The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast

Turning Tides - Episode 109

Season 1 Episode 109

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The battle with Ilvara's squadron rages on. Unexpected allies have turned the tide in our heroes' favor, but will it be enough to lay the drow dame low?

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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin

Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real

Dnd 5e, underdark, drow, wizard, cleric, warlock, Dungeons and Dragons, The Madness Table, D&D, gaming, actual play podcast, ttrpg

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well welcome to the madness table where uh one of the PCS is actually the big bad evil guy and when Demag Gordon finally slays him we will all cheer and not apologize and I would never want you to Brendon be who you are just as we all in ask you to bring the person you are whether you're you know chill or not come on down to the Discord chat tell us all the things um that's a great place to commune of other members of the uh Community it's also a fun place where you can ask questions that we use in our bonus action content which we are then legally obligated to answer asteris asteris actually it's true um we're having a great time hopefully you're having a great time and to set us up on another Whirlwind adventure and possibly deadly level combat I'll going throw it over to William Johnson thank you thank you thank you I will also remind everybody to please rate and review us wherever you can because that's super helpful in spreading the podcast other than you sharing it with your friends um because listen I need more people to hear about how I kill and torture my friends doing this game you know right no all right cool you guys are obviously excited to get back into this so last time uh in this wonderful wonderful room of death you an [ __ ] you're welcome uh listen somebody's got to be somebody's got to be the bad guy and happy to be him uh you have been assaulted by ilvara the Priestess who originally captured all of your characters within velon vve and has been chasing you through the underd dark now this wasn't just a four on four combat within the end of the first round she had called upon more drought forces that had been hiding uh and waiting to Ambush the lot of you and so as they came in uh a number of them shooting poison bolts and into the second round we had two figures all a sudden rush in one of which pulling out a scroll and describing themselves as abbis whipping and she has come to escort you to King Bruno battlehammer and she immediately set in with a mass healing word to kind of buff you all up for a moment and then a another fig appeared with a large crossbow taking out one of this the Lesser drow in the midst of this Artemis has dealt numerous large blows to alvara which has pushed her to summon a demon a Yoko um which I believe that's how you say that one uh this tall yellow tree like creature that is just oozing all over has this large Central red eye um and it attempted to dominate sael now there were some incredible moves by everybody Sila you were backto back facing off against a spiritual weapon and Jor Lind and Shore Artemis you were both hunting down Asha in alvara sael you managed to cast a beautiful gravity well and clamp together four of the opponents killing one um and Vlad was able to get off a breath weapon and is now locked uh jaw to jaw with this other giant spider we left off with ilvara letting off her own Mass healing word to her forces um now with two combatants dead we have what one two three 4 5 6 7 eight and eight or nine combatants left on this field it's fine uh how's I'm just curious I have not checked every everybody's sheets this week how's everybody doing like you don't have to tell me exact numbers if you don't want to cuz it's not going to necessarily change anything but like are people doing okay uh doing all right doing all right doing all right been better sure sure doing all right was you're dishing out what 40 points of damage with these eldrid blasts now well I mean yeah as you do yeah and uh and how's Sila doing you've been you've been juggling a whole bunch of combatants down there yeah Sila is uh bloodied with one maneuver left so oh okay okay all right she's she's giving it her all though yeah this is an endurance game not a Sprint so some of us will be here long after emis is very tired but I'll be very alive so good luck at that I mean you've got a what 22 AC s 22 23 and you're raing Christ well it's 20 cuz I dropped the uh um right drop the shield no I have the shield I'm not wearing heavy armor anymore uh that's right the Stu B uh and seel you're back into this this this ledge wall with a demon 10 ft in front of you and a drow above you yeah hit hit point and resource wise Cel is not in a bad spot however positionally he's in a very very uh disadvantageous situation worst possible spot yeah no this this can go all of his resources can go away in a very quick amount of time the way he's positioned so yeah we're going to be handling that Vlad is not doing too hot Vlad no he got hit up pretty bad yeah he he got roughed up uh it was definitely bad cuz he flew up to the top of the ceiling and got hit and knocked down so you have fall damage on top of that so he's pretty rough right now well we're going to drop right back into where we left off however just after ilvara is the yokal demon who 10 ft away from seel who it had attempted to dominate is going to ooze forward 30 ft and attempt to slam you with one of its like weird whip tree like arms I'm going to go with my nice metal blue dye let's see what the first roll of the night is it's a four so that is a Miss surprisingly that doesn't hit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so just just so everybody can try to deduce the math here that was a four for a total of a 10 to hit you with that first slam here comes the second one he doesn't have to roll very high shut shut up no I am so sorry no yep yep whenever will starts texting you the um the picture of the dice you know it's not good texting me ideas on my next character he's like so just so you're this is I still haven't heard about y uh I'm not a[ __ ] cuz I rolled my other metal die uh which the natural 20 is a yeet and I'm I'm looking at a ye and I'm getting yacht and you're getting yed get yed uh the good thing is is that it's only doubling the bludgeoning damage because there is other damage involved okay all right that's that's great 14 of bludgeoning damage okay oh okay hang on I got to roll 66 poison damage Jesus Christ thankfully I'm resistant it was chill knowing you and all like hey good character relax my God relax oh my God I'm resistant it's fine um he's growling a lot dude do you think will leave once the fell goes down maybe that's the play yeah maybe that's it is uh I almost rolled Max on this Christ you take 21 points of poison damage all right so 10 take take that down yeah good thing you're resistant and that was the second hit and has no more attacks fantastic and so that boy is right up uh be sure to move your token so people can tell moving 5T Southwest for those longtime listeners will is uh historically an[ __ ] when it comes to making sure we move our tokens L I'm giving it back now that we are also a video medium uh which everybody check out the YouTube I have to insist we move our [ __ ] correct that is true that is that is valid uh valid point you're making I have to say though it has never even occurred to me that it is something that will does so I think it might be just you renon yeah that's fair I like that thanks Sam thank be kind to me uh Andrew you're muted my guy nothing I have to say is important anyway I'm going back to my mute chamber and we love you uh all right now that the yokal demon has gone it is abis whon who has dropped in here she's still to the Northwest emis it real good what a name what a great person I bet she's great no Sam is Sam is trying so hard I bet she sucks and everyone related to her sucks yeah yeah she is she's going to come up her maximum of 30 ft so she's going to move to the southeast here uh 30 ft and she I'm going to double check the spell here this is a specialty spell I created for her uh she starts she actually pulls from her belt a like hooked chain uh and she goes uh foul fiend from the abyss you shall move no further and she is casting a spell called binding chains and we see four hook chains burst from the ground and try to lash onto the yokal demon um and it needs to make a dexterity saving throw let's just look at the stats here on this guy not amazing she's the scen bite uh it actually fails so it is now restrained uh by this spell it does get a chance to uh break free from this every time on its turn however it's also going to take one B6 point points of damage from the hooks takes three points of damage very nice uh and while I'm doing that I got to double check her bonus actions see if she's got any good guys what are those like what are those um she is she's going to unleash another Mass healing word uh she's going to do that at third level so everybody's going to get 3 D4 plus four healing back uh is Vlad included in this or just the main players yes Vlad Vlad can get it excellent what the other spell not a spell oh yes you're right you're right thank you thank thank you are you on Andrew Elizabeth Walker chaos how dare you nope nope that's good thank you Andrew thank you thank you aremis is evil you know actually what she can cast enchantment spells as a bonus action however that is not enchantment one so that is that is going to be her turn all right next up in the order is Vlad okay uh Vlad is going to roll to see if he gets his Prismatic breath back on a six he absolutely does [ __ ] sick uh so he is going to this is a line correct yeah he can do a 30ft line or a 15t cone so he's actually going to do a line that shoots shoots through the spider and the Yoko I forgot that you could recharge his breath weapon yeah buddy and the Y is restrained so it's got or flat out fails or does he flat out fail deck saves let me double check uh speed zero attack rolls against the creature have Advantage the creatures attack rolls have disadvantage the creature has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws okay so disadvantage all right but the giant spider here I got to roll as well uh jesz um Crow my streak of low rolls except for the occasional crit is on a roll they both fail hell yeah all right so that's going to be 5 d8 radiant damage Jesus this giant spider is probably going to be toast unless you roll incredibly low not rolling massively high but not bad so that's what your special leisurely robe is not giving you the powers no it it doesn't uh enhance my dice rolls it's a it's a common magical item uh okay so that's 17 points of radiant damage okay doesn't actually kill the spider uh let me just double check this y make sure it any resistances or anything uh and and I highly doubt it but are does the spider or the yokul have anything metal on them no they don't Okie do then that is Vlad that is vlad's turn W yeah he's going to he's going to stay right up uh with that okay spider uh yeah so the the spider is pretty pretty well singed at this point but the yokal demon just has like this sulfurous smell and smoke coming off of part of its form that got blasted here next up is the giant spiders the one that just got roasted a little bit by Vlad here is going to to go ahead and try to bite them okay uh that is uh a roll of a 12 for a 17 to hit ah that just hits okay uh that is six points of piercing damage okay and six points of poison damage oh wait no no no no no no no uh I need you to make a constitution saving thr sorry I was looking at web okay con save it's a very low save for the con save coming for blad okay that's a 13 okay you you passed so no poison damage you are just six points of piercing yep okay uh next up is the other giant spider who is going to uh crawl down 10 ft to abbis weapon and is going to attempt to bite her let us see what happens let is a 11 for a 16 so uh you see this giant spider crawl down towards abis whon and she's like totally focused on the yokal demon and continuing to concentrate on her spell and this giant spider Fang just go down on her and she just holds up her shield and just catches it not even paying attention just like in convenient um and that is a giant spider's turn so we are up to ofous now oh boy all right so climbing this wall yes it's hard and I don't want to do it anymore okay that's fair that's fair instead I am going to break wide uh from the wall then make my way um South at an angle and then run up on the Yogo ooh okay so you move 35 this guy at the top of the wall I I don't know if he would have had an opportunity to attack he might have no no he's you it's a 15t uh ledge so definitely not within range of you cool um then I'm going to make my way stra at um slimy boy here how is he looking after that Blast from um our boy umad uh it can hear your footsteps running up on it so you see its head and its eye just like ooze around looking all right back to the abyss then uh and I'm going to uh fly at him and launch into him uh with Don's Edge all right you can hear Dawn's Edge like as you're you're you're saying back to the abyss with you she is like almost echoing it but it's like this this war cry in your mind all righty all right let's do it so first swing is a 12 that is a Miss uh I'm going to come again uh that is a 28 that is absolutely a hit yeah I got so the the problem is that I rolled a one on damage but it's a plus seven and it a Divine Smite level two yes and as this is a demon I'm going to en roll 4 d8 all right let go okay I've been waiting for this and it does not disappoint all right so that is um from just the original swing that has eight points of radiant um oh but it's a it's on Undead dawned special feature okay uh and then that is 23 points of radiant damage from the nice nice uh you light into this this demon however it is still standing pretty heartily good make this interesting um and then somewhere in the back of his mind he's going to cue his spiritual weapon which is still next to lady elvar to swing on her a you remembered I hate it when they remember remember you remember remember the time uh that's a oh it's a 13 is that a fa that's a Miss thank goodness fin now fin now all right that's action bonus action and all my movement that's all I got I will say just aelo you might want to move or something noted uh that's all I got okay it is the other unannounced strangers turn uh who drops their large crossbow on the ground uh and starts moving here uh incredibly fast just running low to the ground uh and is going to move what's movement here I think it's just 30 yes uh 5 10 15 20 25 30 gets almost all the way down you uh parallel with Artemis and Cel but with a distance of 10 ft and um Sila you are currently locked in with joran but you see this figure running in your direction and uh you you look up and you see this uh this beautiful like white braided hair pull like uh falling out from underneath the kind of leafy hood and this dark face um with these piercing green eyes and she goes how well are you in the air and you feel like all of a sudden the air start to twist about you I have to ask you a question though are you willing to trust this train this stranger uh yes uh you all of a sudden feel yourself just launched through the air and headed towards mistress ilara as she like this this stranger takes her hand and like almost like a a Jedi just thrusts you upwards uh and you end up Landing safely let's double check my distance here yeah you have just enough to get to the very edge of the cliff near safel in emis and she just calls out take out their leader uh and that is let me just double check here what is that is one action for her to do that let's double check our bonus actions here um and then she pulls out from amongst her waist like almost kind of unclips it what looks like a club made out of some kind of bone jaw piece and uh a like simitar looking thing with uh also made of bone that has like these teeth these serrated looking teeth on it as well uh and she looks like she's getting fa ready to face the armored Dr of Shore and Shoreland down here uh but that is her turn Sila you're up you have been transported across the battlefield you're up on the ledge you see ilvara you see the spiritual weapon the the two lesser Dr and you are above sael and Artemis what do you want to do yeah Sila is flown through the air and I think she lands on this ledge and it's like it's like uh her the momentum does not stop uh and she barrels toward Ward ilvara um and I think as she runs she is hitting her Trident against her shield in this like beat um as she just like uh gets right up into uh her her space how very Primal and frightening I love it yeah hell yeah was probably just like oh F no all right uh my first attack with my Trident is a 25 yeah that's a hit that's a hit for sure um uh for 12 piercing okay and then so she she beating her Trident on her Shield she Sprints toward and then she stabs out with the Trident Yanks it back and then she's going to push forward with her shield and attempt to knock ilvara to the ground nice not again and I have advantage on this strength right yeah that's uh that's an eight not good she's knocked to the ground with my shield and then Sila's going to come forward and stab her with attempt to stab her with the Trident again okay I have advantage and that's going to be a another 25 yeah yeah yep that's a hit that's a hit uh 41 piercing this time nice good damage uh yeah she is looking uh pretty weak you charge up you're beating on your Shield you stab her once you knock her down and stab her again uh how very gladiatorial but she is like now on the ground uh Trident in her belly and she's cuz you damed fish I think it's just this like animalistic reaction she's not speaking it's just like pure Fury and probably spittle yeah yeah yeah the the the the beastial nature is out here that's okay well uh the gravit turgy wizard what you going to do uh well I was going to thunder step uh and then damn I take it oh Jee Jesus Christ uh do it do it for the vine okay all right well you know what uh lion daddy said it's okay so uh so I'm going to thunder Step at third level uh as one does um so I'm going to shoot all the way across this lower area and end up on the opposite uh Northern ledge here surveying the battlefield moving 50 ft got hell yeah brother um so I need the yokul and the spider to go ahead and make Con saves okay uh is the Dr 15 ft above you affected uh no it's only anything within 10 fet of me oh okay so just outside of it and it's con saave uh correct all right let's do the yok first cuz I have their character sheet up can I just say I hate the name Yoko I I'm pretty sure it's y cuz it's like it's y y o c h LOL I will say that all demon names are purposefully unpronouncable yeah no it's[ __ ] yeah you know what let's just call it the LOL because it's like Yak uh I'm laughing at it either way man yeah either way it's good um so that was an 18 total for the the the L and then for so he just makes it the Giant spider that's a fail with a 12 okay so the spider is going to take full damage uh and I believe yeah half damage for uh Mr LOL and full damage from Mr star oh Bo did you fail I super dead you I roll a 13 yeah that's bad it was like it was it was like one of those like the 19as there it's like oh it's the worst well you know I can go ahead and give it to you because you take 19 points of damage oh my God as does the spider I feel great and Mr LOL takes 10 okay all right do it for the Vine I don't even know what that means what does that mean I don't know but it sounds provocative the year 2016 told me about it someone from the far future and another playe uh the Mr LOL is all right however the giant spider is just Thunder punted against the the the and is broken and I a to thunder pun hey you know what we should get some t-shirts made and I feel like mager and thunder punted Thunder punter yeah should be on there it sounds really upsetting don't why this podcast is nothing but upsetting uh all right is that the extent of your turn yeah yeah that is the life of the wizard okay uh next up is what remains of the Lesser Dr here the one closest to ilvara 10 ft away from Sila is going to wheel around and is going to come up on uh I almost said Lara uh is g to come up on Sila I'm so sorry for your dead very Dead character uh wow you know wow that's rough uh it's okay because the fates the fates are kind that was a three so misses misses was the short Sword and the one to the southeast here 15 ft above the the lull and aramus is yeah he's going to fire his crossbow at you emis let's see you got let's see let's see let's see let's go back to the cat's eye green Madness table die natural seven for a total of an 11 AR like holds up his hand to um Shield it's like oh actually you just you straight up missed saw emus saw Whi do that like badass Shield thing and wanted to mirror it and the bolt didn't [ __ ] come close guess I didn't need to do that watch this whipping miss where' it Go wh's holding it cuz it went all the way back there yeah she's got it you wanted this all right we are back up at the top of the initiative it is the beginning of round four and it is Jan's term that sounds fake we this was an entire session and we are just starting round four yeah I know it's pretty wild right that's absolutely crazy uh all right Jan is going to move 15 ft and get up on the stranger the cloaked stranger and is going to attack twice with his short sword first one another seven that's uh 14 to hit her so that is a Miss she manages to catch it off of one of her bone clubs uh second swing that is better that is an 18 which hits her and he is going to[Music] do he does 7 points of piercing damage and is going to do 3 D6 points of poison damage to this individual uh they manage to do nine points of poison damage and that is Jan's turn next up we got here we got shore shore is going to also move in on this stranger and is going to take similar attacks first one uh and you can see he is he's not quite steady anymore I think I mentioned this before um and wow yeah that was uh he's technically rolling with disadvantage that was a Nat 20 and a five so miss on the first one second one also a miss a three and a 14 goodness gracious uh all right that is their turns we are now up to Asha who has been healed uh a bit there I think Artemis you have a hunter mark on her or a hex I think it's the hex right uh no I think it's um or was it something that you slowed her with no it's right I I had on it's lady ilvara I have one one of my I have my um hex on her I believe okay someon no you're totally right it is Asha okay I like was going to attack her and then like I got distracted you got you got distracted it's you know what it happens that's love shiny things yeah even shiny things that look like ear wax yeah that's right yeah um and she bonus action is going to move her spiritual weapon uh 20 ft 5 10 15 20 is going to take a swing on the stranger jeez I'm Crow I can hard I can hardly R uh roll double digits here tonight that is a miss that was another four um all right her turn though she sees she sees the battlefield and has a little bit concerns about what is happening here uh could we could we get out the big guns could we do it what she is going to move 5 10 15 20 25 30 ft directly to the West kind of back where abis whipping and the the other stranger were and is going to cast a another let me just double check yes another guiding Bolt at Vlad uh so this is arranged spell attack yeah it's not cool nope that's an 11 to hit yeah thank goodness that does not hit yeah my rolls My rolls are crap you apologize to your wife right now she's watching Anatomy she's she's fine she's happy she dark will who the hell is Happy watching Gray's Anatomy my goodness I it's a gray show all right anyways um it is ivara's turn ilvara prone on the ground Trident has struck her twice here it's not not great um let's see here how can she get out of this Sticky Wicket stuff playing both sides you know that stuff playing both sides here's what she's going to do she claps her hands together and she she's looking directly at at illa and she goes prepare for the depths of of Despair and just this Dark Cloud fills the space all around you as she casts Darkness oh no uh so this creates a 15t radius sphere and we're going to make it a nice nice deep purple color so the the spiritual weapon of Artemis the Dr Sila and ilvara are all now in darkness and she uh let's just double check here I'm pretty sure ex CU everybody the darkness spreads around of cor Corners a creature with dark vision dark vision can't see through this Darkness and non-magical Light can't illuminate it if the point you choose in an object you are holding or one that isn't being water blah blah emanates from the object and moves with it completely covering the source of Darkness all right so uh correct me if I'm wrong the spiritual weapon illuminate anything there star caller I that's how I picture it but mechanically I don't believe so no it doesn't say it's uh sheds light or anything all right so it is totally obscured and therefore you cannot see her uh and yeah she does a little something that you don't know about and that is her turn next up is Mr LOL Mr LOL what are you going to do there LOL he is not very happy but is uh more than happy to turn around on emis and is going to try to slam you twice POA pora probably because the Divine Smite oh yeah yeah I I remember remember that now that's a that's a 21 hit does that hit uh it would but I'm going to Shield nice get you that Shield boy uh all right that lasts for the entirety of your rest of your turn right all right until I go yeah so what is your AC now my AC is 24 that Holy Smokes uh all right so I'm 24 you said just double checking here uh sorry 23 23 23 no no it is 24 it's plus 5 no I'm bad at math it's a 24 24 yeah 19 + 5 equals 24 I have to roll minimum in 18 to hit you right now sounds reasonable yes uh and I rolled a natural T yes he was do well you know what you got to Humble him somehow that demon skull with that TNT just appeared it's a good moment to to critical your Paladin it's just like the Tik Tok it's just like the Tik Tok man just eating that Smite up all right that is 14 points of piercing damage okay cool cool and here comes the 66 poison damage why you do that no if you want to understand that joke log on to Tik Tok and go to at the madness table that's right at the madness table to find out what was that cryptic reference all about all right uh I rolled two sixes and a four on the first three here come the second three wow nice will and I are like Polar Opposites when it comes to d6s I'm like frequenting ones and twos and he's like how's Max damage sound I weirdly I can't I'm I'm either critting or I'm doing nothing in the hit department but the damage is coming out all right oh yeah um okay when you hit you hit buddy I do I do hit and these guys are designed to do that uh that is 26 points of poison damage 26 26 that's quite a lot I am unconscious he would be up he not taking that damage for hey you know what you know what I'm not sorry I I was not going to do it I was encouraged I'm not sorry listen live your life so emis you you light in with Dawn's Edge and then this this this Yol L turns around and just Bam Bam manages to break through your shield and just clubs you straight to the ground yikes this isn't how I remember the fln stones uh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh no we got to we got to take that back what because he is restrained and I did not roll with disadvantage oh [ __ ] who so let's do the second one again I'm going to roll up one more time if it's less than an 18 you're okay that's a natural one [ __ ] yeah what okay so take back 26 points of poison damage yep and then it was 14 and it was 14 uh sorry bludgeoning it should have been bludgeoning but either way back up the 17 wow I'm glad I'm glad I remember that is that from is that from the ab's spell yes that is from the abis I was like she's she's next what's she going to do I'm like oh she's concentrating on a spell duh should have been rolling with disadvantage wow that's a game changer yep uh all right everybody breathe breathe can all see the alternate reality so clearly oh God uh life flashes before your eyes it's like oh that's what death looks like you you'll have a good 21 split on it you know disadvantage R uh wow okay that binding chains is concentration in fact so she's going to keep that up um but she is going to swing her mace at the giant spider that is trying to kind of catch her here so that is oh yeah that is a 26 to hit and is going to do uh 14 points of damage to this spider and if you remember the spider got healed so it's still doing all right at the moment um and that is her turn but she she actually like yells to you emis she's like boy move away from the demon before your death comes to you Retreat and he you're not my dad you're not my dad uh all right Vlad you're up okay uh we're going to we're going to roll again for the breath weapon that's a four so that doesn't come back my goodness um so Vlad so Vlad is in Dragon form still so he doesn't have to change do I want to fly though um do you want to fly do you feel lucky punk uh this this is Shore right up here right to the like direct east of him mhm uh it is it is Jan here and it is Shore to the north yes Shore right there okay uh was Shore looking [ __ ] up or was sh I remember you said sh's looking pretty[ __ ] up yeah okay he's looking a bit bloody all right uh Vlad is going to like rocket through the air like he's going to push off with his wings he's going to tuck his wings back so he's streamline and he's just going to uh charge maw open wide at Shore uh and try to do some some lethal damage here he's going to do a bite attack freaking Dragon torpedo great jump you know every every campaign needs one yeah you know all I can think about is the the silly toothless animation that's going around TI to I think of a dragon I'm just like yeah no Tik Tok has ruined our sens of water uh so that's a 19 hit uh it's going to use his reaction to Parry and causing that to miss all right well he's going to get [ __ ] that's what's going to happen uh I mean maybe if it lives Jesus she always she always liked him yeah that's true uh then that's it that that's that's the whole turn all right so so Vlad Torpedoes it down and Shore can just hear him just and just with a shield just boom pops him to the ground ow um all right it is the one remaining giant spider's turn locked in combat with abbis whon and is going to attempt to bite her again that's a natural 17 uh and that definitely overcomes her AC so it is going to do that is Five Points of piercing damage and she needs to make a constitution saving throw cly makes it so she receives no poison damage that is the giant spider's turn Artemis you're up you just had this weird Deja Vu moment where you you saw yourself die so what happens now uh now he swings away no I said back to the abyss uh and that is a 19 to hit yeah that is 15 points of um radiant damage okay and I'm going to use a level one Divine Smite no I wasn't asking okay uh and that is no that's not seven seven additional points of radiant okay hey you know what I can take that I can take that you sure can and now we do it again damn it I don't know why I'm surprised at this point I'm like you guys are level seven of course you're doing two swings it's okay will I'm not doing two spells thank goodness not uh that is a 29 to hit oh my God and uh misses uh how dare you uh and that that is 11 points of radiant up front and another Divine Smite oh God all right uh and has 14 points of radiant damage oo nice nice nice this demon is looking rough uh like that and as you're like swinging through you can hear like Dawn's Edge uh cackling as you cut into this demon she's she's just like I love the feeling of striking down evil uh this is the most animated you've you've heard her yet like you've you've fa you've faced numerous creatures already but something of true fish nature she's just delighting in this she just can't help herself can't help ourselves uh and then as a bonus action I am going to do a daunting Roar make a wisdom saving thr little demon maybe you'll be the first to fall to my fear oh[ __ ] this is one of your resolutions it's true he's got to use it he's got to use it uh all right I got to get their sheet back up here wisdom I would I would just like to say like Andrew made an entire stat block change just succeed on this role he really did that was the whole point of the wish um but considering most of my roles tonight probably not going to make this I think I made it uh 17 that makes it it was not to be not to be uh but is it an area it's an area of effect right does anybody else get caught in this uh that that the Dr behind LLY will also make that wisdom saving through uh Jin is too far away unfortunately okay by pagas they're the same distance away yeah yeah alas alas alas I a't doing math and art Mr surely isn't doing math we're doing I don't know who pagus is but he sounds like a [ __ ] he was an awful wizard um no all right that is quick time out yeah I have to go bathroom Sorry God[ __ ] Andrew I can't I got to go I'll be very piss yourself like a real podcaster I'm glad that was recorded uh all right it is the hooded strangers turn who is going to lash out with two attacks first one with that kind of Club looking Jawbone at uh they're going attack they saw Vlad just get beat to the ground by Sha's off hand so they see this opening they're going going to attack with the club on them that's another natural one what the frig hey roll better on our side I'm trying I'm really trying uh all right so they're going to come around with the Scimitar the serrated looking bone Scimitar um that is definitely going to hit with an 18 and so that is that Max damage 11 points of damage to shore um all right so he's not looking great oh I think I actually have bonus damage on that hang on yes it does an additional 1 D4 because of the serration so that does another Max Four Points of damage I'm doing great on the damage rolles guys just like brenon said it's good right it's so good yeah whatever dude whatever dude [ __ ] your chicken strips uh all right that is the strangers turn um Sila you're up you're surrounded by Darkness now okay so okay I would like to move 5T in the direction where I last saw Yara you step forward and you come into contact with nothing okay now she was prone and I know that her speed is probably 30 probably could only move 15 ft away from me she casted a spell so she likely didn't teleport she's probably within 15 ft who whoa whoa that's sael intelligent [ __ ] right there I mean I think I've seen seel do it right I feel like I feel like Sila is having a Sherlock Holmes moment just like planning it all out here so what's what's next yeah she steps to where she last saw her surrounded by Darkness she drops her shield in her Trident and she pulls caliburn here we go and I would like to bonus action call forth the ice along the blade crinkles up it Y and then as an action I'm going to thrust it into the ground using the permafrost action causing an explosion of frost M m& out in a 15t radius oh [ __ ] that's right anybody within 15 ft has to make a con okay so this is both the D and ilvara who you did manage you get nice uh jesz Crow the the freaking Dr got a natural 20 so ilvar is probably going to fail here we'll see then uh actually Constitution save yeah uh 15 does that pass uh 15 the DC's 15 okay so she should make it right yeah me okay great thank me it me it this is going to be uh half damage okay okay for my uh 46 and then the Ryme ice is another 2d6 so it's half of 66 I didn't roll great um 22 cold damage oh my god well the little Dr uh that's half damage no 22 is full damage okay so what that have to so 11 11 uh yeah that little dr's dead little Dr be dead he the ice just crawls up crystallizes him and he falls uh in shatters uh wow not not loving that um so she took damage is she making concentration check on that Darkness or is that not concentration uh I was just about to look I don't it might not be I don't actually think it is let me just double check here Darkness yeah now think about it I don't think it NOP I don't see concentration on it okay uh darkness is a second level evocation spell says concentration what the hell even when I click on it I didn't see duration oh jeesus because it's the little little c not that not that it spells out jeez I'm Crow I'm dumb uh all right so what is my save here is it it's 10 or is it 10 plus the 10 10 or half the damage whichever is higher so a little 10 it would be 10 okay uh natural 17 she is a okay that Darkness stays up nice nice move though Sam that was good that was really good question for you will yeah did she make a sound did I hear her ooh I I'm going to make another Constitution saving throw okay okay if she fails it you're going to hear something okay little little Yelp uh I'm going to make it the same DC of of the concentration for the for the stuff Fair natural 19 you hear nothing what a hoe okay silent ho you ain't wrong we don't [ __ ] shame on this podcast hey commenting on the existence of one is not shaming one identifying one isn't the problem it was a respectful game recognizes game very respectful yeah recognizes the game who helped with in this adventure hey seel has been around for a long [ __ ] time okay you can't tell me he didn't have a player face you know he probably did you know young wizard in the astral sea you got all kinds of options oh my gosh go all right Sam any more of your turn here I'm going to end my turn you're going to end your turn okay sael you dirty dirty man uh in a past life will in a past life uh so sael just watched uh you know Vlad get Shield bash down to the ground uh and he sees Vlad isn't looking too hot so he is also going to take that opportunity to unleash on Shore uh and we're going to go ahead and hit that man with a third level scorching Ray all three bursts on him uh yeah yeah well you know as many as it takes uh so we're going to do so I'm going to roll all three to hits at the same time okay uh I don't like that so so the lowest is a dirty 20 oh jeez so all three hit okay the highest was a natural 20 Pro uh I'll tell you what uh is your is your total damage above 20 uh it going to be probably okay sure is incinerated okay he had 19 hit points left if you natural 208 on one of them then you had two others I'm going to say on average yeah you're going to equal 19 here and he is insan well so the only reason I would ask to roll is because if I kill him with less than three of the beams I would use the third Beam on Jan but I mean you kind of declared that you were going to shoot all three that's all right roll your first two roll your first two we'll see what happens here all right all right uh so all right we're going to do I'll I'll I'll do you a favor I'll do the crit on Shore so I can't switch that oh sure is such a favor yeah was really nice of you I'm a giver uh yeah so so the first one is 18 the crit is 18 points of fire damage still alive uh there's no way in hell that the second one doesn't kill him okay so we'll say you burn the first two where you shooting the third uh the third one is going to be at Jan do you want me to roll the to hit on that one um no no it's fine it's fine all right all right that one is 11 points of fire damage okay uh you see Shore get incinerated and just and crumbles in there just flame sputtering off of his skin uh smoke Rising off their body and oddly enough even though joran has been hit and like is Pats out the flame he looks over at Shore and just oh jeez that's what you [ __ ] get and oh she done broke him oh the petty is real is that the end of your turn you got that is the end of my turn okay we're back uh to the D the the one regular Dr Who remains is going to fire their crossbow again at Artemis let's see let's freaking see uh natural 19 for a 23 shill God Dam you're marking all these spells off right yep oh yeah I uh that's a a valuable Smite slot right there but I also don't know if I can survive another INF from the yakle so okay that's fair all right so that that drought is done we are back up at the top of the order and it is Jan Jan as he's just like screaming at the dead body of shore straightens up and he goes do you hear Meara you ret[ __ ] I am done being your puppet and he drops his weapons and hobbles away leaving the fight laughing to okay bye dude just just turns I mean the stranger is the hooded stranger is just perplexed but is just stunned by sh by joran who continues to like maniacally laugh and is almost like singing as they run away um yeah and they double move back towards where you all came uh and is almost gone uh all right shore shore is gone this is round Five Guys we'll catch up with it next time o another exciting episode of the madness table and you know what I would do right now if I were you I would like comment rate review subscribe I would Embrace this in any way I thought physically possible and several ways that happen not yet been discovered thank you very much for listening we'll see you next time bye bye

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