The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast

Beginnings and Endings - Episode 107

The Madness Table Season 1 Episode 107

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With wishes granted, the exhausted S-crew spends one more night in Blingdenstone before departing for Gauntlgrym. Are they truly ready to breach the surface, and what perils await them on their way?

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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Hestor: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin

Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real

Dnd 5e, underdark, drow, wizard, cleric, warlock, Dungeons and Dragons, The Madness Table, D&D, gaming, actual play podcast, ttrpg

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damn straight we didn't get you heard it here first if they don't like it [ __ ] them welcome to the madness table episode 107 I'm not here to take prisoners look at the resolution episode I'm here for blood um I mean hi I'm Andrew welcome to the m table we're goingon to have a great time today and it's doing okay bud I'm I'm having a bad day um you know what you did um well you know hey let's not Let's ignore that and instead you know you should like And subscribe to our content it's it's fun and good um most of the time you can see us on Instagram on Facebook we got the Tik toks going um will and I have also personal cancel Tik Tok as well you can follow it's a great time Sam does as well but she hasn't posed any dank memes lately I need more dank memes Brendon you you uphor the me you kind of took all your dank with you my dude you you just hold all the Dank yeah I I am I cannot compete with the King I'm a I'm a dank Lord It's Just 2 i. am it's you know it's the Angy I'm coming in 2024 with when you see this episode in approximately January I think yeah sure we'll go for that sometime um and you know if that wasn't enough join our Discord and you can engage with this Malarkey on a regular basis that's right yeah if you at me I will respond and if you ask a question for a bonus action we are legally obligated to answer that's right legally and if you want proof of that go back and watch the last episode just just tune in just tune in you'll know what I'm talking about yeah it's um hard to miss hard to miss AB Absolut um and speaking of things that are hard to miss let's turn it over to the golden DM the man the myth the legend Johnny Stone thank you thank you Andrew um yeah so we had a really big episode uh last time where your wishes have come to fruition and that manifested in seel regaining their phactory from orcus and it has now become a part of your staff and you now have full control of who you are your being and you can feel more memories coming back to you piecing together quickly more quickly than before who you were and what has happened to you and the years of experience in life that you have lived Sila you were thrown into the depths of an the underd dark in an area you have never seen before but you waited through an amassed army of underwater monstrosities empowered by the afit and wielding caliber and you cleaved your way through all of them to then free the na what remains of them and they have promised you Aid and they would keep the fight up as long as possible with deeon and The Matriarch said that you would meet again and then Artemis you wanted to draw and combine power with DA's Edge and what that means we'll get a little bit more mechanical here is that you've dropped a couple levels and gained something else do you want to talk about that because this is like the most mechanical out of all the things that happened here in the wtes let's let's get a little crunchy with it um uh aremis starer is no longer a uh Paladin 5 Rogue 2 he is now a paladin 5 warlock 2 uh and as as he was broken by Don Zed he has been reforged not only in class but also his attributes have shifted so he's a little bit slower uh but he's a whole heck of a lot more charismatic um yeah setting ourselves up for Success uh and using our fear effects as a conquest Paladin turns out that was important get that badlock yeah and I'm also really uh excited to see where this new roleplay goes we bringing a little more Dawn's Edge to the party so you sit here within the remains of the forge you have these new goals these wishes completed what do you want to do you are all exhausted in your own ways even though you have rested because while they were wishes they still did a number upon you all so what's what's the feeling of the group here what's what's next well Sila has been speaking excitedly about everything that happened mostly to seel although star caller is there as well and she's heard about what happened to seel but I think finally when she's like come down from the high a little bit uh she will turn fully to Star caller star caller you look beaten what happened with your WI wish if I may ask of course I uh and as you like look directly at Star CER um his eyes are no longer like the kind of like pale green they were before they they almost glow a little in like this bright like like flame yellow um I have been broken so that I may be reforged I am something greater now H but physically I am in a lot of pain so a little a little rest might be great yes you do look bad yeah I mean pot call the kettle black you you're but I feel invigorated um do you need to rest before we continue on I think we may need to wait a little bit we we kind of just did that agreed but and she gestures to dark color I know but am I the only one who needs a nap I mean seriously that was kind of I mean Sila you would have the equivalent of at least three to four levels of exhaustion Jesus Christ whoa whoa whoa whoa mechanically like I'm not forcing you to take that condition but what you went through what the AF like gave you for power like that's how [ __ ] exhausted you are because you still had to do all those things your speed your physical prowess like all that stuff so it's like you come back and you're just like all of a sudden like[ __ ] I will not be doing any large battles today but if we are simply walking well I mean we can we can take a light day how how about this we we speak to syny we spend another day recovering and on on the tomorrow we leave I have to return this Hammer to um you know a tester um and maybe we could oh I I know we the place is kind of in disar but maybe we should like resupply and I you we we have to eat I know you don't but okay yeah know I'm good tomorrow then yes yes Sila as you are kind of gathering yourself up you as you go to like kind of sheath caliburn mhm you feel something wrapped around the handle kind of tap into your hand uh she will like pivot to to like look for whatever it just touched her and you feel it touch you again and you realize that it is what looks almost like a pocket watch wrapped around the hilt tapping your hand and you realize it's the item that the matriarch gave you and it's around the hill it's just it's just wrapped there but it looks like it could come off um yeah I will remove it and hold it up to the light um is it like communicating or is it just like I'm feeling the magic within it you can Ely since that there is a very strong Magical Force within it it looks like it is one larger gear probably around the size of the palm of your hand maybe a little bit smaller but it's on the outside it's shaped like a gear and then within it very much like the inner workings of a clock you can see all sorts of different gears and springs and Ticking and it moves like a face but you feel like that that this is missing other pieces however it is something whole within its own right as to what it is exactly you don't know at this moment um she will pocket it for now to speak with seel about it privately later okay we could talk about it now shut up you're not here just some dirt buty get in my pocket some some seaweed caught on caliber and I got to so I I must say thank you you have done us an incredible Boon here it would have been all too easy for you to Simply take all this power for yourself skip to 20th level go to the surface immediately leave us behind and you chose to stay and this I I appreciate indeed I cannot say that I would have forecasted it happening this way I'm certainly glad that it did I mean the chances were minuscule I I fully expected to [ __ ] that all kinds of sideways but I'm glad it worked out and we are all stronger for it which is the goal yes although I am finding myself more tired as the adrenaline wears off of my sister oh yeah H yeahh I admit that I was Hasty Hasty Hy let let's leave right now Sila come on let's I would like to rest sure oh uh and now we come to the most important part of all Vlad what is your wish oh come on man the a fre is um gone so no wishes for me thank you though well out of curiosity what would you have wished for if seel had picked you instead of me H I think I'll keep that to myself M spicy yes indeed[Laughter] spicy I love a good secret time go so I know things are strange but we should go right now should should we get back to lingon Stone or should we spend the day here yeah let's let's go back um if nothing else we can check in with our acquaintances draw on the resources we might need and and ready ourselves I I also I think we didn't you tell SNY that we' be leaving like now and to meet her did did I tell her that what yeah you guys were like give us a day we'll meet back up and then we're leaving oh yeah we totally said that we should go find SNY yeah you'll be mad do that so exhausted you all head back through the tunnel leading back to bigden Stone and you come out through into the foaming mug and as you do you can see Jimmy and his mother tappy and a number of other deep gnomes are assisting with the removal of bodies and you can see that there's like an armored guard and as you come up through everybody kind of like stops and sees you and you can see there's like this shuttering breath through the collective of them like oh thank goodness like they're here they're okay you know our heroes and you can see Jimmy looks pretty pretty okay for the moment you know lots of bandages bruises there's still some evidence of gashes on his body tappy looks very happy um that Jimmy is alive and that she's back within her her Inn essentially however there is this very morbid feeling over everything considering how many friends fell here yeah how many bodies did they have to clean out of that place quite a bit quite a bit and I mean it's cleaner than when you last saw it but it's it's horribly sad you know um and you could see people coming and going as they they carry friends family members out and um Jimmy walks up to the four of you and he's like hey guys um how you how you doing you you you took off for a little while is everything all right indeed we were uh seeking resupply of A Sort um in in the the chambers of L star forger oh cool like that place actually yes oh it's actually right through that door right there in the building you live yeah M we got to oh I'm sorry Mom sorry yeah you should check it out like later yeah I'll out later thank you thank you for like your heads up that's sweet man yeah oh actually Jimmy can you do me a favor yeah what up anything man um you I had this really cool tearful goodbye with Hester and now I um I need to give him something but I was thinking maybe you could do that for me so I don't have to to see him again not that I don't want to see him again just you know you know really awkward like any further I will totally find Hester and give him whatever you need what what's the thing uh star caller like like puts Don's Edge like in like the holster imagine he has like have like a hip holster for like the sure yeah The Stave of it uh he like pulls out the hammer like gets down on what KN like Behold The Hammer of lir sky forger legendary weapon of the Smith and forger of Legends Jimmy's just like eyes are huge he like oh my God that's so Totally Wicked and is like losing his mind and tappy comes over and like Flacks him all on the back of the head and it's like Jimmy we are in the middle of morbid business can you please contain yourself I'm sorry M Miss foam thre that was that one's on me I'll let it slide this time but we do need to pay respect to those that we are here it was very s yeah I I'll like Palm him the the hammer and I'm going to like like real quick scribble a note and like um wrap around the hilt that's that's for Hester you can just give that to him if you please oh yeah no worries he's like swinging the hammer around he's like yeah I'll totally give this to Hester don't like Hester is never going to see that hammer again I who know techically my problem it's so totally cool thank you and he like puts it in his pocket and it's just obscene because it just hangs out more than halfway and he's like a Shilla are you are you okay you look you look roughed up we've we have been through a lot in the past oh gosh not very long and um I am tired yes of course here you know what come in bring it in for a hug I do not want to touched and he just like starts hugging you it's okay it's all right she stands like perfectly still he's like I know you're you're big strong and brave but everybody needs a hug now and again your body is much softer than I thought it would have been it's Supple it's Supple thank you I'm uncomfortable soel perhaps we should give them some privacy I do not want privacy SEL puts a hand on Jimmy's shoulder she will stab you oh I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah you know what I'm invading your personal space you are Chelle do you need a hug well I don't know we I know we don't know each other but you look like you could use a hug I just here I'm going to move these tentacles out of the way they come in here for a hug and he hugs like your bony and dry skinned body and he's like actually this is really uncomfortable sorry yep no all all good uhhuh anyway we should go yeah that's good that's good hey hey uh you guys are like leaving leaving we won't like we're going to see you again right no probably not on tomorrow we depart but don't Jimmy Brave night of lion Stone of a night now we will be together in the final battle for the soul of the underdog there's another battle oh [ __ ] okay um it's probably going to be like thousands of times worse than the one you guys just endured oh no um okay I'll do um I'll do last training I won't I won't let you down count on me go to the catacombs seek out the stone Warden say starer sent you okay Warden starer sent you okay I think I got it yeah yeah I think I got that down excellent see it's in the brain now I got it all all is well friends we should go talk to SNY now we before before this gets more Awkward we are very late yeah you guys start walking away and he's like I'll miss you and he's like waiting for you guys to say something back don't I'll miss you I will never forget you Jimmy and youa and safel we didn't really get to know each other but I won't forget you either I'm to see each other again God you are memorable but I may forget you you don't mean that we share something deeper than that Silla and po boy you continue on through the tunnels and you eventually make your way back to the maze um it's a little bit easier going you find that more and more of the people are moving throughout the tunnels you see a couple more of the puddings have been found and put down and you do find yourselves back in in the Maze um and you can see that syny sits at a tall uh table kind of conducting business directing people to and fro uh to get business done what do you do uh I think we're just going to approach right I'll let s I'll handle it syny we um apologies if we running a bit behind we got more than we bargained for wrapping up Loose Ends it's all right um I'm sorry sorry uh everyone to chip grin Perhaps Perhaps you and N me can take over for a moment while I I talk with our heroes here um and she kind of stands off to the side with you guys and you see chip grin and Nomi who are at the table with her go back to kind of directing people and uh you can see all sorts of different things happen happening there are people trying to gather what supplies are left what weapons are left Gathering and like acquiring people who have skills to help rebuild things um but she she looks to three of you so you've you've done what you needed to and you are are ready to leave us I I guess we are moving on but we will see the people of blon stone again certainly hope so um where I'm sorry it's there's been so much going on um where are you headed next we we discuss that we decided to go to galgrim we were yes yes you have a contact there I indeed I the king yes he's been quite helpful with us I'm sorry I'm sorry I forgot that um no I I believe we spoke perhaps know me mentioned that you you knew them I do and I had recently sent word for them to for Aid whether it be supplies or um perhaps some Dwarven Engineers anybody that could help us kind of with this the the city back into shape um though I fear we will be fighting puddings for a while yet but thank you truly um of course I I cannot send you back out into the underd dark without supplies and if you are truly headed to To gunal Grim um I I'm sure I can write you directions um just just give me one moment and she begins to she like goes back over to the table she brings up some blank sheets of parchment she begins writing it down on it and you see that there's like a small contingent of like will look like Miners and guards but they approach seni and they're like uh Miss dimatic we some of us at least uh were on the recent group to come from gondel Grim here we would we would personally be happy to to show them the the tunnels leading to the surface if they should wish and they they're looking at the four of you of of course you are free to go on your way but as just a small thank you from from the group of us we would be more than happy to do this if Mr grammatics you feel you could spare us and approved of that and you can see Sen's kind of weighing her options back and forth and she's like ah we could certainly use the Manpower but if you went with them you could meet with those sent from gal Grim that are coming with some supplies and you could help guide them back here so I I can approve of that um but let's see I I can't have that many of you going um good oh well I Look to to you all would this would this behoove you I I could spare four four of them to to travel with you to to hasten your way to the surface if that's what you would like that would be more than sufficient very well well um uh gentleman's and lady you you have the floor when make yourselves ready so that you can leave whenever they are and um I will I will make up some extra bags for you um give me about 20 minutes and uh and you'll have them take the time that you need I as I said we got more than we bargain for I do believe we are going to have to spend one more night here um and then well we will leave first thing in the morning of course um I do hope to receive correspondents back um from Bruno battlehammer shortly here uh provided my Runner was able to make it back in one piece but um yes I I will see you in the morning rest easy I will set guards to watch wherever you choose to to lay your head and Pax will be waiting For You full of supplies I it is a very very meager thank you for everything you've done here and it's we've only known each other an extremely short time and this is probably perhaps the most we have truly spoken since your arrival and I know things were a bit tense when you first arrived um but know that you have a friend in me and an ally of the in in the city should you need us we will do everything we can to assist you it was now we can clearly see no lies what you spoke of before of demons and Lords and strange things happening even within the strange Realm of the underd dark I don't know if we already passed this along to you but in case we we haven't get in connection with the the king in the city of Dinan I'm sure they would make a useful Ally both of you I think it would be a very good relationship and in terms of an alliance later uh certainly be a strong bond to start forming um yes no I I can see no downside with aid from others here um I I would need perhaps a means of communication with them from you or or directions at the at the very least so that I can send communic no we'll I will give um direction as well or maybe star caller would be better since he actually you know survived the whole journey um sure could pass along yeah could pass along info on how how to get there and how to get in contact perhaps there is one more thing you could provide to ease our cause and gondel Grim as you experienced personally our story is one that is unbelievable it might be worthwhile to have a letter written from you um advocating for our cause and our claims sealed to be delivered To gond Grim um I see no problem in doing that I did however make mention of your lot to the to the king and for what you have been fighting for down here for gal Grim does reach into parts of the underd dark and if our kingdom is affected his could be too and I think it only fair that everyone should now be warned but of course I can write another missive identifying that you are in fact the individuals I spoke of but I it would not hurt but it sounds as though we may be all right yes no you you should I like I said I hope to hear a missive um shortly here I did send my Runner out a few days ago so they should hopefully be returning provided nothing be has befallen them um but yes I will I will write up the missive star caller if you don't mind giving me a moment for directions for for runners uh we we will have everything ready for you in the morning wonderful and so star caller you write down as much of the path that you can remember to get back and what to look for and the secret entrance that goes into dimar and the the manner in which you alert somebody that you are an ally um and she she thanks you and she begins talking to the four guards and individuals that had come down with the the last kind of train of goods about as like you're walking away you can hear over hear her talking about how like the lot of you are so incredibly important to them especially after after what you've done and they are both brave for offering this but also it is of severe duty to make sure that you make it there you know unharmed at least to the surface and so you all go to to rest is there any other business here before you rest though that anybody wants to do or perhaps in the morning once you are rested uh I think I think I sorry go ahead uh I think Sila is probably too tired to do it like right the second but in the morning she would she would search around for medium armor and a 1handed weapon okay um I mean we still have some of the day if you want to like you said you're too tired to do it now yeah I feel like story-wise yeah sure um but it will probably be a really early start for her the next day as a result fair enough uh sael is going to whenever we end up or wherever we end up you know settling down um he's going to do a little bit more work uh last I can't remember if it was last time before we went to the forge he was starting the scribbling of some Arcane combinations he's going to do a little bit more work on that he has something that he's um sort of on the the cusp of starting to discover so he's starting to work on that a bit more okay anything from emis um yeah I have two two things um uh first is I'm going to see if there's any way that like maybe Nomi or another one of um her her ilk might be willing to part with a um my brain uh might be willing to pour some healing potions ah okay um you go out and let's see here let's roll 100 okay uh you do find Nomi and and she explains that she was put in charge of your packs and in each of the three backpacks that she has kind of put together for you all you find two potions of Greater healing so six in total for the lot of you and she she's like that is that isn't unfortunately all that we have uh to spare at this moment I sincerely wish I could give you more but I don't um perhaps uh um perhaps a couple Scrolls uh could could help you surely but no me this is extremely generous um to be perfectly honest um we haven't been looked after like this he just to pack anywhere we have been it is good to finally have found allies that we were able to help that I I know that there's been Devastation and ruin in your city but we left the never likee Grove way worse than this oh baby well I I guess then we will not be sending anybody to neverlight Grove oh yeah no that's um you know how you had a demon problem theirs is actually actively worse oh oh actually you we yeah there's an actual Demon Lord there tell people not to go there yeah it's bad yeah no we that's mind we we fully evacuated The neverlight Grove they're actually in the city of dim karon right now the the survivors so Dennis go find that I just sent out to never like Grove stop why would you do that we we had heard that the mikids of never light Grove were good kind caring creatures and perhaps they would be willing to spare some of their fungal um spores or mushrooms anything of matter that we might eat but now with this word yeah any of you have any of you been there before like H has anybody in blingdenstone been invited to a wedding um within the neite that one yeah yes no fantastic don't worry about it just just pull them back all right uh we'll find we'll find other means then um perh perhap Stay Away the Dark Lake as well yeah I mean it's all kind of [ __ ] you should probably just you should just shelter in place and go nowhere and hug your loved ones I don't say that out loud yes well there are parts of the dark Lake that are very bad and there are parts that are totally fine it's a total tossup it just say big lake it's very I don't think I don't think we found any good ones yet no I mean oh um what's the place we were where where did I meet you outside of um Sila who's not actually here right now grle stug ah yes there are pots of gral Tu that are okay you mean you mean the ones being lorded over by a uh possessed Prince uh my my possessed uh old Ally or probably a raging if not dead Dragon I've heard great things about it it's there's a great group there the Blue Man Group so their percussive skills are amazing don't go anywhere except for the kingdom of Ember is great 10 out of 10 that is the only place we can guarantee that there is safety um it is the only place honestly there and here are like number one Ally spots yeah this is this is the start of a a web network of safe places so far there are two and you're still on Ice uh perhaps we should go to gral strug and break the back of evil that dwells there we could kill the Deep King that maybe we do that after gaunle Grim Maybe maybe we do that when we're not talking to n no by all means I understand that there are some things I'm not fully aware of at this moment in time we just shattered her poor mind of how terrible life is right now she she is definitely overwhelmed she's like I it was much to accept what happened here but to know that we are not the only ones is both Terri ying and I suppose it puts into perspective just how much work we truly have to do yeah the good and the bad news is you're not special thank you um I guess I would say then that when you make it to kto Grim that you make however clear you possibly can a point as you have made here to the king as to how dire the circumstances are and plead if you must plead barter trade for whatever Aid whomever he can send for additional support most of us are are gone but we we still have oozes and puddings that linger in the Halls we will do our best to to put them down but if this but if these demon Lords are still running about in loitering and destroying these civilizations our homes here in the undock how how are we to get rid of them how did they even get here they dwell in the abyss I don't I just don't understand at all this is some of the knowledge we seek at GTO grim and if we must pursue it to the light of the surface we shall we seek answers and then we seek to clench our fists and crush them well I certainly I certainly wish you the the best of luck in that and I hope to receive word from you soon that your your mission at gondal Grim goes with success please write to to us to myself or to seni just so that we may know how it if you do not hear from us directly we will have the king send a me a missive with our status whatever that may be thank you thank you I I and my the leader of the stonehart Enclave they are at mantal Darth um that is serves as somewhat of a neutral trading Hub if you cannot get word to us here or receive nothing in return or the king uh perhaps send word there she she could be there um or or perhaps myself excellent hey thank you Nori I appreciate you of course I I appreciate all that you have done for us but I I I must continue to to gather what supplies I can for your packs uh prep your guard your escort and um help the city for a little bit longer so excuse me of course and she Ducks away um that business conduct I am going to um go to the like the rooms of seel and of Sila um one one at a time all right who do you want to go to first um let's go to Sila first all right Silla is in her bathtub you're in a closet but they brought you like the the could to a tub yeah it's like just welded pieces of metal y oh s do you have a a moment starer is that you and she will reach up to the the door handle of the small closet that she sits in and she like pushes the door open hello I see you are quite comfortable good yes I was about to rest yes um and I will I anyway I have something for you something for for me indeed he's going to kill you in the bathtub I bring the Sleep release of no um you wanted rest I bring you rest this is surprising indeed um star car is going to bend down as if he's like picking something up uh and then he's going to like flick um something into the palm of his hand uh what is it this sounds so wrong I a while ago I I didn't quite know how to say it but I thought that you might be the best person to hold this item and and now I I I've realized I I should actually just give it give it to you um I do not know what that means uh it means I reverse pickpocket you and then rep rep anyway here's uh and he drops a small yellow gem into your hand um it is an elemental gem that we got a while back an elemental uh well I guess oh yeah you crack that bad boy and you get a a Stony friend for a moment or two why would you give it to me and not tell me I was hoping you'd find it and it would be like a cool reveal I I I don't like sharing I see I find this to be physically painful H and so instead of sharing you are simply gifting it it is a kind of sharing unfortunately you do like to be in pain I have to go he Clos he closes the door of the closet and then he he vomits wow it's true it racks your body this feels so so elementally wrong to do this in this moment to you don't give me strength uh and he walks towards uh seel's closet yeah just a minute he like you like peek in the door and he's literally looks like a [ __ ] psychopath he's like cramped into whatever space with like paper scrolled in Arcane runes some of them are scribbled out some of them it looks like he's combining [ __ ] just spider web all around yeah there there's like stuff that he's taking like little pinions and like stuck uh Arcane like combinations on the wall like trying to get this [ __ ] uh star caller can I help you somehow that was more disturbing than the fish lady in the tank oh no we should be used to S bathing by now she's not bait there's no so it's not no she's more soaking it's it's a thing yes I safel I I am pleased to be reunited with you and I am I am overwhelmed with your generosity um and as as such I would like to make this um I you I like for you take stick and he holds out a a rod um and beckons for you to take it okay I take it I want you to have I would like you to have not on the papers this you'll just have to write them again it's fine it's magical ink it'll stay on it I I think you can make um better use of that than I uh and he has gifted you a rod of absorption ooh ven is I um do you want to hear something interesting that may or may not have anything to do with you but while we're sharing sure uh I personally already have a form of of this capability however I couldn't view this into an item for you orilla I've heard of Mages doing such a thing and I've been wanting to get expand my skill set I think um simple enchantments could be quite fun to try so if you know I will tell Sila this as well but if either of you should find something Arcane that you cannot functionally use I think I might be able to distill some of its capabilities into something more functional for you interesting just to keep in mind indeed very very good I now go go throw up some okay uh he he he closes the door before he hears emus yeah it like oozes underneath the UMES oh sorry not the papers not the papers uh and then Aris is like quite literally going to crawl to his room and uh just kind of like the only thing he can do is like he'll I and I I think I've we've described um the fellow staff is like kind of being able to just be planted and be able to like look out I feel like he does the same thing with like Dawn's Edge to give her a better Vantage Point um he like kind of like pounds her into the ground and just like it's just a start um it is you did well to to overcome a darker part of your nature you should be proud of out of yourself and now rest I will watch thank you and so you all rest now I did have one question because Sam you had said you wanted to check in with seel about this before but it was about the the odd like watch piece that you had been given is that something you want to do in the morning or later or do you something you want to hold on to for a while yet um Sila will approach seel first thing in the morning okay probably an ungodly hour yeah cuz you wanted to find some some armor and perhaps a weapon of sorts that's fine he's going to be up at like 2 a.m. yeah sure so you find him in his closet surrounded by papers yeah I think it's like a against the wall like really loud and obnoxious enter uh good morning sael uh and she will shut the uh door behind her smells like vomit in here are you all right did you get sick no um star caller is trying to learn sharing and it doesn't seem to agree with him ah this does make sense he gave me something yesterday and I did hear sounds of wretching outside my door I'm impressed he did it twice twice that's character growth I it did confuse me he gave me this and she will hold up the yellow gem oh okay but that is not why I'm here I had two things to ask you about sure the first is when I when I battled all of those creatures and saved the na for a time to continue their battle against the the UN relenting Deon I was given something and I do not fully understand its properties so I had hoped to confide in you that you might help me understand it sure uh this is going to to take its its usual 10 or so minutes so if you want to go over the second thing first absolutely she will uh she like reaches into her pocket where she stowed this uh pocket watch sized item and I think she hesitates for like a second and then she pulls it out and hands it to seel the second item I had to speak to you about um I'm interested in finding a magic item to help me with something that I am very very bad at it is not something that I think I would ever be able to purchase but I thought perhaps you might be able to create something I don't think I can create a magic item that grants people skills my people skills are fine I are you do you think that I require training no I think you're fine I'm just ah just being an[ __ ] uh she will like punch you a little too hard on the shoulder it was funny careful I lost the Boon that orcus gave me I'm squishy again oh no that's fine I will remember myself is the control is far more worth it besides I have the savior of the na to protect me yes I I should have said um and I have thought over it a lot you could have wished for many number of things including your safe release to the surface but you did not and more so you well you severed some of your connection which to me well speaks volumes and I thought you should know that thank you but the item that I wanted to ask you about I'm sure you have notice that starer is quite deceptive he is he can certainly word things in his favor I will give you that indeed I find myself struggling to understand when people are being untruthful is not my skill set to know when someone is not speaking plainly and so I had hoped you might be able to help me tell when someone is lying H it is a big ask it it is not a big ask just not a simple one I mean there there are a few ways there are spells um that would allow better Insight or both in either an enhancement to your own uh insightfulness or compelled truth from from those you are are questioning um I think Insight is what I am seeking I would not necessarily compel the truth as I find there is much value in understanding when someone is lying not in calling them out on it but knowing that it is happening well the second part there is the means of which you gain that ability you could the Spells exist um I'm sure I've studied them at at some point I could try to scr them up but then it's a question of how you would use it I was actually just speaking to Star caller last night um I'm trying to open the uh expand my horizons in terms of skill sets I I was starting to think about enchanting magical effects into items that would probably be the best way for you since I I know you're not the most Arcane inclined yes perhaps you could could you enchant this and she holds up the Ring of radiant resistance that starer gave her I don't know how easy it is to enchant an already Enchanted item but I can certainly try I would just need to make sure I have access to the types of magic that you want infused in it so I will I will hold on to this and I will I will start looking into it and I will let you know if I come up with anything thing wonderful I I greatly appreciate this of course I'm going to focus on that item for a few minutes but um in the spirit of friendship I I want to say something first and I want to approach you in your language which is bluntness H I hurt you and I'm sorry but it also hurt that you saw me in the circumstance that was forced upon me and saw me as a threat and an enemy for it instead of extending friendship and help first and now I'm free of it perhaps that circumstance is not valid anymore but I was glad to see you both and I knew it wouldn't be a happy reunion but I wished I was greeted as a friend that is all I I had not considered that I had not considered that to be honest SEL I was it is not common for the Triton to be overwhelmed with feelings and to feel themselves to feel myself quite emotional at both your your loss your death and then your return I did not handle it well and I can admit that I had not considered that you may be feeling similarly negative and I think all that I will say is it had felt like you volun arily left but you did not trust me but I can now see it is not that simple so I do not know that that helps in any way it does and if it helps at all I voluntarily left because I did trust you I had not considered that either let's figure out what this weird pocket watch thing is then please do I worry that it might explode and I will uh I will ritually cast identify on it okay you at the end of this this ritual casting you become stunned at what you hold oh jeez you have heard of this and what strikes you is like you have a memory that comes through cleanly and clearly dating back to your time at the Arcana Laura when you were young and you were going through one of the many libraries within the academy and it was kind of like a very secretive old section one that not many people frequented to because why would they as this particular section had to do with the Realms and travel and movement and Scholars of understanding the various planes and how they were connected and you remember reading about a very particular scholar one that many people only know by the name of lahi l o TTI e who was this renowned Clockwork Mage who spent a significant amount of their life and time creating a means of tapping into the power of the ples and both channeling divination and foretelling powers of the Stars into one means of controlling it for an individual and what ended up happening was they ended up creating an aary it stood about 2 feet high looking something almost akin to like a miniature grandfather clock and what you read about it there was no diagrams or anything because when lah completed it it was far too dangerous for its intended purpose she harnessed too much Powers uh of of the Realms and divination and she realized that what she had here could be absolutely disastrous so she split it into six pieces not including the housing of the AY itself but of those six pieces there was one one that had more power over one's Direction and place of being than the others and she scattered these pieces throughout the different planes of existence but you realize that you hold a piece one of six and it's called the time piece of travel while you're attuned to this device you have a plus one bonus to dexterity saving throws and you always know which way is North Additionally you can cast The Long Strider spell on yourself at will another feature is a turn by turn directions you can name any location within 10 miles of your current location that is known to at least one creature also within 10 mil of that location including yourself once you name that location a disembodied voice heard only by you provides directions to the location by the safest most direct route The Voice knows to avoid natural hazards so it does not send you through trackless Wilderness or into lakes but has no knowledge or of an ability to avoid monsters enemies traps lock doors and the like the time piece is of no use for reaching locations that are wholly secret or not known to any creatures within range and how when you use a feature of the time piece of travel it cannot be used again until the next Dawn the final piece of it as an action you can cast the teleport spell once you use this feature of the time piece of travel it cannot be used again until the next on [ __ ] the other thing you know about this is that this is only a piece of something much larger and because of that its magic is fractured and it could function sporadically if either used too often or the weave just not not manipulate but you have a means of ridiculous travel in Direction at your fingertips let's go I wow yeah that that that'll[Laughter] do so this oh God you understand we need to be very careful with this I do and I would also incredibly useful I absolutely I would however say this is not the sort of item I would ever want in the hands of a tyrant no I agree hello I yes even when we use it yes you know I I don't think I'm worried about him stealing it necessarily I I do not know starer like I thought I did so I cannot say heads or Tales of that however perhaps perhaps if we should ever want to use it in a matter that would be obvious you simply act as though it is your own Arcane Magics my uh I was never the best actor but I can certainly try it's not like he knows much better it is something to consider I am worried it is so powerful for anyone to know and to be able to travel at will is not it is it is something to be held in the hands of someone good I agree so keep it tight we will use it when necessary carefully this allows us to go back and change things in places we've been as well agreed there's much to consider now that brings me hope me as well uh and she will approach the foul and put her Palm on his forehead it is good to have you back SEL there's trust in this it is good to be back all right now if you need me I will be searching corpses for weapons and weapons and armor have fun W and as she uh turns to leave spel goes back to cast on her and kills her yes takes the time piece and teleports away um no he turns back to his notes uh and picks up two metal pinions that he had on the ground uh and pulls them apart although they seem to give a little bit of resistance Sila you go out and uh I imagine it becomes kind of obvious what you're doing as you're like flipping over dead bodies that have been like lined up ceremoniously to that not that one yeah and um one of Chip grin's Goonies comes over and starts assisting you um you eventually find a shortsword a regular plain old shortsword that you can take and what was the other type of armor that you're looking for medium medium they find you a breastplate that is just large enough to fit over your frame but everything else is either half corroded dented or too small to fit you but that is what you find just through searching through bodies this will do just fine and eventually a couple of hours later you all rise you find outside your doors are your brand new packs full of Provisions full of those healing potions uh plenty of water and you are eventually found by four guards the four Guardsmen that had volunteered to escort you uh to the surface and Sen and she she steps forward she goes I did finally receive word back from King battlehammer and he will be expecting you all he hopes to hear of anything and everything you know of the demon Lords and what has occurred here in more detail and he had already sent on its way a larger shipment than usual to us in the hopes of good faith that we were well and he had sent a a trusted individual I don't know their name along with it but they will be your guide back to gal Grim on the surface and they would expect you in 4 days time upon the surface at our pre-ordained meeting place you should hopefully make it there within three with the guards helping you along the way I do hope that your your journey is short safe and that we hear or see you all again very soon and she she comes up and she shakes all of your hands and she kind of turns to the other Guardsman and she goes don't lose them don't let them die I'll see you all in a number of days and she bows to you all she salutes toilla and she she leaves you all and the guards start leaving leading you out of the city through the maze into the main gates and and you watch a couple of guards do any of you look back as you leave the city proper or anything like that yeah I feel like star star crawler you know this place has has changed him um both physically and you know as as a person and as he walks away he will kind of reach out with his free hand and kind of like just Cress the stone as he walks along and and you know chance a glance back at the city they're leaving behind you look back and you can see a little ways beyond the the closing doors you see Jimmy and he's waving to you until the doors close and you can't see him any longer and so you venture back out into the underd dark you have 3 days until you reach the surface you're accompanied by four guards leading your way let's see if this journey is pocketed with any events or not oh oh yeah now um it's curious because spel you were hiding your identity before you were kind of like in your old wizardly man form are you are you sticking with that or are you kind of no he stopped he stopped that um over the last couple of days I think once once there was kind of no question that they were allies uh he he had probably spoken with and worked with senny to to break it uh as gently and agreeably as possible yeah uh cuz he yeah he is actually no longer attuned to the um the of disgu tun uh it does oh it does okay yeah yeah had of Disguise an a tune item gotcha um yeah he he um after the battle and after we spoke with Jimmy he unattuned from that in attuned to the pearl of power I don't think I actually said that out loud uh okay good to know the first day as you all begin into Traverse in is relatively uneventful you are finding through the old tunnels and means but you find yourselves on a relatively straightforward path that you can feel yourselves moving up through the layers of the earth and you are you're questioned by these guards that talk to you you know they're in awe of who you are and they want to know your story you know they they wonder how you all met how you came to be in the under dark you know and I'm curious like how forthcoming is everybody like do you are you all relatively silent or are you like at night you know when you settle down to eat your rations are you like oh well you should hear this story of how spel did this thing oremus did that I think at least um sael personally is very much the kind of like when we are journeying we are journeying like all of our energy should be especially traversing the underd dark tunnels it's like all focus should be going towards the the the journey and then when we rest you know around the campfire that's where things can become a little bit more uh open and and conversational and things like that sure yeah Sila Sila is telling um all the stories about Sue and indigo and stool and all the ones about the coral City and the na and these people they're loving it they're enjoying it it's it's friendly and you know amiable amongst you all but I didn't mean to cat you off there Andrew you know I I was just going to say that like star collar will he'll be kind of back in his bellicose storytelling mode you know kind of painting the kingdom of Ember as this like heroic place where great things are yet possible and those things are possible for Lig Stone as well me Googling Bose the second day once again goes by uneventful you're unhired you're you're making good time according to your your guards they're like yep you're still going up you can feel it you can sense it the the Earth isn't quite as damp there's not as many uh Illuminating fungi there's that you can feel like the Earth the makeup of it changes a bit more on your third day again uneventful you are UNH harrowed by anybody or anything and one of the guards uh their name's Orin who's gotten pretty close with you guys he's definitely the most amiable amongst you is like next to Sila and it's like oh can you smell it it's it's the beginnings of fresh air do you smell that um ailla will like yeah she's like trying desperately to smell it for sure I got a that one you you're like so caught off guard because orange like appeared next to you you're just like what the [ __ ] yeah I'm like I can only smell you perhaps step away she's never been to the surface or in I also do not smell often right no I I'm sorry I'm sorry I I we're getting close though I I I promise and he kind of like falls back a little bit I think uh spella is actually going to stride up next to Star cller um um and for the first time traveling sort of get conversational and I can't help but um hide my apprehension or I can't I can't hide my apprehension to return to the surface this will be the first time I've seen the light since my capture I'm not even the same man anymore in every way that can mean how do you feel I uh I myself a bit uncertain I have been down here for so long I have forgotten what the caress of the Sun's light feels like but I fear that there may be Darkness as well these deons have popped up almost everywhere we have tread and we have no way to know that they haven't touched the surface as well indeed as as precious as these Caverns are to me now and I Steely my resolve to see them freed of this chaos there are Untold billions walking the surface imagine what a demon could rot among them we consider it as a disease diseases have to start somewhere we want to Quil it where it starts not where it spreads I will you may we need to quarantine that part of the world from us everybody's six feet away at all times oh sh either that or would you like that I'd gone with the amputation angle instead that's kind of where I was going I was trying to get there not the[ __ ] everybody mask up mask up [ __ ] off so f as you're as you're talking with emis um you guys are having this conversation one of the guards up in front of you there's two in front two in back kind of watching the rear watching the front one of the guards like turns and looks at you and was like you were captured yes I started my journey in a drought prison what the[ __ ] and then wait you weren't you weren't I'm sorry you wer a m a mind flare before no remember remember what I looked like when I teleported Ed into your um into your city that that's what I actually used to look like no way oh yeah this is this is new I'm so sorry yeah me too it's star collar I'd like to say it grows on you but it really doesn't I can't imagine it would the tentacles man I just no things no um star caller as seel's talking you feel something from Dawn's Edge and she's like something's wrong something something from the rear and all of a sudden you hear one of your guards like I don't I don't feel so good and you turn and you look and you see it's Orin and he's like bent over and he's just all of a sudden like and just like this green fluid comes out of his mouth and the other guard uh Jade the the woman is like what the hell what the what is happening to you and then sael you feel something as you turn sink into your back oh and it's poisonous so I need you to roll with all of your advantages and whatnots uhhuh as you feel a poison blade enter your back what is this a con save mhm okay beef wizard come on less beefy but I'm still uh I still have poison Advantage where is my ld20 I'll find that later it's fine um wow not the suspense is killing me here bud not great uh eight fail yeah no[ __ ] seel crumples to the ground as you're paralyzed oh that blade comes out of your body oh that's not great s silly you hear sael just and then you hear him clatter to the ground staff out of hand you turn over and you see all of a sudden this crossbow Bol just flies at you and hits you I need you to make a constitution saving throw you can do it I have a plus six a 16 we're being captured again you are okay star caller you turn back and you quickly look forward and a crossbow boat comes flying at you hits you as well Constitution saving throw all right that is a 13 you're okay barely okay you see this one come hits you you feel that poison coming out you rip it out silly you're doing the same you're looking around and then you see it your guard companions are holding blow darts and hand crossbows what and and one of the fellows in the front that stands over sael throws the dagger to the side and goes I have crossed the underd dark back and forth looking for you and she down at seel and now I have my Quarry and I will take your friends and they will ruin all of you and she waves her hand and you see her form a Long Gate until a tall white-haired Dr No stands before you no mistress ilvara no the other guards take off their masks and their Magics you see the horribly scarred Jorah the D that had tried to help you escape you see the young other male Dr that he claimed was ivara's new companion and you see the young Priestess ilvara throws her hands up into the air and she goes I will drown you in Poison she cast a spell and two giant spiders appear in the corners and they Rush at you we'll see you next time ah boy howdy you know what an adventure here at the madness table thank you for Ling in looking at us as will prepares for yet another Slaughter while Sila and emus wonder who's this [ __ ] who the hell is what you talking what you talking about what you talking about I don't know uh another problem that seel's Gathering us into I guess we'll have to get him out uh but if you can't get us just like we can't get enough of fellow chicanery come on down to our Discord log on have a good time like follow subscribe and make sure to add us anywhere you go have a great one happy New Year and we'll see you around the block

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