The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast

Surface Shenanigans - Episode 111

The Madness Table Season 1 Episode 111

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Ilvara is finally dealt with and the dust has cleared. Now the party turns towards their new allies who hold ties to the past and a path ahead.

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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin

Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real

Dnd 5e, underdark, drow, wizard, cleric, warlock, Dungeons and Dragons, The Madness Table, D&D, gaming, actual play podcast, ttrpg

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welcome to episode 111 it will be 111 episodes again until we have one that has only the same number over and over again see 1111 that's numerically significant that was such a terrible way to describe that and if you need more excellent content come to our Discord where there is words that are typed by people who are not me in an order that is not mine I would recommend it and now the true battle begins the battle for our sanity and our souls on Tik Tok yeah you thought I was going to launch it over will but no now is the social media plug where you talk about all the Medias that are social Tik Tock Instagram other things they exist Facebook that's one of them uh I think X still exists um it shouldn't yeah you know I I don't make the rules man um but hey hey we all have a lot of fun here especially when I'm not talking speaking of me not talking will good morning uh yeah good evening good evening um this is this is great you know what this does for me every time I hear these intros is uh it makes me think how after that I then have to go please rate and review us it's such a big visit our coffee page um to see how you could help support the podcast and get some delicious and good goodies um we don't actually send any baked goods I don't know why I use delicious um we could it's because I've been listening to to Andrew's sultry voice just describe everything so amazingly that I'm just like how can I be better croissants which makes me think too when we get to campaign 2 um and I'm the one not running this I want to do the opening announcements because I want to be the chaos Goblin that starts because I'm just gonna I'm gonna lay right into it I I think you've earned it yeah thank you thank you yeah uh all right so you guys have finished up this very long tough battle um the the dust is settling it is not fully settled because in our last moments of our of our previous episode seel had decided to Chomp down in the way that only he does onto that juicy ilvara brain and he has proceeded through her memories following her aru's journey chasing after him and those of you that have been lost along the way picking up new trails trying to continue the tracks um follow the to Jesus my words not good there I'm been sick everybody calm down um sounds like lame leg syndrome to me I I can't be perfect at everything you can never stumble again[ __ ] will be chopped down immediately and campaign 2 will start now uh and I made a mistake when we finished up last time I it's not possible it doesn't sound like you I know no my oh my God my legs are gone them I was looking at a spell save DC not a Madness related DC for spel so spel is not going to go under the effects of a longterm Madness induced by Loth but you have managed to save and what I picture that happens is is you see this frightening image of her launching forward in this kind of dream Vis and you immediately let go of ilara and her her head just crumples to the side and there's Gore all about your your mouth and tentacles but that's what you see that's what you you understand you also know that her last name is misum m z z r y m and you would know from that that she comes from a relatively powerful house within menzo bareno and her greatest dream was to ascend to uh uh a head position as a matriarch and then to be accepted within the Embrace of her her goddess Lo um which can be concerning for so many ways but you what you also Garner from her memories is that she was a bit on the outs she had lost her position for watching over velen bve for yeah us escaping was like a she got like shamed basically yeah yep and she couldn't she she couldn't go back without um essentially some kind of uh new atonement something that would everybody back uh at least in power back in men's over so that's what you learn what do you guys want to do here you stand in a cave with two new potential allies that have come to fetch you the new information from Elara bodies Galore what you thinking looting please looting looting looting okay we can do looting uh roll investigation or perception checks everybody right where we should be that's an eight very nice very nice uh I got a natat 20 on Investigation for 24 holy[ __ ] H yeah uh I got a oh wait hold on wrong number uh I got an 11 an 11 all right all right good good good um Artemis and uh spel you well spel you're right there you with ilvara you find her tentacle Rod uh that she didn't get to use too much of if at all if I remember correctly um which is uh a pretty powerful magical item you all collectively find uh 200 Platinum pieces between the lot of them you find 156 gold pieces and 347 Silver pieces oh very nice good hole Sila you find a a dark cloak on the body of Asha it's got this spider like brooch around the neck it's got this Hood it's all made of this very fine silky material and you would have seen this before this is relatively common this is um a particular spider silk made by the Dr that is exported to different parts of the the underd dark you and Sue would have come across this before this is however a uh I cannot say it in the like the dark elf Elven language but it's p i w f wi and all it is is a dark cloak of Elven kind um however you would all I imagine you're probably going over these things you would know that if this is exposed to sunlight it will destroy it or actually it loses the magic if it is exposed to sunlight dang does the magic return upon removing it from sunlight or does it permanently break the enchantment it will it will return after it has no longer been exposed to sunlight for 1 hour H so like at night time no problem after an hour the sun's gone down it will be magical again if you're in the underd dark it will work continuously but as long as it's exposed to the sun it will not work interesting okay uh and that is all you guys find uh other than a large collection of short swords and uh hand crossbows which you can gather those and sell those too if you want it's up to you guys um I will I'll snag a hand crossbow to have on me assuming I can get some bolts for that too yep yep uh everybody had um let's see here we had one two three four five six seven individuals if I I think it was supposed to be yeah seven because Jordan left say everybody had 15 bolts left so 7 * 15 and there's our total right there um anybody 105 okay if anybody wants that conversion if we are splitting assuming we're splitting the gold three ways everybody would get 700 30 gold pieces F hasn't been around in a while here we go here we go no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kiding we settled this godamn it I'm just kidding okay so what is it 730 gold pieces wow that's that's nice that I came out to a good round uh even number there yeah yeah no seel totally isn't pocketing uh nine silver pieces classic it's seven hey you you know what call it a converter's tax okay well it's weird that nine silver is divisible by three it's actually it's seven it's not nine I'm dumb if you want to take two silver on top of that if that will make you feel better it will uh it's it's odd because as you're divvying up the gold Vlad actually comes over and is like very intrigued with some of this and he's like may I have some of the gold sure uh I will I'll cut my cut in half I'll give him uh what is that 365 oh thanks Daddy said like I don't ever want to hear that again I would like to hear that three times episode please and uh no he's ex you can tell he's extremely pleased um and you could tell that this is just like part of his draconic nature that he is you know he's he wants to begin his horde um and he he comes back into his like hybrid humanoid form and he goes over and he just starts like tearing off pouches the empty pouches from the the Dr and he starts piling his gold in there and he's kind of clutching thank you I appreciate this you love to see his his first gold pile vad are you all right you um you got very close and personal and these were not light pickings by any means I am rather wounded nothing that cannot heal in time I suppose I did enjoy scorching a few of them you can see this kind of like smile tickling on his face that was fun you uh you blew a hole through a Dr matron yes I did that was that was amazing no I'm actually quite glad you did thank you I I have found a new Hunger within me that I I had not felt before okay well well let's not get carried away with that there there is a time uh and there there is a place um go ahead and make a persuasion check oh dear oh dear oh dear uh can I can I pass to starer no no this is you two are having this conversation if if starer was I'd say maybe I think you disadvantage uh well with a with a hold on I'm going to go ahead and uh and burn a knowledge here yes can you burn a knowledge on a persuasion check really you can do it on any ability check what are you talking about I'm just checking watch it still be like a five uh not much better it's a it's a 14 okay all right let's see oh yeah with the super low Charisma Dragon oh yeah oh yeah he uh he he turns to you and it's kind of like ah yes uh what when is the appropriate time is is it wrong to feel this way no no and and I don't mean to uh give to you as long as it remains in combat with with adversaries that is that is the time to harness that that emotion and and your skill you use it well just be sure you don't harm the people you don't mean to yes yes I I I understand and I can I can be better and you can see he's he's um genuinely taking that uh to Heart listening to you that that matter um your two new companions are kind of standing off to the off to the side conversing with each other um as you guys are Ming the bodies kind of gathering yourselves this small conversation is happening do any of you address them or are you kind of just Gathering amongst yourselves they don't seem to be any kind of rush to to move you along or anything like that U I think after after the uh initial looting um arus would walk over um ah abis whin I believe uh you proclaimed yourself in um I I don't didn't catch your name bone woman what is do they call you uh the she kind of pulls back her her hood and you can see there's like multiple rids of this very dark black hair um she's got this beautiful like um how would I how would I say this almost like um what's the gosh what's the term it's not albinism but it's like the extreme opposite oh melanism melanism thank you I can't remember if is that right for when it applies to humans or is that only for Animals I I think of foxes when I think of that so I I am not sure so either way she's got this beautiful dark skin but you can see as you're close to her and uh there's a little bit of light coming from a lantern off of abis whippin's like waist you can see there's almost like this two-tone in her skin that um almost looks bark like but it's not like there's actual cracks or anything like that just looks like her skin tone kind of changes in this very light distinction um she's got these very uh bright green eyes and she goes uh she bows to you actually and she goes I'm Thea Thorn cry it is a pleasure to meet you you are no ormus star caller um Sworn Sword of King Baler of the king of of Lord of denan Terror of the tunnels breaker of demons and lion of the depths ah well how how wonderful it is truly a pleasure to hear uh to meet you uh and I had heard something of your name from the abbis here before so truly and the the abbis turns to Aram missing yes boy we have been sent to fetch you however I did not expect these circumstances thankfully the gods warned me though I was not left with enough time to fully arm and armor myself as you can see but was enough well but but of course AB yeah turns out our um seop podian friend there um Dr hate him like a lot it there's something about him being I I wasn't there I I I don't know it seems to be a thing approach enemies of all I was a prisoner of theirs with someone who shares your name I believe my name there was you traveled with someone named abis before no I traveled with a weapon do you name is Lara a familial relative Aila yes forgive me for using colloquialism why was she imprison there what has become of her oh dear oh perhaps we should set up a fire and lick our wounds there's a lot to tell uh you can see vasana is like kind of like all right and begins to kind of collect her her things lifts up her her big crossbow and uh the abis kind of like puts a hand to her and stops her and she's looking at you seel kind of quizzically and goes no I will have it out now in short terms what has become of my granddaughter she has at the latest of my knowing been possessed by some dark entity a demon Prince I believe she is in Crackle stug in the Deep King's Castle she heads his forces I believe but she is not herself I see well come that has given me much to think upon we shall show you to our our camp just outside these tunnels there we will discuss more come and she just like immediately starts walking away from the group uh in the direction that they had come from which on our our map here would be to to the West can I try to do an Insight check to see how deeply that affected her like does she look like she's just processing it or is the or is there some deep emotional thing going on go ahead roll Insight um while that's happening oh go I want to just real quick I I I know that we were like grabbing a bunch of the weapons can I grab one of their like short swords for myself yeah you can you guys can collect all of them you have a bag of holding I'm I'm assuming there's there's room in there if you want to take them and sell them or whatever you want to do I just want one go ahead take it I N I got an 18 Sila you you're kind of looking at her and her face is rather stoic but you can see her eyes are kind of flickering around like up down to the side kind of like someone who's deep in thought and trying to like consider a bunch of stuff however your eyes are drawn to the SAA uh who is looking at you kind of quizzically um and as like your eyes turn to her she's like she kind of like drops her head kind of like embarrassed like oops sorry I was staring kind of a thing uh sael you you think underneath the mask of like consideration um that there is a a a deep seat of concern there um and everything that you've you've seen about this this woman very shortly here is that she's very composed she's very powerful she's very strong willed um quite a bit about her especially in like her mannerisms and decorum actually remind you of Lara yeah um in the way she she kind of carries herself uh in the way that she moved about the battlefield like you can you can see the family resemblance but yeah it's definitely affected her um but you can see that she is trying to uh fulfill her duty but is deep in thought about this so she has begun to move down the tunnel and she calls back she's like do not dle now we still have perhaps a 30 minute March before we see the sun 30 minutes that's all so F that was the grand mother of the individual we had fought in the Deep Kings uh treasure horde is that correct I I don't know their relation I think she said Grandmother did did she say grandmother yeah she did oh sorry I missed that part you [ __ ] idiot yeah I know it's just like that Tik Tok yeah I don't know what he said I no I I didn't I tuned out every other word yeah yeah that um it is that is interesting that we would run into both of them here it makes me grateful that we did not return and instead found ourselves on this path however if she should want us to help her return to grle stug that that would take time yes and this complicates the matter because I would be inclined to help her and I am inclined to help you I'm inclined to hang around and see what happens let's let's find this Camp first and discuss more after I guess agree does anyone want this cloak and she's like she's got the spider silk cloak on top of her cloak in the Mountain Bank and it looks ridiculous trying to wear two cloaks what is it a it's basically a cloak of Elven kind kind yeah I mean it is very nice not no it looks soft I mean you have to get the blood out but otherwise very good yes I will uh show you guys an image here if I can find page again if none of you would like it I would probably gift it to our new friends that is what it looks like m m yes flurry H very it's so wonderful look at this it's it blurs my body yeah might as well have been a cloak of displacement wait a second that's a different thing I am I mean if if no one else immediately wants it I'm I'm inclined to take it sure I have I have another cloak also covered in blood but you know yeah I think silah uh drapes it around SEL shoulders and like she does the thing where like you adjust someone's tie but inex it's like adjusting the cloak yeah and it's just like slightly too tight but yeah right yeah but it is a it is very soft it is an acceptable fit thank you looks like looks like the robe that you're currently wearing yeah nice that's sick yeah another reason to stop by for video content at the madness table on YouTube that's kind of what I thought is like spella is sort of an like sens one rocking that Vibe of like black robe with the Deep Purple insets like this is just a perfect sort of cover to it magic grows nothing like a a two a two tight silk Cape it's just like being strangled by a hand model us tentacle boys love it that's uh that's just a whole clip of out of context video stuff right there time stamp time stamp okay so we all got that great yeah so you guys are following behind abbis whippin who is keeping um a little bit of distance between everybody like she's she's power walking she's like I we're [ __ ] getting to Camp let's go um but as you guys are walking uh V actually kind of drops back to to kind of walk a amongst you all and she she turns a qu like quizzical eye to the group and she's like I'm very sorry uh I have not been to the north very long um but I'm quite curious where do you all hail from exactly I did not realize we were to the north this is very interesting knowledge so so you are uh only from the Underdog then uh yes I'm from the dark leg curious are you are you of the uh the Triton people yes I noticed you looking at me strangely does my Visage offend you it's not offensive in the slightest uh where I'm from we're all a little strange I and I hope that doesn't offend yourself uh in my saying that and she's like kind of a little flustered there she's like it I apologize I was merely curious that is all uh I've heard tell of the Triton before but I I have not met any and you again no offense just do not fit any depiction I have been told but you are a um you you are also strange looking thank you I I I suppose that's one of the better comments I've I've received here uh I'm originally from the Fay wild the Fay wild yes I do not believe I've met anyone from there I would be surprised if you had uh to be quite honest with you not many of my kind have had any reason to to venture into the underd dark one for No Love of the Dr uh cousins sorts but uh it's certainly like some of the the darker places that uh those of my court don't typically wander in your court are you Royal uh oh perhaps he's a judge no perhaps not a judge um and not truly of a of a court that's how Outsiders would particularly uh associate us there are some of us known as the the cely which are myself and then the UNC which are of the the darker places some would associate them as evil but not all as such it's mostly about preferences H I would like to learn much more about this Fay wild visana uh my name is Sila it is is a pleasure and she uh holds out her her hand uh yeah I think Sila like pauses for a second and then and then does a really awkward handshake where she's only moving her forearm she she feels it and um she actually like turns it so your your hand is like up above like this and she kind of like just holds it steady and she goes it is a pleasure Sila uh and your your your friend and I'm she was like I would love to to speak more about the Fay wild it's not often that I speak of home so perhaps later in Camp but uh you emus your name correct yes yes emus Star Car yes are you from this Kingdom of of emper no no I am an adopted son and sword of the king biter uh I in fact hail from the black deare Plains um I do not know if that is close to here cuz I do not know where I am well we do have a map back at Camp so perhaps that would be have some assistance for finding it will be the first time in many a moon I have seen either a moon or a map I'm sure that will be a blessed sight for you then indeed uh are you familiar with the black de Plains is that a place that's near here uh I I'm not quite certain if it is near here I I'm not familiar with the north uh but we are in what many would consider the north I believe so perhaps perhaps you will be a better judge than I I've only been here uh on the roads of this plane for perhaps uh a little over a month now I God Grim not long ago and then I realized that well I heard the king ask of the abis to to begin a journey this way and so I asked if I may accompany her uh just as a means of seeing more of this world I yet ah excellent we will see this map um in a bit but if you ever do find yourself among the black dare Plains and you hear the beatings of the drums of War and the howlings of hyenas you should run away I I appreciate that advice I I'm not unfamiliar with with war though um the Hy hyenas though that is different uh you sir um I heard of your SEL I have heard of your kind not typically in good manner I am not of my kind if that makes any sense it does not I was a man before I um I was a real boy I was a man before before I was captured yeah no Laugh at My trauma thanks I'm a manam it I'm real I I was a human uh my friends are drastically immature uh before I was captured and brought to the underdog I transformed into this soon after I see how unfortunate unless it is um well for you I suppose I am blessed with the ability to make use of the situation I am in I wouldn't call this a good one but I'm doing what I can that is well it is uh a good nature to be able to adapt that reminds me seel when are you unable to change forms um when you returned to us you were I had a um I was given an item by sarak that allowed me to mask my appearance as to not cause even further Panic to the city being set upon by uses I did not want to steal the show as it were interesting but I have not I suppose the AF would have been um the easiest way that I am aware of to return to my old form but there were more pressing matters to take care of yeah Smart in a fre uh my goodness you clearly had some Journeys here in the underdog we've seen quite a bit I'm I'm curious you said you arrived a month ago was simply experiencing more of the planes your motivation for coming to the material uh in part yes uh I was curious I have spent all of my life in the Fay wild once or twice I uh hopped in to this plane with my father once but uh otherwise no no I just curious really I've recently learned I hail from the astral plane myself so fascinating it's it's strange I'm I'm not aware of all of the ins and outs and and you have no means of returning or do you uh to be determined it's it's sort of a puzzle I'm putting together curious um and as you guys are kind of having these these last chatting moments you all begin to feel pretty warm and you can see up ahead beyond the abis like her form is becoming more shadowy as this like deep orange and kind of purple light is beginning to come into into the tunnel here and you can feel that kind of like that Sunray warmth kind of kissing your your foreheads as it's beginning to touch there and for starer and Cel this has to feel wonderful Silla however as you like you see this beautiful light up ahead as it touches your skin it feels uncomfortable like that heat is is too much um I think I think Sila as she sees it she's like so excited because it is exactly what Indigo talked about and she probably I I see her like picking up speed getting into that bolt of sunlight and like looking up into to it and then feeling that the warmth and then all of a sudden feeling really uncomfortable and then feeling very disappointed yeah and you are like you are all coming up this slope and then you see it's like the short rise and then it lips over and as you do just everything opens up and it's this glorious glorious sight you are looking out into a to a like Forest top that stretches out into some hills and plains and then you see what looks like some kind of large watery area farther to the South you see that the sun is actually setting it's like that nice beautiful Twilight but still bright enough that the the rays are touching down over you all and you're all a little bit elevated as you're coming out of this cave and yeah so youve you've run forward and you see it and it's got to be breathtaking to you until that pain like if you've ever been really close to like a a heat lamp just like as it as your hand gets closer and closer it's just like that intensity builds um I think there's an added layer too of like she's part fish and so it's like she's drying yeah and like the water is like your eyes are probably like darker don't look directly at it s no no tell her I thought you were going to tell me some fish knowledge no I was just going realiz like man if I had never seen the sun before you know what exactly what I would do I would look at that and it would be bad for she's 100% like she's like looking at her her like fins and her scales and like everything's feeling tight and dry the more that she stands still and and then she just like slowly turns to look up no I think uh I think sael might take the the cloak that he is not yet attuned to and he's actually going to remove it from himself and place it like o when he sees her discomfort like place it over Sila's uh head and sort of get off it offer it to her as a protective means sure yeah it uh it definitely helps she's you're like holding it up in this like faux shade and I think she's just looking at her arm like thank you SEL Indigo did not um this was not part of what he told me I find myself rather disgusted I'm I'm sure that he didn't consider what the full force of the sun would do to you but uh I should like to see it though just don't look look uh like peripheral like look under and to the right like see it in in the corner ah you keep you stare back at it and you're starting to get like those white spots coup times like oh oh what is this um and I don't think grass isn't is grass a thing in the underd dark I mean no nope you would have never encounter that trees of this like style you've only seen the the closest thing to trees that you've seen are zerk wood and those are just giant mushrooms that have just imagine a bird going by and she punches it like what are you it's got to be just over stimulating yeah absolutely 100% And and the air would be different yep it's not stale it's uh but to you it might feel that way be sweet and weird tasting it might be humid like like it might be heavier in your lungs than under dark air and the poll just would it feel drier like would it hurt to almost like asthma because maybe it's not as damp as you're used to hey Andrew what does air do to fish no they hate that [ __ ] for real though hate that I think yeah Sila um she like gets those white dots in her vision I'm sure like everyone else is like continuing on and she's like stuck in this moment of like there's so much around and then I think she's she kneels down onto the ground and she like she runs her hand through the blades of grass and then she like plucks up like a handful and then like she sees a worm and then she plucks the worm out of the ground and then I think she holds up both and she eats them because she's like I can eat things in the underd dark can I eat things here uh you do no and they they don't taste great but you you you're like all new tastes all New Sensations and uh you hear chuckle from from behind you not amongst your friends and it's uh the sauna and she's like it is quite different uh coming to a new land a new place is not I I did not real iiz just how different it would be I had a friend who told me about the sky and the Sun and even the dirt but I do not I guess I did not realize the expanse I find the air is dry well uh we have plenty of water back at camp and um perhaps that's something that we can help you with perhaps and they they is drawing close tonight so perhaps the the Son and the he won't punish you for too long uh yes and I will not keep us and she will stand and like quickly start to walk forward are you wearing the cloak or are you are you not no I think safel just like held it up as like a stop it look at this don't look at the Sun and then was I was offering it to you like as a cover like she yeah she's wearing the cloak of the mount Bank okay so she's like I think she's like uh no thank you I will put my head okay yeah yeah he'll he'll return it but he's going to he's going to stick close in case she needs anything or is you know overwhelmed with the experience sure uh I'm so curious like this is the stuff that I love I know our listeners are probably like move on with it but I'm so curious to how like Sila probably looked super vibrant and colorful in the underd dark versus like now in the in the sunlight and stuff like that because I almost picture you have like the same coloring of like deep sea creatures yeah dark andent and all sorts of stuff so like now is it just like you're you're dark and gray and like are your fins almost translucent I'm I'm curious yeah it's definitely like when the Sun hits her fins are like very cloudy blue and translucent and her skin is probably like Shades of Gray Brown that is definitely I'm sure some of the bioluminesence is there but as the sun goes down she just becomes very dull um abbis whon has already kind of like descended down the the tall Hillside into the trees Beyond and vanana has uh stayed with the the group of you just to kind of see your reactions she was super genuine and curious and happy um for you all what is going through artemis' head and cel's head as they are now seeing the surface once again I think Artemus for a long time had kind of almost given up that he would ever see the sun again um after his like original expedition to the under dark was broken and thing just went sideways for him he kind of made piece of the fact that he was never going to survive to see it um I can only imagine like the exhalation of breath he has is just like so relieved and excited and then like that little tickle of fear cuz along with like resigning himself to never going back it was well I don't have to deal with any of the problems I had up here because it's not possible for me to go back um but now there's like a whole new world um and I think he's he's clutching on um tightly and just kind of like like telepathic m g like we are we are here we we made it Dawn we are beneath the son's Embrace once again um you can you can feel from her this like happy sadness and this excitement and she's like aremis please please let me see it let me see any bit of it once more please I have been in the dark for hundreds of years this is all I've wanted uh AR like run like like look for like a place where like the The Rock juts out and gives like a a truly spectacular view of this Sunset um and he'll he'll bring the half of Don's Edge out and like like extend her like fully over his head and invoke her blades uh so they can shine out Under the Sun as they were always meant to so she comes out her her two blades and you are it's like just above this cave entrance that you're kind of at the top of this this small hill SL smaller mountain and this the last like streaks of the sun's Ray are hitting you guys and[Music] she uh she's just like I I cannot tell you how thankful I am for this sight the sky all of it is so beautiful I almost forgot drink it in da we are no longer lost to the darkness the sun is ours once more I wish to to bathe in its light as much as possible then then we will uh and arus will stay up there just letting the sun set um before he makes his way down to to Camp or anything like that he he he and her I think it's important for him to like soak up the sun together in this moment yeah and at that that elevation you can feel the wind on your faces you can see it dancing through the trees you can see the the sun dipping Beyond uh the hills and mountains and it's got to feel wonderful and I imagine at some point vasana like kind of calls up to you like if uh when you'll ready to join us just follow this small path down to the base we are not too far uh we'll have food and drink Provisions plenty we have um CS or not CS but but uh rolls for everybody sleeping rolls bed rolls but uh I'll leave you to it ah thank you uh we once the sun sets we will be there um I think to now now arus will um draw out the the like the dral short sword that he collected um and while he's up on that Promontory um with the sun like kind of setting in front of them uh he will use Dawn's Edge to cleave that blade into and add it to his belt you do that and she she actually asks you she's goes um emus why how many trophies and why do you collect them in such a matter a Broken Blade is a a powerful thing Dawn it is a manifestation of Victory it is a reminder of what one has come past and what has one has overcome and it is a warning for all those who might see it that they too shall be broken if they dare to Rise Against The Tide I see I feel he I myself might have had something similar but I do not know that it was in that matter that was very very long time ago jumping seel what's going through your head Bud uh the second that the tunnel started to feel warm and light started to peek through sael was overwhelmed with anxiety even more so coming up uh into the surface because sael um had a similar sort of settlement that emis did not that he wouldn't return to the surface but that regardless he couldn't that there's sort of uh the sentence that's been going through his head for so long now is that the spel that came down will never return because he's so he's so different in so many ways um and he now has this form that is barely accepted in the underd dark uh depending on the circle and would never be accepted in the surface so from the second they broke the surface I think he pulled up the hood that he now has uh and and just doesn't know what to to make of his return can I roll an Insight check on saal see if I notice this like sure how in tful am I I'm pretty damn d c um that's a 18 total yeesh yeah I mean I don't even think he has the ener like he's not trying to hide it um no I mean he I think actually a good time in that moment he was helping you like holding up the cloak I think you saw the cloak shaking a bit with his hands um and he well he's stuck close to you because you know you see concern in him and he he is worried about you and wants to make sure you're okay he's sort of almost looking past you just constantly like his eyes are somewhere else yeah I think once Sila has this moment of like um exploring and like the over stimulation and then she realizes she needs to hurry up and catch up with everyone she she catches up with sael and she's striding uh in sync with him um soel I would it it is strange here isn't it it is different for me and it would seem that perhaps for you as well no everything looks the same but I am different I is right you were less tentacle much do you know of your family and friends here in the surface I don't think I have any I think I think all of the friends and family I had were Beyond this realm or beneath us but I don't know there's there's still so much I don't remember then we are together in this alone and an unfamiliar or familiar in your case but inwardly unfamiliar Place perhaps we can shoulder each other here I like that and if anyone comments on your appearance I will kill them I believe you I will do the same I believe you I I do have something I would like to do if you would help me sure and Sila will find uh a tree I'm sure there's many okay oh yeah they're all about um and she's like definitely like interested in like figuring out all about the tree but she um she will gesture for you to kneel with her and she's going to pull out indigo's chain mail armor uh and she's going to say I do not know if it is appropriate to bury it but that is what my instincts are telling me that Indigo did make it to the surface maybe not how anyone would have liked it but all the same uh and she like digs this whole uh and I think she places the chain mail in it and I think they probably sit there awkwardly for a while like looking at it yeah I think that's perfect I agree I'm not one for too many sentiments oh you could have fooled me it is different the Triton are very honest and often times sentiment is dishonest H however not considered that yes I I found Indigo to be a very honest person very true to both himself and to those around him and he was certainly cut short in his glory I would have liked to have more time with Indigo but I learned a lot and I think there is much still to learn although he is not here uh she will like start to cover the chain mail with the dirt uh sael will help cover and he'll just watch the chain mail sort of Fade Away under the dirt um when we reach a Tavern that will accept our kind we will raise a tanker to Indigo and pray that this one doesn't have a tongue and teeth except Sil of course he like I do not know what that means but I've never known a tanker you have tongues or teeth and they shouldn't they shouldn't have them but if anyone was going to make friends with one it would be Indigo he liked friends indeed and she uh she finishes up and she like passs the dirt down uh and his forehead isn't there but she will place her Palm upon it this mound of dirt and that is it thank you thank you you I'm glad somebody got a peaceful homecoming yeah I do not like the sun and she will start to walk back to again get much let's you do have to see the stars though I may be bias but that is beauty uh is are the stars are not out yet I assume they're getting they're uh at this point if we were kind of comparing into real world this is when you would start to see like the North Star appearing like the one and only just starting to come out yeah I think she looks up and she sees one star and she's like I do not really get it I there is something there and I can tell it the give it like give it like 30 minutes I swear it's going to be good it's I I will wait we'll return to the camp with with everyone I guess uh Cel what's your passive Insight oh so good uh 13 you're right there too what's yours sorry I just like threw everything around Jesus are we hearing this right now what yes what is happening sorry I knocked knocked over my my Dice Tower and it just started play you have just the madness table on Spotify no it's preset doing it how do I make it stop oh my God the up to the player I don't know what's happening wow I I think you're playing it in um in Zen cter okay yeah I was I'm so sorry that was so good that oh my God no I just needed to flip over to my [ __ ] okay we're just going to put this over here so we're going to cut the last 30 seconds of audio Yeah right no leave it it's so good tell us about that uh that passive Insight yeah what's that what's that 15 okay it's better than mine okay yeah as you uh both turn this was like relatively close to the cave entrance if or if I'm right or did you guys do this somewhere else it was pretty close near tree but yeah it would have been the closest tree we could find okay so it was it was decently close as you're like making your way to the path which is by the the cave entrance and going down to join both bana and abis Whi Sila you you look back to the cave entrance whether it's uh a combination of like like wistfulness of you're leaving home or something else but you look back and as you look into the darkness you get like that little shiver up your spine like and you're it's like you kind of look back and forth and you're like you have this feeling like you're being watched but you don't see anything or anybody and like your eyes are adjusting more in the dark and you can see in there a good ways but you don't see anybody or anything yeah I think as soon as she gets that feeling up her spine she stops and she turns and fully looks at the entrance and she just like looks there for like 30 seconds it's very obvious but are you thinking on running back already uh she like grins uh no I felt like something was watching me and my intuition is usually on point well I see nothing for what it's worth well if something follows us out we'll kill it we will and she'll turn back and have that scary monster in the dark yeah uh just hear stools start screaming I've finally found you ah yeah you just cast Fireball into the yeah right you just keep casting it black hole just suck him into the[Laughter] abyss so you begin making your way down this path arnus how long do you stay on top of the hillside until the sun sets Okay uh Sila and seel you make your your way down into Camp you see that there's this very large um cart that has been set up and inside our numerous numbers of crates carrying all sorts of supplies you can see there's like stamped writing labeling them all you see tied up uh a little ways to the side are six horses um you can see it was like this this cart is so large and so heavily Laden that it required that many horses to to pull it you see that there is a small fire with a cauldron bubbling over it you see the abbis is kind of tend tending to it most of our armor has been taken off now uh you see bana off to the side uh tending to her her her bone club and blade and she's kind of smiling at the two kind of greets you as you both come down and uh Vlad by the way like as soon as you guys came out was just a struck and like took off flying and I imagine there was this this moment between like you guys and him of like don't go too[ __ ] far like no don't go towards the city yeah but he he is just like uh you can hear him just braying Like Loving It enjoying like he can stretch out his wings he doesn't have to worry about the caves um but they are they're out for a long time and you can hear them like up ahead circling Landing in trees getting into all sorts of trouble like um a cat that's going through one of those like Spazzy Cycles it's just intense about everything loves it emis the the sun's rays are making their their final descent and you can feel the the cool air beginning to to descend upon both you and Don's and you can you can see her and like hear her sigh as those last Rays kind of dip Beyond the Horizon what do you do um he speaks to Dawn I think this time just out loud um I cannot promise you that the way ahead will always be bright but together together we will bring light to the darkness wherever we may find it I certainly hope that we do thank you uh and then he'll he'll Trump on back um to the camp as you are making your way down the hillside what's your passive Insight uh just a 11 okay you're kind of coming down and you kind of make this kind of circle towards the front of the cave entrance before you follow the path as it's pretty Rocky terrain there why take chances when you don't need to you also get this feeling of like being watched from the cave entrance H I think Aris would also look back do you feel that Dawn I don't which is odd do you mind holding me Aloft for a moment of course uh and he'll do so blade to the air you and I love I love this IM image it's like if we were inside the cave we were looking up we see like the large form of ormus just like hold up the shaft and then the light blade shines down in and I imagine there's a closeup of artemis's face as he peers in with the light shining into the cave and your eyes are like still for a moment and then your eyes go wide and you're like we'll see you guys next time what the hell if you want to tell William how good a cliffhanger that is rate and review us on any podcasting platform and if you want to tell to his face that you would like to know what happens next more quickly log on to our Discord and uh send us a question or a chat we'd love to hear from you uh thank you so much for 111 incredible episodes and that one we'll never talk about again uh but thank you thank you thank you have a great rest of your day and we'll see you next time by bye bye

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