The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast
Roll for sanity, and take your seat at The Madness Table; a DND 5e actual play podcast. Join four friends in this story first, rules second campaign of chaos, as they explore the darkest and deadliest elements the Forgotten Realms have to offer.
Reviews for this module, Out of the Abyss written by Wizards of the Coast, state "experienced DM required" and "survive or die". It also boasts interesting mechanics and optional rule sets not seen in most DnD 5e games such as the Sanity Ability Score.
Dungeon Master: William Johnston
Players: Andrew Walker, Brendan Proal, Sam Conklin
Episodes release weekly on Wednesdays! For show inquiries, please email You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @TheMadnessTable.
The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast
Fishmonger's Fury - Episode 110
With resources thin and health running low, Scylla pulls out all the stops to bring this harrowing battle to a close.
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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.
Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin
Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real
Dnd 5e, underdark, drow, wizard, cleric, warlock, Dungeons and Dragons, The Madness Table, D&D, gaming, actual play podcast, ttrpg
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all right let's let's do this Andrew take us away for our introduction oh yes will I will take you away to a land of mystery adventure and joy we call it the madness table only it's mostly hiding in caves and and being confronted with uh cyclopian horror uh otherwise pretty great and if you think it's great you should rate a review and better yet tell your uncle not that Uncle your favorite uncle only your favorite uncle or like anyone else you know as well and if you like the show hop on our Discord chat up with uh other folks who enjoy it as well you can even ask pointed questions to will such as why why absolutely why why anything yeah why am I a redhead you know W we're going deep this episode guys yeah death there's Ginger and we need to know why why why are the people in my life so freckly also both the DMS for the the content that we've released so far weird yeah we're taking over do I have to dye my hair before season two don't what hair you don't have any[Applause][Laughter] hair think he could pull it off you apologize right now no if anyone needs the bald pitch I'll be here in the corner back to you William We can spray paint your[Laughter] forehead start everything's I think I think we need to roll sanity checks for that we love you Andrew we do love you we we do love you um last time as this incredibly large battle has continued um ilvara was struck down by a uh flown Sila by the hooded stranger took her down to the grab a couple good stabs ivara has disappeared Into Darkness Asha has uh cleared off into open territory blasted Vladimir with a uh guiding bolt or two um abbis whon has managed to restrain the yolal um demon which emis has been laying into quite handily um while she has been defending off this giant spider and the stranger was facing off with Jan and Shore until seel Thunder stepped over onto the far opposing ledge and managed to light upshore with two scorching Rays incinerating him to which joran began to cackle cursed out ilvara and has begun to run off and we're getting right back into it because this combat this combat's going it is now asha's turn because Shore is dead um and you can you actually don't hear any cries or anything but you just hear kind of like this this low snar like and she is going to yeah I don't know why I can see her token again and I think I got moved uh ilvara yes I I moved you back that is just a uh I'm going to put that to the map sorry that's just to keep the radius or it was oh I can't see the radius not even on the token layer no oh no oh that's so weird only uh yeah there we go how about now there it is sorry about that yeah that's not the real ilvara that's just so you can see what's going on there and I know you're technically where that token is Sam I just moved you back so you could still grab your token for when you want to move okay um all right Asha Asha Asha she is going to cast let's see here ooh this could be a furnace Bill she is she holds up this from her chain this amulet on which you see this kind of spider-like pendant and she starts speaking and she's like mistress Loth protect me with your Guardians and she casts Spirit Guardians gross So within a 15t radius of her these flittering nasty looking spiders uh now reach out and she is then going to walk forward like undaunted towards abis whon um and she is just actually she's going to run down she move 5 10 15 20 25 30 and she is going to catch basically everybody down on this lower floor so within this radius uh these devilish looking spiders when they cast spell you designate your any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by it an unaffected creature speed is half in the area uh when the creature enters the area for the first time or starts its turn there and must make a wisdom saving throw on a failed save the creature takes 3d8 damage if you are good or neutral or 3d8 damage if you are evil when I successful save the creature takes half so I need we're going to do the abbis first here she is let's see if she can make of these wisdom that is a roll of 12 on there wisdom saving throw yeah she makes it so the abbis is going to take half um Vlad what you got there bud uh Vlad rolled a 22 Vlad is okay uh uh the hooded stranger uh [ __ ] D another [ __ ] D Jesus C okay she's fine and emis well we're still taking half damage right yes is thator it was a with save yes S I thought my distance protected me I was foolish I can't protect myself that's a nine yeah o yeah that's that's a fail all right that's not good 3d8 necrotic damage coming up don't love that oh my gosh my my roll of good damage continues tonight that is 17 full damage to you Artemis uh NE only had 17 hit points way no established last episode so Artemis Falls uh that is what would that be half eight uh all right the stranger AR eight she's she's doing all right Vlad Vlad is not he is he is bloody as [ __ ] the the abbis is looking a little weakened uh as well Artemis arus is down holy SS not great not great I'm going to put the snail on a you do I take um do I take damage on the top of my turn from being in that Guardian range ooh I think you have to move into it no no a creature enters for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there it must be wisdom saving throw so yes I would say so yeah I I happen to agree I don't love it but there it is uh all right it's a good thing I'm in darkness and I have no idea what's happening and you have no idea safel is the only one that can see this besides the hooded stranger and the abis but Artemis Falls so there's there's three people that currently know and could help Vlad I mean who I mean it's a 50/50 it's a 50/50 uh could help I don't know that he will but actually know cuz he's going to start his turn in there and there's no way that half that damage doesn't take him down I'm going to I'm going to say I didn't put it before but I'm going to say Vlad get some death saves and isn't going to die outright if that happens uh but the the danger is very real here all right uh Asha has now gone it is ivara's turn o Sam heara can you go ahead and kill her be that'd be real cool oh sorry yeah I did I straight up did ilar so much worse whipping you know all kinds of names are thrown out I'm sorry uh all right and she does something and that is the end of her turn sounds fake I hate that sounds sounds fake I think you should I think you should redo that and tell us everything that she did pix her it didn't happen uh is weon if this if this will make you feel better yes okay did you hear that you hear the rolling of dice I did cuz that's what I was doing I didn't like it but I heard[Applause] it you're get nasty because everybody's nervous I'm going to kill him uh all right that is her turn next up is the yokul demon oh no yep yep yep yep yep yep but emis has Artemis has fallen but would the demon try to finish the kill what he would he do that would I do I'm not I'm not afraid you will you shut your mouth oh man is my is my wife going to kill me for killing my friends though oh that's I know what I have to do I just don't know if I have the strength to do it yeah it's really I think I think we have to cut that I think that I think that's copyright I would make some sort of um ballsy comment but I am very afraid of that Corporation and what they can do to my life oh my God yeah this is well what is your heart tell you here's the thing here's the thing that demon is absolutely smart enough to want to go in for the kill um but also considering the fact that like Artemis has fallen I'm you know what I'm going to do I'm going to roll a 50/50 here 51 and above it believes star caller is already dead and has no business continuing to attack below he's going to go in he thinks he's dead so with that in mind this demon turns away like artemis's nothing needed to be paying attention to and is going to move in unworried about the spirit Guardians and going in for the hooded stranger it moves 10 ft forward to the North and is going to launch out with two slams however it needs to make a wisdom saving throw passes uh my D20 rolls are starting to get better guys isn't this ain't good uh but 3d8 aquatic Damage Done let see Asher would have designated him as one of the Allied creatures uh no actually uh for reasons UNT told she did not uh my damage rolls went low though I rolled three twos so it takes three points of necrotic damage uh and is looking right as rain and goes to go in and slam first attack on the stranger natural 7even that is a Miss second swing 17 hits Just Hits okay so she's going to take three minimum three points of bludgeoning damage let's mark that because now we got to do 66 poison damage this thing this thing would be nasty if it gets you uh all right three of one and a five nine more uh 65 a five for 20 and another six so 26 more points poison damage uh but she seems to have a little bit of resistance but she she's looking pretty hurt um however she's still standing all right that is the the yokal Demon's turn and it is now uh oh my God what am I doing I keep forgetting about the restrains he has to break free of the chains first uh and I need to roll concentration for abis oh my God I'm all over the place guys keep me honest here all right abis succeeds too busy thinking about myself I know I know yeah self-preservation kind of Trumps uh your[ __ ] he did manage to break through so everything still happens all right that is their turn it is now abb's turn abbis here so is this token moved a bit yes I need to move it back thank you thank you for keeping me honest trying uh all right abis whipping you see someone fall she got ranged healing here she was sent here on a mission and she will not fail she is she's going to cast a level four healing word damn so that is I mean it's not amazing but she's locked in combat so she is going to give you 4 D4 plus four points of healing here get my d4s out I know this is thrilling for everybody listening no way I rolled three ones ouch oh my God and a three so that is 10 points of healing but that is oh my God that might go away with your turn holy smokes holy smokes uh who she do that to that was that was to Artemis uh and she's like run you fool uh gosh all right yikes does she to be clear I do think that was the right I just didn't know if it was mask word or like regular no it was regular it was regular she wanted to focus here because she can't see you Sila she can't see you Vlad like she she doesn't know about Vlad per se um like she just sees this dragon wormling flying around soell is up on a Ledge unaffected by everything currently so all right those don't work I got to check my here oh my God she she points her mace she is she has War casting here so it's all right but she's going to cast as a b she's of the order domain I'm asking for clarification here from from everybody um because she has something that is called embodiment of the law if you C the spell of the enchantment School using a spell slot of first level or higher you change the Spell's casting time to bonus action for this casting provides the Spell's casting time is normally on action I've already cast a regular spell so technically I can't do it because it's not a can trip right yeah it still doesn't Trump the the one level spell thank you thank you uh yeah I mean she could have done spare oh no spare the dying is a touch but Artemis is back up okay that's her that's her her turn uh I'm trying to be helpful for you with these guys Vlad it's your turn I need you to make a wisdom saving throw oh[ __ ] get my 3d8 ready okay uh eight okay that's a fail uh wow I'll save you some trouble he's unconscious how much hit points he have he he has six hit points don't say that because he he's got oh no I rolled seven yeah wait full damage you rolled seven I rolled a four a two and a one that's crazy my hits are getting better and my damage rolls are getting worse that's absolutely crazy okay yeah so vlad's unconscious Vlad goes down all right and it's going to be rolling uh death saving throws here all right it is the remaining giant spider's turn who is designated as an ally is going to attack the abis once more uh natural two Miss so good good job spider doing a freaking R you little stupid Su Artemis it's your turn wisdom savings bro all right come on come on wait that is a lot better I'm not sure it will be enough uh that is a 19 that is a that is a pass you're still going to take half damage all right see let's see if this uh low damage rolls will continue yeah midling midling that is nine uh nine nine damage there all right so me my one hit point baby what you going to do star caller me the nice lady told me to leave but but aremis wants to stand and bang yeah you know that I do who am I kidding be isn't nearby he's swinging he's swinging getting up and Swinging I'm swinging swinging swing away all right that's a 21 to hit uh on the the Y on the Y that's a hit all right so that is 17 points of radiant on the hit and I'm going to use my last spell slot for a Divine Smite level one okay and that is another 20 points of radiant damage holy [ __ ] describe your kill yeah uh emis is just like barely holding on being ripped up by these like little necrotic like spiderlings as he's like like staggering to his feet um and he just brings up Dawn's Edge in a full wide Arc of light uh and slams into this yle and also like the light like disappears as the half of the axus into the yuckle and then it just burns brighter out of every blasted orifice of this demonic form and it's just before burnt up uh in this light and is gone disappeared oh man what are you doing bud you got a whole rest of a turn here things are still we've got three combatants left on the field yep yep uh I'm going to close on Asha and I'm going to swing again okay uh uh that is a natural 20 noit you were do you were du honestly all right that is too bad you don't have that Smite available I know 12 plus Max is not bad though that is 22 points of radiant damage hell yeah brother she drops to one knee with the radiant axe like halfway through her shoulder and it's just like uh all right so for half damage cuz she's concentrating on a spell right now yes nice little t spot I rolled a 14 does that succeed against half damage enough yep that's suceed so Spirit Guardians is still still up all right and what does she have in her hand right now what she she was holding her her pendant to that that's what she's like using to cast it cool then I'm going to um use the rest of my movement to run right the [ __ ] by her um Still Still within the spirit oh you have 35 ft of movement yep I got 35 ft of movement up and I'm around gross all right I'm counting four combatants Am I Wrong uh who you got here we got the one on the ledge Asha elvar no she's right yep you're right sorry okay just checking honestly even though the the spider is large I keep forgetting about it it's right in the middle my guy I know I know it's just so unimportant stuff uh doing it spider thing just doing it spider thing the hooded stranger needs to make a wisdom saving throw did Asha take an opportunity attack against spoise o good point does she have a melee weapon let's double check here she does have a mace say she had it in hand so uh she's not a warter lame sorry do you want this to be CR harder hard I mean we we he we out here grinding I mean I'll take away the NPCs we'll we'll rewind the entire T shut up yeah you know I think there was some really good healing spells I came in we're not we're not reconing two whole episodes my guy uh you you can record and edit that [ __ ] on your own these work hard I'll tell you what she has a plus two to hit I'm I'm there's no way I'm hitting emis unless I make an at 20 on this uh but I did roll a natural 17 does a 19 hit a 19 does hit no oh my gosh okay well it's just flat damage she doesn't have any bonus to it so one point of damage that's I had I had one hit point my guy wild BR so back where we ended up baby oh my gosh yeah you were you were in front of her I know where you were come on now uh wow okay so Artemis she you dig in and you try to whip the axxe out Dawn's Edge and she just swipes up at you real quick and you fall um and it is the hooded strangers turn she failed on her wisdom saving throw so she's going to take three d8 necrotic damage uh wow that's uh 14 points of damage she's looking really really rough now um but she is going to the she feels like the biggest help right now she's going to run over and just try to Club Asha to the ground here get rid of this these Spirit Guardians natural one on the first swing oh that's twice for her uh natural 13 on the second one and she this is with that so that's a 21 to hit definitely hits Asha Asha have she doesn't have Shield or anything like that that so she is about to take a good amount of damage what am I doing it's D6 and at D4 oh I'm going to lift the veil here Asha had two hit points left Jesus so close but Asha Falls he's down the spirit Guardians disappear so nobody's going to be taking continuous damage very nice uh uh does the stranger I always got to check my bonus actions uh yeah that's that's it because you can't if you did a full attack action you can't cast a spell right even if it's bonus action if it's a bonus action you can cast a spell okay she is then going to case what's the radius on this healing Spirit oh very nice oh you got to be five 5 foot Cube you can see within range spirited okay so that's enough to she I'm just going to copy her token here so everybody has an idea and then 5 foot radius yellow so Vlad and Artemis will so until the spell ends whenever you or a creature you can see moves into the spirit space for the first time or on a turn or starts a turn there you can cause the spiritual RoR so when we get back to you guys it can heal you all right Sila you are you're lost in this Darkness you're lost in the sauce right now I'm in the sauce you are deep in theu the sauce what you going to do in the South uh this is a tricky one um is like really hard um I would like to back I can like back straight up right like sure I just want to back up and I'm like looking I'm hoping that I eventually get out of the darkness is what I'm thinking like in Sila's mind like she's in the darkness she's hoping she's eventually going to get out of it so I just want to back up until I'm not anymore okay you are you are out of the darkness okay and nothing happens so nothing happens um as she's backing up in the darkness I think she's like she's like vibrating with rage she's going to Stow caliburn with a free object interaction uh and pull something out of her bag and as she's walking backward out of the darkness she's just like only a coward does not meet their attacker headon it would seem your Warrior was right to Desert you and I suspect your goddess will also desert your pathetic husk in death uh and I would like to light the dynamite I pulled out of my bag and throw it into the darkness and just hope that she's in there oh my God so you're throwing it like right into the middle of this Darkness yeah I'm just going to hope for the best like she could be elsewhere but it's all I got that is like okay you you gave the feral fish [ __ ] bombs I did I did and um I'm trying to remember what we said the initial radius was for those I just remember using it in with the pool I think it was like 10 ft no it was like it was like 30t yeah it was it was a 30 foot radius holy [ __ ] that's I remember it was big Dynamite it was it was scary you get it that's a good point it is dynamite it was the um uh the to the uh scary toad people SLS the slots yeah I don't like them okay well good thing the Dr is dead but his body is incinerated um what you got for for your damage there did we write that down on there cuz I think it was like um oh God what did I I don't remember I think I feel like we treated it like a fireball yeah I think so too like damage wise what's a fireball I think it's I believe it's 686 or oh 86 you're right 86 nuh that's a fireball Fireballs are[ __ ] brutal really 86 rolling why do you think every wizard uses them you're in it too Sila so you're going to make shaving throws can I have done one more thing before I throw it just one more thing before I throw it is it really cool do you hear the concern and like the Polie she's like please please let me live I just I just want a bonus action second win real quick like right before I throw it it's like a deep breath she's like hear me out can I get five hit points look it could be more than five oh no oh no you are bargaining with the Devil Woman I mean it's a bonus action it's just can you imagine if somebody was in the actual military and just pulled the pin on their grenade and threw it and was instantly like no like just immediately got on their knees like have you seen those videos of the dummy like grenade holes in the bunkers that like you would throw it in and it was actually a tube that went right back to the Soldier's feet like God um I imagine this is It's she's like she's like prepping herself sure no I'm I'm going to give it to you I'm going to give it to you she's fully aware of what she's about to do here how how feral do you have to be to be like I'm going to take this bomb with you hey your goddess isn't going to want you in death I'll I'll meet you there but I can see just in case you need an escort through the gates of hell I'll be there [ __ ] yeah and I think this is W oh God okay oh wow so many so many di roll okay what do you guys think what do you think higher or lower here what's the damage okay hold on so so what is it 86 that's what we're rolling mhm uh I'm going to say I'm going to say 30 30 Andrew what do you think Bud like what does my heart tell me yeah what do you want deep Heart of Heart yeah 49 you want 49 49 okay I'm going to go low I'm going to go 20 34 3 hell yeah that mean it's ploning right it's uh oh it's Force damage because it's uh it no we' split it I think I don't remember what it is um so four of that uh split it in half half half Force half fire Andrew were you aware that 49 is one outside the possible damage that 68 can do 86 he's here hey he's not here to do math he's not here to do math he said it last one I thought he was I thought he was genuinely being like well the max is 48 so I want it to be 49 he just tries really hard and now I think there is a save here as well right yes there's a dexterity saving okay good sweetow on auto damage what uh this is a deck I have advantage on Deck saves and if I succeed on this I have evasion per Shield master and I take zero damage that's that's good you're going to need it would would alvara have disadvantage on this and she technically can't see that she's about to be [ __ ] detonated very good point and she's going to I it's only a difference of one on the die Jesus she got a 17 which does make it but she's going to take half of that how much 17 17 34 total brutal uh yeah you definitely hear hear her scream just okay now about that concentration check yeah yeah yeah I hear you which I think is 10 10 oh it's still 10 je half the damage okay right uh 11 on the die she that dark that dark you somehow she is pulling through it and she calls back she goes you wretched fishmonger I will cook you and serve you to my mistress uh I don't taste that good uh all right Sila big big turn um oh you know what we did last oh that was in the cave I made every do everybody do con saves for deafness um this is a bigger Cavern I'm going to say it's okay for the moment uh sael seel you're up okay I want to so she definitely uh yelled out and I just saw a giant [ __ ] explosion yep I can't Darkness remains all sorts of smoke over there so I'm trying to remember and look it up quietly I believe I can still make ranged attacks against her they're just all going to be at disadvantage uh probably has some cover as well I don't know well yeah that's what I'm it's you don't have you won't have light of sight on her yeah I don't think you you can not unless it's an AOE yeah I would say that AOE has disadvantage um but anything specifically targeted no because you have no idea where she is yeah Sam if you um if you take three three levels of Rogue you can take uh the FIFA action and uh throw a dynamite stick every turn as a bonus action yeah if if I knew where the target was it's an attack roll at disadvantage but otherwise no okay so uh gross okay I don't have anything ranged oh I forgot you had Dynamite Sam good point take a point of inspiration Sam that was that was good I love ite pop up now remember Sam if you give that to a friend they will roll lower on the next roll so it's it is a curse it is a curse it is a curse I mean y'all y'all are doing great stuff but I can I just say Sam had two really killer rounds of just getting around this Darkness uh to continue to Harrow uh ilara get this you know I thought I was going to get the upper hand here and now now I got to re okay so the only thing that seel can really do here is take out this spider uh so I'm going to go ahead and we're just going to go and do a second level scorching Ray on this thing okay uh so this is going to be three Rays you you're doing you're definitely doing all three on this spider I mean I can't see any like there are no other enemies for me to well actually that's not true there's there's that one Dr just like hanging out yeah let's do let's do two on the spider and one on that Dr hanging out over there okay okay so all right so first two on the spider is a a 14 and a 27 both hit Okay so let's resolve that damage first that is is eight ah that is 18 points of fire damage total on the giant spider that is a spider just in on itself and the Avis is like whoever shot that I thank you uh and then the Dr up top that is a 17 um yeah that's a hit okay and then that [ __ ] is going to take seven points of fire damage still up okay all right nice uly duly uh and then SEL is actually going to how does this work I have a thing where I can uh my spells are quite moving whenever you cast spell aov uh whenever you cast a spell on a creature you can move the target 5T to an unoccupied space of your choice if the target is willing to move the spell hits it with an attack or if it fails a saving throw against the spell uh so and it doesn't say that it has to be a stable surface so I'm going to pull that [ __ ] uh 5T so he's off the ledge I don't get no save no I I hit him so I get to do this what all right so he's going to fall 15 ft and take 2d6 damage I know it's per 10 ft but [ __ ] it uh only takes three points of damage and is still alive yep but he uh he's face planted on the rock yeah so that is that is one of my gravit features that I have been drastically underusing um so yeah the creature has to be willing I've H I have to have hit it with a spell or it has to fail one of my saving throws and then I can move it 5T you could be moving like wow you could be moving s like every turn yeah it it's a full Battlefield control feature I can like if I if I was casting spells on you guys I have to have done some sort of effect to the Target creature gotta in order to move it oh gross hate it uh well next up is that that drought that has just been pulled down it gets up and is going to load its crossbow and man it's going to shoot at the hooded stranger as much as I would love to get sael his hand crossbow is not that great uh all right [ __ ] D come on that is a miss that is a Miss with a 15 on the stranger so that is that dr's turn this is the top of round six Jan fully runs away gone has no care in the world and has [ __ ] off to live a whole new life uh sure is dead Asha is dead it is elara's turn and Sam has put me in pickle put me put me in a pickle well she put you in a blast radius she put me in a blast radius and you know what I didn't like it I didn't care for it I did not care for it I will be honest boy the question is she's pissed you've definitely goated her so she's not going to try to flee here she wants to hurt Silla I just need the best way to do that from the darkness this green ray launches towards you I need you to make a constitution saving Thrilla oh no okay okay okay okay green rays are not good things nope roll High I have a plus six to cones oh wait you have inspiration hang on it's a ranged attack spell if I hit then you have to make a constitution saving throw oh okay okay okay can ilvar see through the darkness Fair Point so she will step out of the darkness oh falling right into myard I don't know if you're gonna like that though Sam cuz uh now that I'm forcing being forced out yeah I could do something even Naser I didn't want to get this close no no I don't need to move cuz you know what she's going to stop focusing on Darkness oh oh she's just going to drop it she's going to drop it oh and she steps out from behind this this mushroom points this sickly green ray at you this is uh this is a big plus to hit 24 to hit oh yeah that is okay uh I have upcast Ray of sickness oh that thank God that is not what I thought it was uh not disintegrate not that not that one yeah that's that's what I was worried about uh it's still going to be 4 d8 damage see if my damage and a con save and a con save so oh oh Yik you want me to roll right now yeah go for it but don't tell me yet that's Holy Ray of sickness is a ranged attack and con saave yeah because you can if she fail she will become poisoned until the oh that's right uh one more Jesus Christ um that's 28 points of poison damage to Sila and what what did you get on your Constitution saving[Music] throw I'm debating if I want to use I got a 12 that is a fail um you will be poisoned until the end of your next until the end of your next turn yeah so to do something that someh negates that attacks and she is I will not use my inspiration okay all right so you are poisoned you took 28 points of damage damn and how you doing how you doing not great will not great I didn't I didn't think so uh but I got to play the villain and the villain's pissed because you blew her up so she is then going to move she's moved 10 ft she's move 5 10 15 20 moving farther back and she's just cackling come fish Monga show me what you can do before you die um all right that is the end of her turn the Yoko is dead is abbis whipping turn how she doing she's going to do a mass healing word or wait a minute wait a minute I did I did it at a third level I believe the first time she did it cuz this would be the second time uh okay so this is her last fourth level spell slot so everybody's going to get 2 D4 plus 4 fortunately Mass healing word is not as good as you know the Cure wounds and stuff uh that is nine points of healing back to everybody within a 60 foot Rus which I believe should get everybody she is including Vlad in this she is including all friendly allies I'm back baby okay uh all right so Vlad be conscious are friends she's like d all Warriors and Friends the job is almost done the surface awaits you all and she is going to begin walking back around the ledge just a slow walk like whoever you are Dr your time is at hand judgment awaits uh all right it is vlad's turn Vlad is in the area of the healing spirit it would you like some healing I think I would you would how wonderful it's one6 that's far feeling plus my spell casting AB ability modifier yourself an extra four for a good good nine points feeling that's a good amount of healing right there she's got a good modifier okay so that's a five so our our uh plasma breath is back so Vlad is piered uh uh he's going to zoom up flying with his 60 ft of flying uh we'll call that 40 to get up there I shouldn't have dropped the darkness uh and he is just charging straight at ilvara and as he he like torped up over the ledge shoots toward her opens his mouth and this bright bluish purple black spew uh of plasma shoots at her so she needs to make a dexterity save gross gross gross that's a nine that is a fail so she is going to take the full brunt of five d8 radiant damage oh that's good oh that's good well that's good okay uh 22 29 Points of radiant damage ilvara was kind of tauntingly walking backwards to Sila just come get me fish m and Vlad just out of the air comes through and this line of plasma rips through her and as like the Searing light dies down you see that through her chest is a hole and she's just looking down I will see you again and she dies yeahoo one glad spits a little bit more Plasma on her and does that Cat thing where he just like like covers her corpse in[Laughter] dirt there is one small Dr remaining who is looking panicked as hell as Artemis stand hands and you get 10 points of healing from the healing Spirit what does emus do here mommy arus calls for Mommy okay great that's the end of your turn you wish uh he's going to like get up dust himself off and with what uh decorum he can muster he's going to point Dawn's Edge at at this guy surrender I'm going to blow a hole in you Jesus uh I'm going to make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC excellent sounds like this an 11 does that fail that does fail so he's frightened he he drops his hand crossbow and the the short sword that he had and was like of course I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry please please don't kill me I'm going to turn to the mysterious hooded woman um do you guys take prisoners or uh honestly we have quite a long road to get to gunal Grim so um not entirely of need but they could have information I will I will bow to your Authority you do have more information on what is happening here that uh the battle Hammer does have interest in SEL do you want to talk to this guy apparently they were looking for you I do not know who they are or what they're doing here I also do not care so you are out of initiative all of you because he's surrendered but he's just like um listen listen I I don't know who you are I was just following orders was just walking slowly directly in a straight line towards him no no he do not he oh sorry please don't no I don't like this squid squid please I'm sorry so sorry Overlord his tentacles just start like sliding over his skull I'm sorry you said you wouldn't kill me you actually didn't see um I'm going to like think into Dawn's Edge is like are are we cool of killing prisoners or is that like a no no I'm I'm the Geneva Convention doesn't exist in F what's what's your like take on that as a technicality you did offer him mercy and you're not the one consuming his brain so I think we're okay here actually okay all right his brain would be a waste you will I've always wanted to say this give me your shoes what what why do you want my shoes give them to me okay I'm so sorry he takes off his like spider silk slippers and like tosses them to you and like I my shoes all you can you can go now yeah I I can leave yeah I I don't yeah if he doesn't even want to eat your brain I have no use for you and so foul is he a slaver he's a slaver's [ __ ] I would like to throw a hand ax at him make a range attack throw I think this is in the meantime safel has made his way up to the ledge and is just slowly starting to walk towards the corpse of ilvara No 21 hit him uh 10 describe your kill yeah I think um as says he's a slaver's [ __ ] she just like flies a handaxe and it thuds Solly in the back of his head as he's running away and just face plants on the ground take us through that thought because I mean Artemis Artemis here the one who has declared his will to Conquest in Dominate and then Sila has killed has killed someone who's now who thought they had freedom that's a big thing there is no world for slavers in the underd dark and he may have admitted that he was wrong but he did so under duress and I would say it was false damn there is no jury here only execution is well Aris Just Smiles up at Sila um like a annoying and like deeply amused smile and then he looks down damn they're not even my size anyone wear seven anybody uh you look to the the the hooded woman she's like no sorry are they wides no no it's an Elvin cut yeah damn it [ __ ] elves glad just like you could put them on your tentacles seel they could keep them more it it's a weird texture thing sensory issues and all that I I know we don't know each other very well but what the hell man sorry I thought it was funny it was but also like all wizard it's fine uh seel has has made his way up to ilvara um and just looks over the corpse this brings me no joy but you've tracked me for too long you've come too[Music] far I need to know what else you've jeopardized that I may have to deal with and he is going to grab her by her arm bring her head up to his position and kneel down and take a big old Chomp big old I think meanwhile Sila's like walking around and she's like has anyone seen my shield in Trident they were caught in the blast radius oh my God that's right oh no uh you can make perception checks for anybody that wants to help look for that I'll assist I'll assist this is good was was the tri to Magic item by the way that Shield was yeah it was they were okay all right so they're not going to be outright destroyed here oh gosh sorry I'm just flipping through here to ilvara and some of the information she holds for you all right what'd you get there Sam 10 okay it takes you about 5 10 minutes um but you do you do find them uh one was back towards the way that you would come where joran had flee and the shield was caught on on top of one of the mushrooms near the ledge that spel had kind of been hanging out on but you do Rec your shield and tried blows on it and dust it off excuse me sael you bite into the now dead form of ilvara and you are instantly brought back to the scenes of velan valve and you feel this intense hatred within your body as you as you realize it it's hers it's her hatred as she is walking by cell after cell looking in after numerous uh enslaved and captured individuals until we see in this memory uh eventually she comes across a cell where you Indigo Lara stool and all the others were once housed and that hatred just kind of pulses in your mind almost like a headache just throbs against you it's so intense because then her her her memories flash through to the time when you guys escaped and how she fought off uh a numerous number a very large number of demons flying demons that had broken through if you guys had remembered that how she had barely managed to get through that with uh her her niece Asha uh who you now know is was named Asha vandry you see Asha talking tovara she goes your your family what will they they do for this we can't we can't go back to the city they will they will demote both of us we will be outcasts drers even if they learn of our failure your parents the misim they'll and ilvara like you can see your point of view whirls around she grabs Asha by the throat and she's like enough enough there is no going back not without them in hand damn this place there was already a prison here for ourselves you will take the hunt to them they will not leave the underd dark you will prove my worth I will be high priestess I will be blessed by Loth but is the last thing I do and then you see month after month of her and Chasing After You Clues she comes across the wreckage of a ruined sunken Castle which had recently been destroyed by some type of explosion of some sorts hundreds of skeletons and goblinoid humanoid various kinds ancient armors uh ruined garden and the edge of the dark Lake and she you see her she's looking at out there she like find find a boat they can't have gotten far on the lake the co TOA will take them surely and then you see in this this Flash Forward the ruins of sloid doop they sit in a boat bobbing on the waves as they see the fading form of demagorgon but manag to lock Eyes On A Boat sailing off into the darkness of the lake and we see more weeks with them floundering out there running into the gray dwarves fighting upon these these rafts that they've constructed just trying to survive and sometime later they come across an Island an island with a hags body ruined Hut clearer signs that there had been a prisoner there Novara knows it's you three so the hunt continues they they think the nearest Point could be mental Darth so they go to this trading post post and you see it's this giant stalagtite that touches down into the water and you can see spiraling up at these glowing lights you see she's walking amongst these neutral this neutral marketplace with disgust in her heart as she sees uh deep GN she sees the gr DS she see other Dr of other houses some of which are eyeing her curiously she recognizes them their family their houses so she tries to keep a low profile no signs of you she's losing some of her individual drows along the way and so she's recruiting more she sits back out onto the team lake or the dark Lake and eventually reaches the outskirts of GRL stuck where she comes across a series of other drout who have been spying on some rather interesting individuals that had come through however now they've disappeared and so you keep seeing these memories of her always coming up not too far behind but far enough from your Trail she at one point in one particular memory you see sees the very horribly charred remains of a humanoid individual outside of a broken cathedral in a lava Cavern they spend a number of days outside of the H hidden entrance of the kingdom of Ember but have no idea of its entrance nobody comes or goes you know the Cobalts are far too secretive for that they eventually make their way to never like Grove but quickly turn their backs as they are almost immediately consumed by mad mikids and gray dwarves consumed by fungal spores and more and then they find you they find you in the confusion of the battle of blinkon stone they've disguised themselves knowing how the Deep known hate the Dr and it takes everything within her not to join the fry and start killing them indiscriminately just to have you but she waits she begins to plot if you survive that is and then you do and she sees that you have a new party these new individuals and thinks what better prize than the saviors of the deep gnomes and now she possesses the information that she could go back to menzo berzen and tell her people I have a city ripe to fall and here are the heroes that had just saved it so you see this whole plan where she wanted to convince the other matrons of the houses the Dr houses of menzo Beren and to come with her take over lion Stone once again Wipe Out the Deep gnomes hold once and for all but she just can't let it go that you escaped so they wait they wait a couple of days she thinks how wonderful it will be to have you so close to the surface only to drag you back into the depths again and then in her final thoughts you see as her vision Fades Into Darkness these like silvery threads almost like you were flying through space but then it becomes these wider threads and you feel something alien and horrible touch your mind I need you to make a sanity check all right what do we have here right now glad I'm not doing that ah yes the consequences of eating brain it's fine it's a 19 it's a fail actually Ro roll you see this beautiful drow woman up here in front of you in this this instance long white silvery hair this beautiful crown she's stunning these long pointed purplish ears but something catches your attention she has these red eyes and then you see another set just a little bit higher and behind the first and all of them blink at you and she's wearing this kind of beautiful armor that's both alluring in many aspects and she has these very long clawed hands and she kind of crosses them in front of her places her chin upon it goes on you just fascinating and her mouth turns into this horrible venomous fanged m and this large spot spider body comes up behind her and launches itself at you and we'll see you guys next time thank you so much for watching this episode please rate review subscribe save send tell everybody about it and roll your own Madness save to see if you can withstand the horror if you need support in that come on down to our Discord Where We Are very happy to console and condemn um that just sounded like it fit right there um you know it's been a lovely ride and as always we'll see you next week later