The Madness Table: A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Podcast

Three Wishes - Episode 106

The Madness Table Season 1 Episode 106

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Having chosen to free the Ifrit, the party finds themselves blessed with three wishes. But will they be strong enough to pass the trials necessary to earn them, and withstand the consequences of their fate-changing requests?

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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Hestor: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin

Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real

Dnd 5e, underdark, drow, wizard, cleric, warlock, Dungeons and Dragons, The Madness Table, D&D, gaming, actual play podcast, ttrpg

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welcome to the madness table and you didn't missar anything um will is here barely wearing clothing because of our uh oh no it was the the new resolution yep um and as punishment a punishment oh I'm getting the punishment um so anyway welcome to the show um will will be you know nipping out for the entirety of the episode um we'll let him put a shirt on next time a good Bo appreciate that yes if he's a good boy no uh check us out on Discord for other um hilarious um Antics uh and also to submit your questions for bonus actions um we'll also be keeping up on you know our New Year's resolutions for 2024 um you know keeping it you know in touch with you the listeners the viewers who we all do it for yeah um you know while you're at here you know like follow subscribe all the good stuff tell her friend tell your mom um about this podcast she needs to know but not about this episode on YouTube because they don't need specifically this episode this is the best place to start uh Will's going to be the thumbnail 10% you I'm afraid well you cannot stop us you are legally obligated to do this yep yep that's how it goes well you know without further Ado we have a co-host cat uh sitting side saddle ready to go yep let's do this thing will over to you so last time you had all found your way back into uh ly Sky forger forge her defunct Forge and it was your hope that you would be able to repair uh star cers twisted and bent gun and in the the figuring out of how to place this this ruby gem into this construct that stood before the forge in the hopes of accomplishing this goal sael managed to deduce a little bit more about it and specifically that being that this gem if separated from this container and not used within the construct essentially acts as a Genie's bottle and in the consideration of that you all decided it was of far more value to hopefully release this Genie and receive some aid from it um you all decided to rest as you had not done so after the uh large climactic battle with the pudding King and so finally you beted down you contemplated how you wanted to go about this and it was decided that seel was going to take it away from Star and Sila as you had both been in the process of containing the AR now within the gem spel goes out retrieves the ruby gem stone the rhombus um from its Contraption you rubbed upon it releasing the AFR and for those that don't know when the first time a Genie bottle is opened the GM has to roll and it's between like 1 and 10 for it does anything and everything you want uh and then it's from 11 to 90 that it will work for you for like an hour maybe three times you know over the course of however long and 91 to 100 you release it and it agrees to give you three wishes and then promptly disappears I rolled and if you watched last episode you know that uh I had shock all over my face because I rolled a 91 exactly it was a beautiful face absolutely beautiful and what ensued was the afre demanded of seel that he destroy the gem it wasn't just a matter of he needed to be released he needed to know that there was no way of containing him within that gem again to be truly free and so you did it took a good amount of your spells to do so some of your most powerful ones but that's what happens when you try to destroy a relatively powerful magical uh item and now that you've done so this a fre he turns back to you and he growls what is it that you want I will grant you three wishes three I of course do not want to waste your time would you allow me to quickly fetch my two companions seeing as the gym is destroyed fine but do not take too long I will be right back and I ilth scoot down the hallway that's what they call it yeah the ilod scoot yeah it's the new dance craze of 2024 all the kids are doing it check Tik Tok yeah I will go back to the chamber that Sila and star caller are in I will are remind me are they done resting or did I get up early you got up earlier but I imagine that you were all awake and aware by the time you left to go release the AF yeah so I return and I will uh get their attention and so I went a little off script I um what I I that's what so I it is not going to fix your uh it's not going to work the forge necessarily that was the plan but what I can give you is a wish like a you will have to be more specific I freed the genie the EIT and it agreed to give us three wishes and I wanted you to to partake there are three of us we each get one so you would do that for us I on second thought no well I mean if I'm 100% honest I sort of fear your sword if I came back and said hey I took three wishes from a genie that won't help you um an honest response he knows you well but I think it is beneficial we all come from different backgrounds and though there is tension I think our overall goals are aligned so call it a bonding experience I think Sila looks apprehensively at star collar I as you look at star caller his his grip is tight around Dawn's Edge um but he almost I think he looks probably almost like nervous in the way that you haven't seen him before this is this is a really huge opportunity I do not think I understand how Grand this may be could I wish for the coral City probably I'm a wish is among the farthest reaches of Arcane spellcraft almost breaching into the deific it's a realm of Arcane capability that very few Magi ever breach you could do quite powerful things with it and you what will you wish for I have already reserved decided H this is the one way besides killing him that I can cut my ties with orcus uh I think Sila kind of relaxes a little bit as you say that as she didn't know if that would be something you would go for um I think I will wish for something that will not change the past but hopefully protect the future I'm ready arus you see sir carac is like nodding and all like mouthing words for a second and like nods again I'm ready I am I am apprehensive to know what you could conjure but in the spirit of our recent conversations I am going to trust that you don't do anything more cataclysmic than what's already occurring well you have to choose between me and a demon Invasion I I'm glad I come out on the better side of that bargain in your estimation how does it feel to be the best of a bad situation exactly where I should be friend no I I can promise you this I I will I will be able to use this to make myself better to serve our aims better and he looks poly at Sila all of them I would like to get this over with let's not keep the Afra waiting I think he would as well indeed all right we return to the m shaft with the awaiting a fre all right you see them they're upper body fully formed their arms are crossed from like the waist down it's just kind of this sulfurous Smokey Trail and they turn to the for view as Vlad is following and he sees Sila and AR and he kind of scowls and you hear this kind of but no no front he does not attack and he kind of floats a little bit closer to you all and he says have you decided upon your wishes so that I may leave this plane I believe we have I will go first as I was the one who freed you I'm currently bound against my will to the demon Prince orcus he holds a phactory containing my my Essence with which he keeps his control I wish to I wish for that felter to be in my possession as a component and I will slam my staff down and the head will split open into the whirling meteorites and he'll Mo motion to to the center as a component of the center of my staff very well who is next I will go I have an important wish it is for the freedom and safety of a people called the na to continue protecting the underd dark from those who would seek to harm it and I would like for them to know that it was I Drusilla deith of the mighty Triton race who saved them you see the AF like Bend forward and look at you really quizzically and sternly he like he order and then his large face turns towards you oremus and you will my wish is simple by the Thousand broken blades I wish to join my power with Dawn's Edge that together we may have the strength to make the abyss Quake with fear the AF kind of floats back into this upright position and studies the three of you for a moment goes very well may the consequences and rewards be to your liking and he snaps his fingers and three things happen simultaneously however we're going to go through them One By One MH s you didn't mention consequences wait a minute what wait wait wait I forgot to be very specific yeah right no uh yeah you all burn in the plane of fire oh God Artemis just turns into the literal sun in the middle of the under Burns us all alive you fools what have you done I have ascended Artemis becomes a freaking Doom guy and it's just abys um in fact Artemus we start with you with the snap of his finger you all of a sudden find yourself in a white Infinite Space you can feel your feet on Solid ground but just white blinding nothingness surrounds you and as you look about you you finally begin to see something as you're kind of wandering this aimlessness and it's this light that begins to form a silhouette of a figure and this light continues to intensify and become darker almost like that of a flame until from it this figure strides Co coalescing into to a human shape however from their head Falls this radiant golden burning hair a pair of beautiful golden reddish Wings unfurl and then beat a couple of times as they land in front of you before settling and kind of folding up behind them they wear a set of very finely gilded plate armor but it's very an ancient looking and in within this feminine figure's hand they wield a fearsome looking battle X very similar to Dawn's Edge however the the essence that you feel coming off of this figure is the individual that you have spoken to the sentient part of Dawn's Edge and she kind of walks forward Wards towards you and her attire and she says here we stand and kind of looks down at herself something akin to the flesh emus indeed da it is an honor and I I hope my request is not too impertinent it isn't but I would know that the power that you seek and what you spoke of before the memories that haunt you that crafted you into who you are now will not throw a world into chaos that lives will not be needlessly thrown about with what I can give you I understand your hesitation my methods my weapon is fear but I believe I can strike fear Into the Heart of utter Darkness I will be the Lesser evil I will be The Shining aray of sun that burns the dark then when all is said and all is done I may too be in tombed this is a stance that I can understand for some of us are meant to bloody our hands While others stand to the side we all serve a purpose it was something that I was born and designed with in mind but for you to wield this power emis you must be reforged and it will be painful so take up your arms for here I will strike within you what it will be needed to be more roll for initiative follow nope just Andrew just just little old me dude's about to get pummeled by the Light of the sun what'd you get there bud uh 13 okay what if I see him suffering and I just want to get a quick lick in yeah just stab him in the side oh no you must have suffered that wound when you were fighting donza Hummer so Don's Edge you can still wield it as normal however it's not doing radiant damage because she stands in front of you it's just going to do regular slashing damage unless you use like a Smite or anything like that okay do so she is about 30 ft away from you obviously we're paying this theater of the Mind here but she flies forward at you in this mad charge and is going to swing twice with the same ax that you an Essence wield so that is a uh 18 to hit uh an 18 does not hit it does not hit so that first one you duck she sweeps over your head the second one you can see it's coming back uh that's a 27 to hit yeah that'll that'll do it that'll do it okay you take 12 points of slashing damage but wait there's more you take 16 points of fire damage oo as she cuts into you and you feel this searing within your body and she goes um she's just kind of like yelling at you as she makes contact you must inherit what is part of me and like this light is starting to like forcely come through your chest it burns horribly and is your turn all right then it shall be uh and his shield shield clatters to the floor uh as he is going to run up uh and like make a jumping twoand swing um with Dawn's Edge at Dawn's Edge okay beautiful uh that's a 26 to hit that is a hit all right so that's 15 points of slashing damage and I'm going to put in a second level Smite okay and that's 13 points of radiant all right all right and then I'm going to come again with another slash kind of he jumps up slashes down and like kind of does almost like a roundhouse swing trying to hit Center Mass you can see she's trying to like take small steps back to avoid but didn't didn't get so lucky with the first one what's the second one uh that's a dirty 20 that is a hit all right uh that is eight points of slashing and I'm going to use my uh other uh second level to land white okay uh and that is a clean 10 points of radiant damage all right uh you get through the grooves of her plate armor and she just immediately almost unfazed by it you can see that same light that spills from you where she cut you is starting to come from her in these wounds so this first swing is a 29 dance yep m y down let's see that is that is only nine points of slashing damage however where's that fire at uh wow rolls aren't huge on that ones you take 14 points of fire damage and she like as she cuts through and rents you she like grabs you by the chest and she goes do you have the strength to carry others not as a tyrant but as a hero and she like pushes you back and she swings again uh that is a 27 to hit yep uh that is 12 points of slashing and every time she makes contact you can feel your body just like change and this weight grow upon you and it feels like your bones are on fire your mind it feels like there's a migraine bursting through it uh that is 15 points of fire damage uh I am down and so as you fall as you Begin to Fall as these Cuts rent through your armor and this light comes through you she catches you almost in like a dip of like that dancers you know you're you're coming down she catches you she holds your hand she's got one arm behind you and she goes we will be bound you and I forever more until if I should say if you turn back on what you swore to me here don't I know that there is far more good in you than any evil so stay the course protect your friends and I will be here to catch you and you wink out into that white nothingness sael in the same moment with this snap your hand all of a sudden just like locks in its grip around your staff as pain Sears down your arm and up into your mind and you can't help but look up towards the staff as the meteorites are spinning and the very top of your staff where everything usually coagulates and shifts into this kind of semi spere you see it's kind of bulging and becomes more liquidy and it kind of molds in on itself until eventually like a drop of water overflowing about to fall this orb all of a sudden just appears at top the staff and it is of[Music] the most digian black darkness that you have ever seen and it stands in very St dark contrast to the almost Damascus metals of your your staff and the meteorites that kind of glow in Crystal around it but as your eyes continue to gaze into it and that pain continues to sear through your mind as you feel a piece of you a very significant piece of both your mind and your soul comes back to you you see shimmering purples and pink Hues and and what looks like the glimmers of Starlight within this orb and then your head snaps back with the pain and your vision goes dark entirely you're no longer within the Cave of the forge but within this darkness comes what was once a faded and hazy memory one which you thought you had recalled in form this is the memory memory of a tall pale figure with a large brimmed hat holding your small hand as you gaze up at them you see this lavender decorated tunic that has some fraying and some pwor upon it however as you come into this memory you realize the way that you had recalled it before months ago was not the entire truth something about this memory had been modified and you know it because now the comfort of this memory folds over you like a blanket and you know the events that transpire in this in this moment to be true you feel hunger gnawing at your belly and a cold that presses in around you you wear a ratty tunic and some horribly Fray What Might Have Been pants at some point but now they're more like shorts and as you Shuffle beside this this tall figure you walk upon a a space of clouds and ahead of you all you see is darkness and then the vastness of space and you you look up the This Tall figure and you say Sir where where are we going and this figure kind of glances down at you and goes oh well that none of that sir business we are headed to school and you look back at him school yes indeed one where your talents and mind will find a world waiting for you that you could have never imagined but uh there's a pause from you and then you find yourself saying what's school and why do I have to go and can't I stay and then your mind goes blank and we see worry cross your young face as you look back in the direction from which you were walking but you see the same sight just a large expanse of stars stretching far and wide and you can't seem to recall from which you came only that you felt cared for but in a different way than you feel now and This Tall figure kind of laughs and we can see his hat kind of ruffle about and he goes well school is a place of learning where you eat and play study make friends explore and and all sorts more I think you'll find it quite lovely and when you're done you'll have a hat just like mine The Tall figure's Face though while kind of smiling down at you saying this grows a little more grim as you both stop and he looks back at you looking into the the darkness Beyond and he goes I know it doesn't make quite much sense now and he walks back to you but one day you will understand and we see that smile kind of come back as he's trying to cheer you up and he goes now come along we have much to do and places to see but you Ponder these quick thoughts and these things that he said to you as your bare feet begin to leave the soft cloudlike surface to a rougher Cobblestone that begins to appear beneath you and we hear the soft echo of both pairs of your bare feet slapping on Stone kind of echoing out into the darkness and now as you hold this figure's hand again and you look forward that once Inky Darkness begins to change we see lights begin to appear that shine as brightly as stars and the Shadows begin to form the tangle of roofs and crooked chimneys and those lights now make more sense as they become bright lamp posts that illuminate a busy streets below you see figures begin to emerge from between the buildings and they're dressed in fine colorful robes and odd hats many of which similar to The Man Who walks besides you some of these folks stop to chat While others hurry along their way and children stop their parents by large Windows looking at the goodies within you can hear their voices like oh look look look look and as you get close to this large Main Street that leads up into the city the man lets go of your hand and spreads his arm wise and goes welcome to the city of knock and he seems to be beaming and and pride and he goes and that as he crouches beside you and he points up beyond the city is Aral Laura the finest Academy you will ever find and your newest home and we see looming far above the narrow winding streets sits a massive structure with towers and Cathedral likee arches buttresses going between them almost like a spiderweb and its shape gleams like that of a black gold in silver nebula the stone of which it is made is unlike anything that you can recall ever seeing but weirdly you don't know that you've seen anything like this city or this school before and you turn to look into the brown gleaming eyes of the man that crouches beside you and his eyes kind of crinkle with crow's feet as this large smile stretches across his face and he bounces to his feet and his once fin lavender tunic patched and torn in places whirls about his wiry Fame frame and he goes you and I are going to become great friends but first we need to exchange names and he takes off his large hat tucks it to his chest and he bows and holds out an arm and he goes I am iRig hesk what may I have the pleasure of calling you young master and you smile back but you stop as this thought comes to your mind and you say to him I don't have one and his his smile Fades and goes oh um well uh that just that just won't do and he straightens up and he goes a name is everything it's it's it's well it's who you are therefore we are just going to have to come up with one and he takes his large floppy hat and he places it upon your head and then he picks you up and throws you upon his shoulders and he goes you know this is actually quite wonderful not many people get to pick their own names so you must make it a good one and iRig continues on into the city of knock with you on his shoulders and we see a bright smile coming across your face as a whole new world of opportunities opens up before you Sila you see Artemis collapse to the ground you see sael in pain and gripping his staff and then he crumples to the ground and you look back to the apit and he kind of smirks and he goes I hope you ready take your blade in hand you will need it and he motions towards caliburn uh yeah s s will immediately grab her blade in a defensive position if he's like attacking them in their minds which is what she's thinking and he kind of Chuckles as you take this position and he snaps his finger once again and everything changes you don't feel the damp air of the forge you now feel much like Cel a comfort come over you as you find yourselves submerged in the cold Embrace of water and opening your eyes you gaze out Into the Depths that surround you and you see that you sit within a massive Subterranean cave one far larger than the one that even encompasses the city of dimar and in the midst of this cave upon a large Foundation of glowing coral and twisted Bedrock sits what you can tell was once a very proud and domineering castle some of its towers are now broken you can see their tops lay crumpled on the coral far below the openings that appear to look something like windows are as large as a house to you and you gasp as you see this because it's far it's a almost exact far grander and beautiful version of the City of Coral the stonework gleams with small lights that move about it as you see teams of fish moving around Illuminating it much in the same way as those caves did where you first found the chained na and you hear the af's voice all of a sudden enter into your head ready yourself an army awaits and has P your wish you want them to know it is yourself that freed them I grant you for a short time the fires and energies of my realm to burn within you act until your mission is complete or have it consume you and with that the voice Fades and you feel yourself compelled forward rushing through the water at a speed you've never felt before and that is until you reach the now ruined gate of this lofty Castle it stretches innumerable stories up above you as you look up and as you look forward through these broken hinged Coral Gates you see the depths of this Castle go on for far longer than you thought and this inside stands this massive Hall its lofty Heights reaching far up until you can see the the chamber above you see that there are branching hallways and openings that lead in numerous directions from this one grand chamber within and you see small orbs begin to approach roach along the the filigree almost those kind of small moving lines and waves that were carved into into the Rock and on these castle walls and they almost form a ring around you around this gate as you step forward that provides this beautiful light over yourself and everything before and on the floor of this Hall you see bodies both of large and huge humanoid creatures but also of sagin or Sagen marrow and more littering the floors and at the far back of this grand hall you see another smaller doorway but still huge compared to yourself and what strikes you about this door is that it's in incredibly similar to the structure of that of a jail cell door large thick bars and a set of weighty chains crisscross over it blocking any means of traveling Beyond it however you can just make out what appear to be huge figures behind it but your vision is drawn back into the hallway as from amongst the ruined halls and entryways begin to to swim and crawl forth an army of more marrows deep s Scions saakin and then in some of the larger hallways that reach higher up within this Castle you see large tentacles begin to emerge and they begin to split and pull forth the gelatinous likee forms of young Kraken now your eyes flip back to those Gates the smaller doorway and you see a figure appear their face pressed to the bars and you see that it's a huge blue skinned and purple-haired woman she holds herself in a similar manner to that of your own which is the bearing of a warrior her Silver Eyes gaze back at you with a mixture of both hope and confusion for a moment but then you see sadness cross them as she looks about at the Army between you and her and she pushes herself away from the bars you though begin to feel a warmth build within your chest like if you had taken a shot of whiskey it blooms and then it begins to reach into your limbs and this warmth becomes a flame and that flame quickly becomes an inferno as you feel that power this power that you've never felt before begin to infuse you and the army of monsters look to the bar doors of the prisoners and back to you and a young Kraken floating Above This Mass Roars and the Army Dives towards you now I'm going to preface this don't overthink it yeah what does Sila do here Silo super san you launch forward with blinding speed we only see the tiniest bubble Trail giving any indication as to where they had been before and before the first saag can even swing their Trident they feel a cold that they cannot fathom as your blade caliburn has already cleft through them and a dark bloody Cloud bursts into the water and as we are looking from farther back in the Army we just see several more as the monsters begin dying in droves it to others it looks like fireworks as the blood just pools in the water and they begin to fall to the floor below your blade slices and hws through every creature that comes before you nothing can stand in your way one of the small young Kraken comes down trying to twist into your form and you spearhead it straight through its Ma and right out the back end of it as many people begin to of this Army the Maro and the Sagen begin to realize that they are up against something they are so not equipped for they begin to start to run and flee but you chase them down it is a Slaughter unlike anything we had ever seen before and that large figure that was behind that bar door comes rushing back and watches in awe at the small figure just dashing through the water and they turn backwards and in a language we don't understand begins to clearly shout and we see in the chamber Beyond chained to the walls in the ceilings in the floor are a myriad of figures similar to herself and amongst their beaten and battered faces we see Smiles begin to creep and one of them begins to shift his chains and starts hammering on the wall and they begin to chant and it's this primal an aggressive beat that begins to ver reverberate throughout the halls and walls of this castle and it reaches your ears Sila and it just Stokes the fires even more something within you deep within you begins to build up and you continue to just burn through the last of this Army and as you cut through the last handful of Maro caliburn's blade was once coed with this Frosty ice but you feel a shift within it along its lengthy blade you feel this thrum of energy this vibration and you pause and you look down and you can see it it's like it's pulsating within your hand this energy along it and you see all that's left is the last still huge but young Kraken that bellowed before and everyone had launched to attack you and you can feel that fiery energy beginning to leave you and so with this last burst of energy you rock it forward and as like in a co uh cork screw you just swirl around this Kraken caliber and slices through it you come off the other side and as you cleave back in caliburn makes a connection we[Music] just that vibrating energy comes off in this pocket of air just envelops both you and the Kraken and it's just for a millisecond that you can feel that and then it comes crashing back in on itself and then this large emittance of Thunder just and the Kraken just sinks in chunks to The Frigid depths and you sit floating in this water with no enemies before you and that chanting from those figures begins to die down what do you do yeah am I am I correct that they they locked themselves away is that what I'm no it's like a barricade no no then yeah then sil's going straight to where that blue skinned purple-haired woman was to that wall she she would swim there and if she's still there is she yeah she she's watching you like perplexed but in awe and kind of happy mhm I do not believe I have much time my name is Sila deith I'm here to save you um what languages do you speak again great question um because I'm pretty sure you speak the one that they will want to speak here but I just uh undercommon common dwarvish and primordial okay she says back to you in primordial where did you come from what how do you wield the blade of my great great grandmother this blade has served me well I found it but there I do not believe I have much time it is such a long story I'm I'm in blingdenstone but I was transported here to save you to release you to save to save the underdark and the people within it and she looks like she's about to say something but this older somewhat feminine voice from farther back within the chamber pipes up and she says cut through the chest jines release the doors my granddaughter will do the rest and we will thank you hero but you are correct you do not have much time I can already feel deon's gaze upon us and your wish does not have much time left and you can see it's this elderly also blue gray skin but she has this extreme extremely long white hair that's also braided in different tendrils and she has this kind of wrinkled elderly look and she is chained to what looks like a throne she has these kind of white purple blue robes that kind of swirl about her with little patches of some like decorative armor but what do you do um I will expend every charge that is left within caliburn and Target the chains you do so and you slice through it explodes apart and that door just the the large woman behind it just wrenching what's left of it off in a way and tosses it to the side and she then grabs a number of the small weapons left by the marrows and begins picking at the locks to the other Na and freeing them and she gets to that elderly one amongst them and releases her and this figure walks towards you through the water they are 30 ft tall and they come up to you and they kind of like wave their hand like this and you can feel the water a current kind of build underneath you and push you up so that you are face to face with them and she says I am matriarch Rowan tempestus myself and my granddaughter Nadia thank you for what you have done here and there will come a time where we will meet again and we hope that it is sooner than later I have not been blessed with a vision from the gods as to when that time may occur but this and she reaches into the folds of her robes and she pulls out an oddl looking kind of trinket gives it to you and like she takes like one finger and like folds your hand over it and she's like this will bring you back to us you must aass Force Silla you must amass allies we will hold off Deon for as long as we may and we will join you again I know this you shall should hold this within your heart knowing it to be true that we will see each other again I will see you again I will not fail stay strong we shall and so shall you it has been many many years since I've seen that blade but I see a small spark beginning to form within it remembering its true self and she kind of traces her finger down the length of it yes it would not be wielded by one it did not deem worthy goodbye and you feel yourself getting sucked back but as you do you see the rest of the na have been freed and they are picking up their own arms and Shields and they begin swimming out through this castle and you can hear faintly in the background as you disappear a very very familiar Roar of Deon and then you all find yourselves back in that that cave this mine Sila you yourself find yourself on the floor you're covered in water caliburn lays beside you sael you're you find yourself laying face down on the ground Artemis your body hurts horrible you cannot remember a worst pain ever it feels like somebody twisted your muscles and bent your bones it is it is done then you are muted yeah you're muted sorry Bron does the great emis star caller feel pain I've have never not felt pain SEL I'm just usually the one giving it you should be a poet when this is done I think Sila lays on the ground like her arms like she's like I'm assuming very very tired um yeah you're exhausted and she's like she's like deep breathing and just thinking like muttering to herself like I did it it was amazing is the Ifrit still there no so this is what having your wish fulfilled feels like such a strange almost familiar magic yet so far beyond my comprehension this is truly absurd Sila I think will finally sit up like looking very dazed and she looks to sel did it work for you sael I will expand out the head of the staff again o opening it up to the the part that I had mentioned is my is there something there you see that black crystallin orb that sits within it and as you all look upon it you can see swirling within it is these purple pink yellow orange shoes and it it's almost like a Galaxy within it and seel for you it feels almost like where you stand your physical body body that almost feels wrong as the phactory which houses your soul sits within the staff but as you hold it you feel as one I have never been in more control of my being SEL is that the the Fela which you spoke I believe so I didn't want to ask in the middle of the wish but what is that and why is it important you've used extremely powerful Magics to summon what does this shiny Bobble do this is I will explain the uh ins and outs of minor lichdom to you it's looks like ink perhaps we have found your ink it's not ink I think it is it maybe let's not you know maybe let's try it first it is the part of my soul that orcus had claimed he no longer has it which means he no longer has me I see so you have in a way brought a piece of your soul back to you with your wish this is a noble deed I am sure he will be quite enraged by this action I don't believe that we will not have to deal with him later but for the time being we do not need to worry about the clarity of my actions I need an army what is a now oh wait wait I know this one it's a fish giant I learned this earlier I was successful and I believe that deeon is now attacking the na and they are in need of assistance well add them to the list can we put them at the top they can be high up there I can't swim is that going to be a problem where we're going I have something for that that's good if if they are powerful ancient beings I hope that they can hold their own for a short while still I think we still need to attend to gal grim and the amassing of said Army agreed as soon as we can Sila I believe they will be all right for a time would be very interested to meet these now it was amazing sael she's like gushing yeah she had purple hair and she said that my sword belonged to her grandmother that's a lot yes mhm sael is like I I imagine she's just like continuously gushing about like everything she did and how cool it was yeah yeah and seel is just relishing in the fact that for the first time since he fell she's looking at him with something other than disgust mhm and that's where we'll end our episode boy howdy you know that's one way to spend three wishes and I think we did pretty good uh thank you for viewing us again on our YouTube page check us out wherever fine podcasts are available as always like follow subscribes all the things and if you want to know more you want to chat you want to just come by and have a good time check us out on our Discord we'd love to have you see yall later until next can I put on clothes now no no

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