The party mops up the crocodile collective while Sephel struggles to break the surface. With a larger threat on its way, can the party reconvene and recover in time?
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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.
Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin
Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real
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The party mops up the crocodile collective while Sephel struggles to break the surface. With a larger threat on its way, can the party reconvene and recover in time?
Get in touch with us! Shoot an email to TheMadnessTable[at] or shoot us a DM over on Discord, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!
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Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition playthrough of Out of the Abyss adventure module, written by Wizards of the Coast.
Dungeon Master: William Johnston
All NPCs: William Johnston
Artomis Star Caller: Andrew Walker
Sephel: Brendan Proal
Scylla: Sam Conklin
Ice Cavern | Tabletop Audio
Latin Electro #10 | Dmyra
Cosa Peluda | Dmyra
Endgame | Tabletop Audio
Blackberry's Hedge | Secret Jane
Nerbuldar | Ambient Mixer
And Darkness Grew Like a Tree | Doctor Turtle
Night Sky | Jar of Flies
Kevin Macleod | Air Prelude
Kevin Macleod | Dreams Become Real
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or on our our website:
114 episodes what a crescendo of Joy oh happy day oh happy day and welcome to the Mad table we are going to have such a fun time fighting the river King and his many semiaquatic minions and if you're having a great time you should rate and review us if you're having a great time drop us a coin on coffee and or tell your mom about this podcast or your friends or your significant other or that guy you walk past every day on the way to work let him know about this quality podcast that they could be listening to and if you just can't get enough log on to the Discord we'd love to chat with you you can find this all at link theem Madness table it's a wonderful place to be just ask me I'm having a great time you know El is having a great time William Johnston take it away buddy thank you thank you thank you we are having a good time I am having a great time because um this is this was a beautiful impromptu fun teleportation got wrong that led me to make um at least 10 new maps uh for the all the possibilities that you guys could get to in this this Blood Moore area that I have created within a couple of days and so last time you guys have been murking Crocs you have found uh a crocodilian humanoid Shaman who has been commanding these crocodiles to attack you all in the name of the river King that you overheard a conversation where they were looking for this this goblinoid child and you had hidden that child away on one of these smaller kind of aisles in this this damp swamp um covering it with foliage and aremis uh kind of taking a fatherly like role almost uh and making sure that they are well protected now this Shaman has seemingly escaped and Artemis as Sila was in the waters these shallow Waters with these two crocodiles theel is captured in the draws jaws of this other crocodile being currently death rolled you have sprinted across to this other aisle where the shaman originally came from to find another lizard humanoid who you called out to and told essentially to stand and face me bring out the river King and uh it was like haha no but we'll send others um and that is where we left off it is still your turn emis you had just used your movement your bonus action to dash you are now on the edge of this Inlet and this creature is on the other side what do you want to do yes well sadly having given up my rogish levels I must use my full action to Dash and Aris his action will look down to grab Dawn's Edge and realize he left her on the other Island uh and will instead unhen a um a broken blade from his belt um and hold it ready though he doesn't have any nons smiting bonus action spells so he's just going to stand there okay stabby uh all right then I'm going to roll Initiative for this creature cuz I didn't think you'd see them honestly before they could fully run away uh so that puts them there okay uh next up is V who has seen Sila disappear into the water uh and can't really keep up with your quick moving form uh but here's Artemis calling out to another so she is going to use her movement to get about halfway across and is like reloading her crossbow uh and she's in the midst of this fog Cloud uh so she cannot see the target but she is actually so she'll use her yeah she'll use her action to dash across just gets outside of this fog Cloud next to you Artemis and sees the other uh lizard folk but cannot do anything sael you are currently being death rolled you took some damage so you need to make a constitution saving throw to see if you can continue to hold most minute meteors yep that is right fail fail fail shut up SEL makes SEL makes it to the surface teleports and Advantage oh I have Advantage I rolled a natural one um roll another one roll another one roll another one 16 Buddy damn it okay so you don't lose concentration of the spell you have your action to try and Escape how many meteors do you have left your bonus here so when you cast Ms I believe six uh orbit you okay so you've got four more so I've got four more trying to yeah six tiny meteors so I'm going to use my bonus action first I'm going to try to I'm just going to try to get this thing off of me here uh do I launch one or two how like is this thing looking hurt or can I not even see it it's so hard to tell because it is just a flurry of Bubbles and dark muddy water as you're being spun around in a circle I don't even know whose blood is messing up the water right now so pretty much yeah yeah okay um go ahead and make me a DEX saving throw I'm going to C I'm only going to shoot one okay okay uh that is a 19 okay so that's going to save so it's going to take half damage okay Jesus okay uh six for a total of three okay all right uh you get to use your action to try to break free from this grasp yeah I guess okay it's going to be harder cuz you're now in a death roll yep okay who hasn't found themselves in a death row every now and then I'm going to get them all [ __ ] out now or I better that's a natural one yikes ooh that is two in the same turn o oh man I feel like that needs to be punished here in this moment yep okay okay I have no fight uh it's not going to be much I'm going to give you a oh Jesus I was like I'm just going to give him a D6 worth of damage it won't be that much I rolled a six take six more as you are continuously rolled you are hurt go ahead and make another Constitution saving throw sure I almost imagine like that was me trying to like pull out and I just like tore more of the teeth through side as the roll was going ripping through what little flesh you have left um okay actually you would still have a good amount you haven't been damaged too much since no um that's that's two really good roles uh so 23 was the the highest of the con saves okay so you're fine you still have the the meteors here uh all right that is the end of your turn is should have[ __ ] launched both the crocodile to the left of the one that you are currently engaged with Sila it is their turn they whip around in the water and come back to attack you let's see if I can hit this AC of yours um probably not inconceivable that is a 13 no no okay all right so that is its turn there next up is the shaman the shaman the shaman the shaman y but he left he's not even here like what the big deal he's not around yeah I I don't see him I didn't yeah I didn't see him I don't have object permanent so he's not here yeah uh does it exist does not exist the crocodile that you are currently fighting with Sila then it's their turn as they then whip around on you and are going to attempt to bite you natural 20 uh uh oh boy so that's a 24 total if that makes a difference to you yeah but that is so that is going to be 14 points of piercing damage and you are now grappled and restrained in its M and it is then going to drag you uh can only do so at half speed so it's going to move 5 10 15 dragging you out further into deeper waters uh all right next up is crocodile one I mean amazing name I know uh that is the one that is currently death rolling sael now it's going to get worse because it's had you in its grip for longer oh it just gets like progressively yeah more more terrible that tracks yep all right there are the corresponding die I need all right this is not going to be good no Jesus cool that is love that that makes me feel good that is 18 points of bling damage make another Constitution saving throw so you have to make a con save against 18 yeah well it's half the damage so it's still half the damage so okay it's still 10 cuz half the damage or saying that it's only half the damage wow yeah uh okay that's a dirty 20 okay so you managed to keep it you are how are you doing by the way uh you know I've been better you took away that orcus Boon right of course I did I I did that a while ago uh yeah no not fantastic at all um I'm I am still a beefier wizard than some but it is it is running thin sure uh it is now vlad's turn who is currently circling uh 25 ft above the waters here okay so he is uh can I have him make another perception check to try to absolutely he can try okay come on dude uh how's a 21 serve him uh he can see deep in the waters this kind of like emerging of bubbles coming up to the surface and this larger cloud of silt so he believes he knows where the two of you are okay but he cannot see definite forms you guys are kind of a mast as one now yeah we're also like way down under there yeah you are 25 ft down so he is a total of 50 ft away from you yeah he would have to get like right up on the surface for even his breath weapon to have a chance to do anything um he would have to recharge oh yeah I should probably that's a three it doesn't um okay he is going to here's a thing I don't no no things he is going to partial blink oh great love that one that I gave him the dragon can once per per day blink up to 60 ft Away by traveling through the inner Plains so he is going to like go into a nose dive like this slit of uh tear in space opens beneath him he Dives right into it and it is going to open up next to that massive shadow where the crocodile is and he's going to out of it and uh bite attack hell yeah okay you're going to do it at disadvantage because of all the silt and everything going up in sure that's fair and yeah no that's fine disadvantage is enough I was going to be like if you[ __ ] up he hits you why do you hate me so much H would have done it to anybody I'm Savage he's so bloodthirsty I got a 19 you're in the blood Wars baby I got a 19 and a natural [ __ ] one I'm so over this o so so he's this is the end for so he like shoots out like about to to launch this bite and he didn't account for the fact that this thing is [ __ ] spinning and Limbs and tail are just going everywhere speed and he just get Mario G so he just gets like hit by a tail and like spins back into the water oh you want to hit you want to say that he got hit by a tail okay cool take two points of pleasing damage no [ __ ] you I'm not doing it I'm never describing anything cool again [ __ ] you all right all right cool you know what our listeners will appreciate that they like their content very Bland and boring that's why there are[Music] listeners I'll see them in Hell how dare you speak to the mty baddies like that wash your mouth out I know them best I know uh all right next up is the the other lizard man that was previously running away he kind of smirks and disappears Into The Mists as they continue to move off yeah you you better run yeah uh all right next up is Sila's turn you are in the M of this crocodile being dragged further into the waters you know it's going to start death rolling you if you can't get out of this soon Sila is uh being dragged away and she's like let's go um and she's going to bonus action Misty step and get away from it I'm not really going to go that far away cuz I want to be within stabbing distance MH but she quickly like disappears in this like I imagine it's bubbles underwater and then she reappears next to it and I'm going to make my first attack with my Trident for a 16 to hit uh yes that is a hit this one's going to be 15 points of piercing you see its form begin to as you do this horrible blow to it and you see it becomes the shaman as it unwi shapes you have done enough damage to revert its form she she stabs out it reverts back and Sila's like Jaw just like unhinges and her like tongue like unfurls and she goes in for another attack um how [ __ ] horrifying I think what I want to do uh it's like an angle fish in a great white shark had a baby and then that baby learned how to stab pretty much and and how to walk and run okay yep second attack with my Trident I don't think this is going to hit this is a 12 that is a Miss um now that I know it's the uh Shaman which I should have known before um can you can you call can you call out that die even though you know it missed Now call you going to use Precision die no I no I'm saying that I should have known that they were wild shaped before okay yeah no I'm not I'm going to roll the Precision die I'm going to be like I don't think you can after you already lost I'm going to action surge[ __ ] that's wor God damn it uh it's an 18 to hit that one yeah uh 17 points of piercing uh yeah he's looking really really freaking rough okay um I would like to with my second attack through the action surge grapple attempt to Grapple ooh okay so strength contest here correct not great I rolled a six for a total of an eight I rolled a two for a total of a 12 or not a 12 I'm sorry a nine oh my God I can't add 7 + 2 is okay so you managed to get this guy math is really difficult yeah sorry uh it's okay aramus huh you're useful in other ways what' you say well uh you still have your regular movement because you did use your bonus action to Misty step you could potentially drag them if you'd like I do want to do that um one of break his neck one of no one of the um you and I will made some like home brew Maneuvers and I want to do one of those which is when I'm grappling a creature I can bite them [ __ ] that's right we did give you this it's been so long since you busted any of these out or this might be I don't think I ever have because in my it just yeah it never really made sense before cuz I'm not going to like bite and ooze sure yeah get funky right all right they don't call for nothing she does three quick stab attacks ends up like grabbing them in like a choke hold and then she starts swimming deeper into the water and then she just like uh bites down on their neck for an additional Five Points of piercing uh you rip into their throat and you tear your teeth out and they become limp in your arms m yummy good deal yeah Sila just like swallow that crocodilian meat definitely that's good it's good eating uh yeah more CH more Chum in these Waters yeah the waters have got to be like just mud and blood and just swirling about everywhere um you know disturb sediment is one of the number one pollutants in our our nation's estuaries no shut up Indigo you're dead no that's but what what about the man but my uh weirdly enough when I went to uh when I went to Disney World we we ended up going to we spent a day and went to SeaWorld which I was like this is horrible this place is awful in so many ways my favorite spot was the freaking manatees cuz this one just kept doing somersaults in the water and slowly drifting just like full on nose planting into the glass just[Music] like it's just one brain cell in there having the best time Dance For Me SE cow fuing no yes all right let him cook next up is Artemis at the top of the fourth round h h[ __ ] well I suppose I still can't see SEL huh that's still thing oh God you can't see him even more the fog cloud has now disappeared though okay see so you can in it that something must have changed um 3T of water yeah I can say that you can see its back and head have crested the water there okay oh [ __ ] um uh I'll be right back uh and I'm going to move and dash across the water again so I can pick up Don Edge amazing kind of grimy down there what does think of starer I'm sorry you were very hot before and like not in like a weird way I just like phally understand it it hurt me too inside I didn't know that was a thing but it did I oh I uh delicate territory here um can just do you need healing no I don't think so can you be healed I I'm not sure I would say we should get back to it but I'm out of movement so we're going to stand here yeah good hustle thanks coach uh vzan is very like she is just befuddled by everybody because she's like she's only heard that you were these supposed Heroes of the underd dark I would be confusing and like so far one like only one person has been like oh this poor Goblin child like let's help him while two of you were like why do we give a[ __ ] um but she's she's certainly impressed by Sila in her like capabilities right now just out of the way she's a little bit concerned for sael because they've just disappeared and then emis she's just like interesting priorities um but it is now sel's turn okay oh actually uh no it's V it's V's turn actually sorry I was looking uh okay she is going to she's debating between pursuing the lizard man that was running off or taking care of the crocodile here um so she calls across the waters to you Artemis and she's like emus um I do not see your friend SEL I think it best to pursue the Lizardman though do you do you agree uh yes um proceed I will follow um maybe s of her incredible aquatic powers can find the squidman squidman oh yes your friend sorry and she he continues to move on to the Northeast 5 10 15 20 2 find[ __ ] don't worry about it I'm sure it's not a problem he's died many times before we'll remember him fondly yeah so she continues to move to the Northeast and can just now make out once again that retreating lizard man who is now kind of underneath the boughs of this tree to the far north on the revealed section of the map uh but she dashed to get that far so that is her turn to fell you are up yeah you know what's really cool when you're a wizard and you have all of these cool spells some of which teleport you out of situations like this and you forget all the [ __ ] that you have uh but it's fine we're already here uh[ __ ] it we're going to launch more meteors two more deck saves [ __ ] get them okay it's got to die didn't you just say you had like ways to get out of this yes but I'm not going to waste it if I can kill it with a bonus action uh natural 20 on the first one get [ __ ] maybe and a 12 on the second one okay finally it fails one of these uh so the first one uh six for a total of three is taking half damage there uh the second attack it's going to take the full brunt of eight points of damage reduced to oh the right okay no that's full you finally kill it thank the gods you are still however 25 ft deep in the water and you feel yourself sinking the last like couple of feet down to the bottom so you're a full 30 ft down cool cool but the crocodile is done you're discombobulated yeah I guess I'm going to start you don't have a swim speed this is difficult terrain I will say because you're Undead and because of your weight you can walk along the bottom it's just going to take you a while to get out well I can I mean I don't have a swi speed I can still technically swim right like I can it's just I think it's considered yeah half speed so it's it's the same thing as difficult to rain so or would that compound no I think I think it's just half speed if you don't have a swim speed it's definitely half it's definitely difficult to rain uh okay I guess yeah we'll keep with half speed you if you're walking back to the aisle that you came from you are going up a slope uh I don't have the exact Pythagoras but I would assume it's probably like 45 ft back to the actual Edge all right so I will start can I well that's actually a question can I see the edge of land anywhere uh you can see you can see the waters rising and then this tree to the west of you you can see its roots reaching down Into the Depths and kind of co-mingling with the the dirt and silt and stuff okay I can't justify wasting a third level spell to get out of the water so I'm going to just um I'm going to dash so I'm going to move 30 ft towards the surface or like up that slope to in the direction that you came from yeah so to the South okay uh I would say so you're moving 30 ft yeah so Mak yourself like 15 ft away from the the edge of this land here cuz I said it was 45 at an angle um okay is that the end of your turn that is the end of my turn all right Croc number four the only crocodilian remaining is going to whip around on Sila seeing it having just killed the shaman and is going to attempt to bite you uh that's probably a Miss 16 yeah Miss okay that is the end of that crocodile's turn the shaman is dead crocodile 1 is dead it is vlad's turn Vlad I will say now can probably uh see your receding form in the water going towards like the edge Brandon all just looking into a[Music] thing that was that was a hor check out my God my I'm sorry are we boring you no it's been a [ __ ] day I apologize it's vlad's turn see I'm going towards the edge of the water okay Jesus Christ I killed the Croc I'm out yeah okay it's all good dude it's all good uh yeah my bad so he's so he sees me going back or he sees something going back um he's going to start so he has the 60 fly speed he's going to make a beine for this other he's in the water so his movement be back to his uh like walking speed I think I gave him a swim speed though right oh right right uh yeah Vlad has a no he does not have a swim speed he has uh he has a fly speed and he has a burrow speed oh that's right so technically then he can't swim [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up then um so he's at half speed so he's going to and he already used his partial blink so he's just going to swim straight up um at a Dash and try to get to the surface which he would be able to go 30t Dash he just breaks this surface and get some air and for next turn would you say he's is he able to launch into a fly from the water or would he have to be in the ground or on the ground uh I will say make an Athletics check to see if he can if he can get his wings out and above enough to to do so all right that'll be next turn uh next next up is the the lizard folk who can hear vasana coming and uh he is then going to very quickly dive into the waters and disappear from view that is their turn Sila you are up there's a Crocodile behind you attacking you the shaman dead in your arms what do you do it's Croc time C 21 to hit absolutely it's a hit 17 points of piercing holy [ __ ] on this episode of Sila crocodile hunter you experience Croc time CR time it is hardly holding on to[Music] how does a 24 to hit sound for that second attack that's absolutely a[Music] hit 14 piing describe your kill it had two hit points left this is this is a uh uh a stab onto its like side and then as it like whips around to face her the Trident goes straight into its mouth and through its uh top nice through through its top yes um a lot of skewering a lot of skewering so much of it can you a kebab shock out here this a kebab a Croc Kebab can you make me a perception check uh advantage in these bloody murky Waters first one is 11 plus 2 through 13 second one is an 18 plus two for 20 so 13 okay so 13 you see coming out from underneath the Robes of the like falling through the waters body of the shaman all sorts of small black forms that quickly like disappear out into the waters you see that it's like a swarm of leeches heing from underneath its cloak and that's all you see um if I can burn the swamp to the ground guys yeah that's disgusting but it's heading in a certain direction a yes it seems to be going towards the north e okay um I would like to use my movement to get up to the surface and look around you can stand you're in the shallow Waters oh yeah that's right my bad um so I stand and I look around and I see friends you see Artemis you don't see sael I will say that you can see vas just through like the cover of the tree uh and they seem to be running to the north trying to like high high knee it through these Waters okay uh all right yeah uh she stands up in the water looks around quickly looks back at safel safel the shaman dissolved into a pile of leeches and his heading this direction I will also go this way and then she starts sprinting the body didn't dissolve it just like leeches came off of its body yeah the body is still drifting to the ground it's just like they detached off of it that's don't get us wrong still bad still very bad still gross still gross uh so she'll shout that out and uh you could probably hear their muffled sound for is he like when you say I can see him is he he's not he hasn't broke the surface no you can see emis you can't see seel because you're above the water now if you were down below you could see him going up towards the surface basically uh uh then she will shout that to Artemis but if she can't see sael then that is her first concern so um I will say if you like if you then if you're preparing to like move into the waters when you duck down in you do see them okay cool yeah I think she was like about to look for him sees him and then does a quick gesture and then swims off okay uh go ahead and show me where you're swimming to so if I have to reveal any of the map you have the full 60 ft[Music] here uh 30 I'm doing it off of your got it got it got it yeah yeah so you can see that there is more land kind of stretching to the north this area of water is getting deeper the leeches if that's what you were kind of following the the Swarm seems to be kind of breaking up into smaller the like smaller individual ones in dispersing amongst the waters uh you do see vasana is high it through these shallow Waters kind of going towards the north um okay all right make me another perception check not at disadvantage uh it's only an eight that's enough you feel like you hear the sounds of something very large moving through the water towards your direction m um I think at that it is a quick shout to visana vanana something heads in our Direction break yeah it's like it's like she gets there and then she like pops her head out and it's like something large Heads This Way uh all right um fall back for the moment then yes yes we should regroup uh and you you can see that she's going to prepare turn around and and Retreat essentially as soon as it gets back to her turn I think that's a good plan okay uh that is the end of your turn we're going to stay in initiative here Artemis it's your turn Okay um hearing Sila um holler out I'm going to go ahead and get I want to improve my position here so I'm going to once once again Dash across the shallows um to this eyet here okay all right you dash across you make it to that side that's uh all you're doing for your turn yeah yep yep that's all I got exuse well I guess if it if it's not already uh I'm going to reill umin Dawn's Edge if she had gone out after being dropped um I would say so yeah so yeah so she I mean she consequence first again um which actually if you ever put your high beams on the fog actually makes things worse so correct yes um uh all right when you're driving kids if you're in fog don't hit your high beams you're going to have to go slow actually fog is the most dangerous weather condition by uh uh vehicular fatalities thank you for sharing that that good that so outside the scope of this but Jesus thank you all for the more you know graphic over uh all right it is V's turn and she Retreats back to the aisle and um she kind of calls out to youill and she's like do you are you hurt can I help you in some way I'm all right but perhaps check on the others timus how is your I am a okay I would um maybe check on seel he was I think perhaps underwater for longer than I realized uh all right sael it's your turn sael at that point if I'm 15 feet away I can use my full movement to get up uh sort of like breaks the surface pulls himself up by the The Roots I[ __ ] hate the water you'd think with the tentacle Parts he'd be happier about that yeah well see they're all localized in the face they don't do a whole lot of good there so just use your whiskers to make you swim faster yeah right uh do do the thing that Sila does by crawling but with your tentacles yeah right pull forward it's like an octopus just like floating through the dirt but there's a whole human body whole body though is like a hand is like in a handstand above it though as you're just bouncing across so yeah he um he pulls himself up uh and he he looks around he sees that Vlad is is at the top of the water and relatively fine uh and he just starts like ringing out his robes okay all right uh that is seel's turn it is now vlad's turn Okay Vlad is going to let's go ahead and make that Athletics check see if he can get get himself back up into the air yep um so Athletics is not one of his skills but that would just be a strength roll then okay it's a 12 uh that is enough for him to break from the water okay so he's going to he unfurls his wings does that little Shake thing to get all the water drop off and launches himself into the air um and he's going to start heading in the direction of uh all of the others so sort of in this East Northeast Direction uh would you say that would have cost movement to get up into the air or does he have his full flight speed uh I'll say it cost him 10 ft of movement all right that's fair beautiful uh all right next up let me just double check here real quick we yes okay um is that not there yeah all right Sila it is your turn Okay I want to uh take a greater healing potion with my action uh is this the rule where we get the uh if you take it as an action you get the max yes okay great optional rules coming into play giving Silla extra Health today it's very needed um I thought you said you were fine freaking it was more that I knew I had the resource and I don't know what vanana has and she might be more useful in combat as opposed to my potion which I can take right now um or toel yeah or toel uh and I'm going to Sila is going to like pop the potion quickly and walk the 30 ft to be between bana and emis on this uh aisle um I I did not see it however I heard something that sounded quite large and which I can only assume to be the river King I I'm not sure that we we may be sitting ducks here I'm not sure what this Beast could possibly be like a a bigger crocodile maybe like just like really big possibly it was quite strange that when the shaman was had passed there were many leeches and based on the leech information we had heard from the child perhaps it is a croca leach or a leech dial that is I'm afraid I haven't scenario before I had not either but it would um perhaps it's best we set up some kind of defensive position of of some kind perhaps I think that is a great idea how might what do we have to do that with it's just entirely up how how do you guys want to set each other uh yourselves up you have lots of cover using trees you have the water here um are we still initiative order or is this just a long still in initiative order okay yeah I'm just kind of like free speech action I will say uh that is the end of Sila's turn as like there's this quick agreement of like perhaps a ensive perimeter star caller it's your turn um I think all right uh e to our strengths then I will find a good firing position um and I'm going to run up to this tree to the Northern end of the small iset and I'm going to climb up to the well how high is this tree there will this tree is probably about 60 ft tall okay uh I'm going to do my best to climb up um it's just like maybe like 15 20 ft above the ground if I can okay sure um all and then I I will use my my action to just ready in action of eldri BL if the need come El BL Eat Your Heart Out Willington uh all right that is star caller's turn it is vas's was here she is little nervous but she is going to she runs over to you uh Sila and she goes you've already had an understanding of perhaps what comes for us I only mean to Aid you with that and she is going to cast Hunter's sense you touch one willing creature while this spell is active the target senses are heightened if the target rolls a nine or below on the die when making a wisdom perception check they instead act as if they rolled a 10 so you cannot roll below a 10 essentially on your wisdom perception check um let me just double check oh that's concentration for up to a minute okay um and then so that's her act she is uh yeah she's going to then yeah she gets down on one knee once again kind of races her crossbow and she's like I will attempt to stay close that is the best way that I can agid you and perhaps um attack as swiftly as possible and all right that is her turn to fell you are up okay you can see your friends are tensed like something's something something's happening all right uh is anything if I were to make a straight line east across to the other island is there deep water in there that I would have to swim or would I have would I be able to dash across um the water in between the two aisles there is difficult ter rain it's only 5 ft deep you don't have to swim okay[Music] so I can get so if I'm dashing I can get 510 15 to the edge there and then I would essentially have 20 ft is my math think my math is dumb um n none of us here are mathematicians yeah I think I can I sure are listeners the Matty baddies understand this yeah they know how or they're extremely upset well cuz I have a total of 60 I would have 45 left so yeah I would technically have 20 ft round it if we round it down so that's fine so I can get across there I'm halfway across to the other Island um okay just sort of making my way that way um Mak my way and I will say as I get to the like right before I get into the water at the edge I'm like I'm going to pop out a basic healing potion and I'm going to bonus action take that so I will roll you're going to roll for it all right roll for it as is making their their way across and is popping this potion I need Artemis and Vlad from your elevated positions to make me perception checks I'm gonna guide myself Jes perception I'm going to do away with that after this episode not my spells not my beautiful spells just just knock guidance on yourself I understand uh nine perception points nine okay 17 for Vlad Vlad sees almost directly underneath them about 10 ft to the Northwest is a huge Shadow moving underneath the water I'm in danger but it seems like it's still like it slows down for a moment Vlad sees it kind of come to a stop as seel is splashing through the waters to the uh next up is vlad's turn okay now knowing that information what is Vlad do yeah so I'm not going to speak for him I'll let you do that but he is going to call out that information no I I mean in this moment I will say you can absolutely call out for I can't do his voice uh just Channel your inner angsty kid shouldn't be that hard right you mean yesterday yeah yeah um oh God and he's going to oh [ __ ] no I don't get the plasma breath back either so we can't prep that so yeah he's just going to let everybody know my brain is absolutely farting on his voice right now but yeah he's just letting people know that there's a Giant Shadow something huge is moving through the water not far from me SEL get out of the water thank you okay uh starts paddling a little bit faster just manically it's hardly doing anything keep moving faster uh all right I hate so Vlad is going to keep circling there yes yeah he's sort of at this point he's like trying to make sure s gets across alive sure Sila you hear this information it is your turn what do you want to do yes um I would like to use my action um to take out the gem given to me by emis and break it summoning an earth Elemental ah Jesus as we're considering our defenses all right Earth Elemental shabam appears okay and then uh uh so it's it's friendly for the duration while have concentration uh but we have to roll Initiative for it it has its own turn it obeys verbal commands no action required and if I don't issue any commands it defends itself otherwise it doesn't take an action okay so uh repeat that again you have to use a bonus action to command it no it's uh no action to command it it's just I have to be able to hear it to hear the command Okay um and so Sila will tell it Warrior you will defend[Music] us yes there is a large being in the water that will appear you will attack the large being when you see it good I like this guy he gets it I agree uh and then it turns and it's like a hockey goalie he just like gloves up just oh yeah uh with my movement I'm going to get all 30 feet over to safel I can't help him with my action but I'm at least nearby hey girl hey you hurry I'm C curious because we established this that you are like fine in this 3 ft of water and you have this super improved Vision do you dip your head into the water to see what this thing is hell yeah you want to do it yeah do I do okay so you run over you say this to sael and then you're like and then I dunk my I'm gonna just I'm just see what's GNA take a peek Sila dunks her head down into the water and like quickly just turns it to the side and you see staring right back at you are nine monstrous heads as you see a hyra beginning to move towards the surface and you just see all of its heads at once it's just and that's where we'll leave it this week boyy know this is a CR appropriate fight for Our Heroes who hopefully won't die man s shouldn't be in the water but here we are no no no uh if you want to make us your River King hop on down to coffee and drop us a coin a review on your podcast of your choice would be lovely and if you want to roll your own initiative come on down to our Discord it's just just a lovely time you know I I I would recommend it to everyone including uh our mothers collectively they should all come as well and join the Discord we'll have a channel just for moms it's not weird that I just said that out loud and we'll see you next time on the madness T bye