five hav mhm and then seven reduced to four okay all right it is uh you can feel its jaws weakening but it still has a hold on you gross uh all right is that the entirety of your turn uh launching that was my bonus action can I attempt to break free from this uh yes go ahead and make a strength check oh God I'm so good at those yeah I know you are you skeletal boy strength save or strength check strength check okay it makes literally zero difference what was that eight you do not succeed to escape from this crocodile no kidding weird uh all right so that was your action to yeah attempt that all right so that's my whole that's my deal next up in the initi order coming back out from the waters is that crocodile that tried to make a snap on uh I think it was Artemis the first time or it was vasana uh and is going to try and make another snap at her uh natural 7even and the plus doesn't get up to the 17 AC uh but this crocodile is smart so it then disappears back into the water again kind of hit and running here uh okay that is their turn next up is the crocodilian Shaman let's see here do they look like they can uh breathe like they breathe yeah like like are they worried about being in the water you don't think that they are disturbed about that at all okay um they are let's see here they see as they have been pulled forward that uh most of its pets have been diminished here and realizes it's in a good bit of danger so he's he drops concentration you can see Dawn's Edge begin to simmer down into kind of its cooler uh dark metal form but they are however going to cast fog Cloud so I'm going to make another token here uh giving that radius for us all that is a you create a 20ft radius sphere of fog Center on a point within range the spread sphere spreads around corners blah blah blah blah blah lasts until the moderate when or greater speed or as long or up to an hour so let's see here 20 foot radius I know this is such good radio everybody you just have to hear me listen to this so Artemis Sila vasana you are all caught up in this fog Cloud as the shaman disappears from view um all right that is their turn as you hear its hisses kind of recede into the darkness next up is the crocodile that has its jaws around sael it is going to drag you another 15 ft down MH using all of its movement so you are now deep deep into the waters um so you are 25 ft deep I'm going to go ahead and reveal a little more area for for us here you're 25 ft down and it is now beginning to roll as it holds onto you cool not ideal I like when they do that Andrew don't tell me what happens I want to be surprised all right should we be able to see the fog cloud oh sorry yes uh give me one one second here okay uh sael you take 12 points of bludgeoning damage as you are beaten around in a circle at the bottom of this this kind of river bed cool okay you guys see the aura yes that you should have been able to see it uh and that is its turn it is now vlad's turn Okay so he does not get his breath weapon back uh he is going to if he were to so if he flies right now it be 20 ft to get direct ly over the crocodile you need to make a perception check to see if you can actually identify where it is that okay fair enough I will play by some rules of reality damn it uh no an 11 so he has lost sight lost sight of cell in the crocodile okay all right take that stupid Dragon he take you out of this world you made this NPC my God I'll [ __ ] end him too Jesus Christ that's a guarante get out of my swamp uh so he is just sort of I guess like just flying around the area sort of like trying to see like trying to get visual back so he's just sort of like making like circles sort of like search helicopters sure sure sure all right uh that crocodile is dead that crocodile is dead Sila you're now up you're in this fog Cloud what do you want to do now I don't know about physics or nothing but if I'm in the water my vision's probably the same can I see their little ankles show show Down fight you dive down into the water and your vision uh we'll consider this dark vision here for you essentially is 60 ft right yes yep you can see out into the glooms here that there are two crocodiles to the north of you um sorry roll 20 is like not allowing me to oh there we go okay you see two crocodiles in the water to the north however you do not see that Shaman like figure H oh well then um I'm going to bonus action I'm I'm going to Sila not seeing the individual she was looking for is going to swim straight forward the first crocodile mhm the one to her right um and I will Hunters market and take an attack okay that is a 8 + 6 is 14 that's a miss you you go to strike this crocodile and you notice something about it seems slightly more intelligent as to have noticed your attack coming H uh I will take my second attack okay that one is a 25 that is a hit oh uh 13 points of piercing okay uh yeah it is it is hurt and you can hear it just deep in this water it's it sounds echoing um I I used one two uh I used 5 10 15 20 25 I'm going to move five more feet to the east not leaving its uh um space and my turn there okay kind of circling it in the shallow water love it uh all right we are back up the top of the order with star collar all right I I think Stoller is going to just kind of go For Broke a little bit here I mean he can't see s he can't see the Gators he can't see Cel um so he is just going to go ahead and dash forward um like move and then Dash through the difficult terrain just to reach the other like other little island that you would have like glimpsed before uh you can do that even though that water is difficult terrain for you uh if I if I dash dash sorry I didn't hear that okay yep all right so you dash to the other side let's reveal a little bit more for you uh you see actually like you hear what sounds like the splashing of water uh quiet though it may be and you see a I keep clicking the wrong thing you see a another different but crocodilian lizard like humanoid running off to the Northeast it keeps like looking back at you uh but it seems to be running away um I'm going to call out in draconic um where is the river King it's like this horrible hissing laugh kind of a thing it sounds like it's choking but it like stops and turns in the shallows of this water and you do not wish for the river King to come but I'll send another and another and another welcome to the blood Moore and that's where we'll end it today wo boy howy another wild ex episode of goblin charity and River King Shenanigans hopefully sael won't die thankfully he can't drown because he doesn't breathe if you don't like to breathe no bad bad segue bad segue uh if you like breathing you should like us on all sorts of podcatchers like review comment and save um And subscribe to our YouTube so you can watch me make weird River traversing crawl faces uh that only will understands um you know that's all I have to say I hope you had AJ good time and you know next episode will be even jollier bye-bye

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